Talk:Lilly Satou/@comment-

I liked Lily's path the best. It tugged on the ol' heart strings the most, if you ask me, well for the things that happened after Hisao arrived there. If you asked me for things that happened brfore then Hanako and her past pulled o them the most, I mean a fire starts in your house and everyone but you dies and you are left physically and emotionally scarred by it. Beig bullied before and after that at school so you start to not trust anyone. Also Lily's past also tugs on the heart strings, your parents just get up and leave you, at 12, and your teenage sister to live and fend for yourselves and your older sister having to work all the time, you woukd be very lonely, and she had to do things that are dangerous if you blind and doing them for the first time. 

Any way, I also felt like Hisao cared more about her for some reason. He risked giving himself a heart attack multiple times with Emi and Hanako, I havent played Shizune or Rin's paths yet but I doubt i will like them better than Lily's. Hisao actually gave himself a heart attack over Lily by running and pushing himself really hard so he could se her again, apologize, and try to get her to stay. I got more into Lily's path, with Emi and Hakano I took breaks in them becuase i would get tired so id save and go to bed, but with Lily's I did not get tired at all, it interested me  more. Also with Lily's, you had Lily and Hakano there for the basically the whole thing, and you ended up making both girls very happy at the end of it. you being with Lily who you love and she loves you and Hakano comes out of her shell, makes friends, joins a club, and becomes very very happy because of you. 

I had one complaint, Hakano was also torn up about Lily leaving so they could have had an extra scene or two where Hisao call and make plans to hang out with Hanako and Hisao shows up holding Lily's hand, or something. They should have something involving the three of them at the end. 

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