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*[[Emi Ibarazaki]]
*[[Emi Ibarazaki]]
*[[Yuuko Shirakawa]]
*[[Yuuko Shirakawa]]
*[[Rin Tezuka]]
|prev = [[Lunch and Science/Transcript|Lunch and Science]]
|prev = [[Lunch and Science/Transcript|Lunch and Science]]
|next = [[Storage Space/Transcript|Storage Space]]
|next = [[Storage Space/Transcript|Storage Space]]
}}NARRATOR: "The library is cooler, I think, than the rest of the building. Probably to keep the books from getting damaged by excessive heat or cold, or humidity. Books are hardy things, but if you want to keep them in good condition it takes a little effort. I've got several books that are so well-worn the pages are barely clinging to the spine. It seems impossible for them to still be useable, but if you handle them with care... I make my way to the main desk, where I spot Yuuko busying herself with something or another. She smiles at me as I enter and waves."
}}NARRATOR: "The library always seems cooler than the rest of the building. Probably to keep the books from getting damaged by excessive heat and humidity. Books are sturdy objects, but if you want to keep them in good condition it takes a little effort. I've got several books that are so well-worn the pages are barely clinging to the spine. It seems impossible for them to still be usable, but if you handle them with care... I make my way to the main desk, where I spot Yuuko busying herself with something or another. She smiles at me as I enter and waves."

YUUKO: "Hello, Hisao. Good to see you again! What are you looking for this time?"
YUUKO: "Hello, Hisao. Good to see you again! What are you looking for this time?"

HISAO: "Nothing in particular, I guess. I just didn't really feel like going back to my room is all."
HISAO: "Nothing in particular, I guess. I just didn't really feel like going back to my room, is all."

NARRATOR: "Yuuko nods."
NARRATOR: "Yuuko nods."
Line 24: Line 25:
YUUKO: "Come closer."
YUUKO: "Come closer."

NARRATOR: "I give a few hesitant steps forward while feeling distinctly unnerved. Yuuko lowers her voice to a confidential whisper."
NARRATOR: "I take a few hesitant steps forward while feeling distinctly unnerved. Yuuko lowers her voice to a confidential whisper."

YUUKO: "I'm on the trail of the Yamaku Cat Burglar."
YUUKO: "I'm on the trail of the Yamaku Cat Burglar."
Line 54: Line 55:
YUUKO: "Are you nuts? He can't know I'm on to him! He might go to ground and evade capture!"
YUUKO: "Are you nuts? He can't know I'm on to him! He might go to ground and evade capture!"

HISAO: "Uh...huh. So what do you need my help with, then?"
HISAO: "Uh... huh. So what do you need my help with, then?"

NARRATOR: "Yuuko casts another glance around the library and leans in closer."
NARRATOR: "Yuuko casts another glance around the library and leans in closer."
Line 64: Line 65:
YUUKO: "Yeah, like when you're in the dorms, you know. Keep an eye out for suspicious activity."
YUUKO: "Yeah, like when you're in the dorms, you know. Keep an eye out for suspicious activity."

NARRATOR: "What constitutes suspicious, anyway? I mean [[Kenji]]'s a pretty suspicious dude, but I'll wager he barely goes to class, much less sneaks into the library to pilfer books. Still, what's the harm in saying yes? At the least it'll get me out of this weird conversation."
NARRATOR: "What constitutes suspicious, anyway? I mean Kenji's a pretty suspicious dude, but I'll wager he barely goes to class, much less sneaks into the library to pilfer books. Still, what's the harm in saying yes? At the least it'll get me out of this weird conversation."

HISAO: "Yeah, I can do that. No problem."
HISAO: "Yeah, I can do that. No problem."
Line 84: Line 85:
HISAO: "Impressive. Anyway, yes. We've been running in the mornings. And uh, we kinda started dating."
HISAO: "Impressive. Anyway, yes. We've been running in the mornings. And uh, we kinda started dating."

NARRATOR: "I have no idea why I mention this fact to Yuuko. Probably because she just seems like the sort of person who'd want to know. Or maybe because I just want to tell someone about it. I mean it's not every day you get a girlfriend. So the desire to tell people about it is, I confess, a little strong. Yuuko claps her hands together excitedly."
NARRATOR: "Yuuko claps her hands together excitedly."

YUUKO: "Really? That's great! I'll bet you two are great together! I love seeing people find one another like that, you know? I even thought to myself when you walked into the [[Shanghai]] that one time, “I wonder if that kid will wind up with one of those girls.”"
YUUKO: "Really? That's great! I'll bet you two are great together! I love seeing people find one another like that, you know? I even thought to myself when you walked into the Shanghai that one time, “I wonder if that kid will wind up with one of those girls.”"

HISAO: "...Really?"
HISAO: "...Really?"
Line 100: Line 101:
HISAO: "Aw, I'm sure that's not true."
HISAO: "Aw, I'm sure that's not true."

YUUKO: "Oh, it's true. I met this guy once... We got along really great, but it turned out he was younger than me. And that was kinda weird, but not terribly so. What was really weird was that he disappeared one day and I've not seen him since."
YUUKO: "Oh, it's true. I met this guy once... We got along really great, but it turned out he was younger than me. And that was kinda weird, but not terribly so. What was really weird was that he disappeared one day, and I've not seen him since then."

HISAO: "Huh. That does seem kind of odd."
HISAO: "Huh. That does seem kind of odd."
Line 110: Line 111:
HISAO: "I'm sure it wasn't."
HISAO: "I'm sure it wasn't."

NARRATOR: "I half-expect to have to elaborate, but this seems to calm down Yuuko."
NARRATOR: "I intend to try and calm her down further, but the both of us jump in surprise at the ringing suddenly coming from my pocket. Yuuko sighs to steady herself as I pull the phone from my pocket. I feel a little sheepish for indirectly causing the incident."

YUUKO: "You don't think it was because he was—"
<p style="text-align:center;">[[File:school_library_yuuko_blurred.jpg|700px]]</p>
NARRATOR: "But I never find out what he was, because quite suddenly the phone at the reference desk begins to ring."
YUUKO: "What? That phone never rings!"
NARRATOR: "Muttering, she picks up the phone and answers it cheerily."
YUUKO: "Yamaku Library reference desk~"
NARRATOR: "The professional friendly lilt at the end of her sentence makes me think of [[Misha]]."
YUUKO: "Oh, hello Emi."
NARRATOR: "She shoots me a look with a raised eyebrow."
YUUKO: "Yes, he's here. Yes, of course."
NARRATOR: "She hands me the receiver with a puzzled look."
YUUKO: "It's for you."
NARRATOR: "Confused, I hesitate for a moment before speaking."

HISAO: "Emi? What's up?"
HISAO: "Emi? What's up?"

EMI: "Oh thank God I don't have your room number and I couldn't think of where you would be other than here and I can't—"  
EMI: "Oh thank God I haven't called your phone before so I didn't know if this number would work or whether you would pick up and I can't—"

HISAO: "Woah there Emi, slow down."
HISAO: "Woah there Emi, slow down. What's wrong?"
HISAO: "What's wrong?"

NARRATOR: "There's a pause on the other side of the line, during which I can hear Emi trying to control her breathing in order to calm down. Something's got her terribly agitated, and it's starting to agitate me."
NARRATOR: "There's a pause on the other side of the line, during which I can hear Emi trying to control her breathing in order to calm down. Something's got her terribly agitated, and it's starting to agitate me."
Line 158: Line 135:
HISAO: "See you soon."
HISAO: "See you soon."

NARRATOR: "I hang up the phone, apologize to Yuuko for running off, and run off. Perhaps at some point I would have stopped to think about the lateness of the hour, or how suspicious it looks for a guy to enter the girl's dorm at this hour. Except right now I'm just concerned with getting to Emi and finding out what's wrong and how I can help her. I knock on the door and am greeted with a subdued “Come in.”"
NARRATOR: "I press the button to end the call before slipping the phone back into my pocket, apologize to Yuuko for running off, and run off. Perhaps at some point I would have stopped to think about the time, or how suspicious it looks for a guy to enter the girls' dorm at this hour. Except right now I'm just concerned with getting to Emi and finding out what's wrong and how I can help her. I knock on the door and am greeted with a subdued “Come in.”"

NARRATOR: "Something is very wrong as I stare at the scene before me. Emi's there, yes. But she's in a wheelchair. And her legs are missing. I glance around the room and see them sitting in a corner, looking like they've been thrown there. Emi responds to my entrance with a lopsided grin that is both pleased to see me and completely, utterly heartbroken."
NARRATOR: "Something is very wrong as I stare at the scene before me. Emi's there, yes. But she's in a wheelchair. And her legs are missing. I glance around the room and see them sitting in a corner, looking like they've been thrown there. Emi responds to my entrance with a lopsided grin that is both pleased to see me and completely, utterly heartbroken."

<div style="text-align:center">[[File:Emi in her wheelchair.png|700px]]</div>
EMI: "Hi, Hisao."
NARRATOR: "It looks like she's been crying, but if she was, she's stopped now. I notice that I'm a little out of breath, having taken the stairs two at a time in order to get here. My heart doesn't seem to mind the strain, though. I file this happy fact away for later consideration. Like when I am not staring somewhat dumbstruck at my girlfriend in a wheelchair. Realizing I've still not responded to her greeting, my brain lurches into gear."

HISAO: "Emi? What happened?"
HISAO: "Emi? What happened?"
Line 174: Line 153:
HISAO: "Y-yeah, that's good, right?"
HISAO: "Y-yeah, that's good, right?"

NARRATOR: "My awkward attempt to look on the bright side seems appreciated. But not really effective. Emi shrugs again."
NARRATOR: "My awkward attempt to look on the bright side seems appreciated, but not really effective. Emi shrugs again."

EMI: "It's just... kind of a nuisance. I mean, we can't even eat up on the roof now. No wheelchair access."
EMI: "It's just... kind of a nuisance. I mean, we can't even eat up on the roof now. No wheelchair access."
Line 182: Line 161:
NARRATOR: "That lopsided grin again. It hurts to look at."
NARRATOR: "That lopsided grin again. It hurts to look at."

EMI: "I suppose so, yeah. But like I said, it's a nuisance. I mean, I haven't used a wheelchair extensively in..."
EMI: "I suppose so, yeah. But like I said, it's a nuisance. I mean, I haven't really used a wheelchair in..."

NARRATOR: "She thinks for a minute."
NARRATOR: "She thinks for a minute."
Line 208: Line 187:
HISAO: "I'm not a prude! I just wouldn't want to take advantage of a young woman such as yourself. It's ungentlemanly."
HISAO: "I'm not a prude! I just wouldn't want to take advantage of a young woman such as yourself. It's ungentlemanly."

NARRATOR: "I wheel Emi's chair to her bed, and easily scoop her up and deposit her there. She's actually a little heavier than she looks. It would be rude of me to observe this aloud, of course."
NARRATOR: "I wheel Emi's chair to her bed, and easily scoop her up and deposit her there. She quickly sorts herself out and sits on the side. She's actually a little heavier than she looks. It would be rude of me to observe this aloud, of course."

HISAO: "Man, you're kind of heavy."
HISAO: "Man, you're kind of heavy."
Line 216: Line 195:
EMI: "Ass."
EMI: "Ass."

HISAO: "Just sayin' is all. Must be all that running."
HISAO: "Just sayin', is all. Must be all that running."

NARRATOR: "At the mention of running Emi's grin falters slightly."
NARRATOR: "At the mention of running Emi's grin falters slightly."

EMI: "Heh, well I guess I won't have to worry about that for a bit, huh? Maybe I'll lose some weight."
EMI: "Heh, well I guess I won't have to worry about that for a bit, huh? Maybe I'll lose some weight."
NARRATOR: "She shuffles to the side so taht I can sit down next to her, and I do so gratefully."

HISAO: "That's what you do to lose weight, right? Cease physical activity?"
HISAO: "That's what you do to lose weight, right? Cease physical activity?"
Line 228: Line 205:
EMI: "I'm pretty sure that's what the nurse would recommend."
EMI: "I'm pretty sure that's what the nurse would recommend."

HISAO: "Speaking of, are you going to still be showing up in the mornings? I'd hate to run alo—"
HISAO: "Speaking of which, are you going to still be showing up in the mornings? I'd hate to run alo—"

EMI: "Ah, shit..."
EMI: "Ah, shit..."

NARRATOR: "Emi's sudden interjection causes me to look over in shock. She's leaning forward, trying to cover the fact that she's crying by covering her eyes with a hand. Of course, the subdued sobbing makes it pretty obvious that she's crying."
NARRATOR: "Emi's sudden interjection, more a disquieted muttering than anything too profane, causes me to look over in shock. She's leaning forward, trying to cover the fact that she's crying by covering her eyes with a hand. Of course, the subdued sobbing makes it pretty obvious that she's crying."

HISAO: "Hey, I'm sorry. Forget I said anything, okay?"
HISAO: "Hey, I'm sorry. Forget I said anything, okay?"

NARRATOR: "I place a hand gingerly around her and pull her close. Emi wraps me in a hug and stays that way for a while."
NARRATOR: "I place a hand gingerly around her and pull her close. I can think of nothing else to say or do. How do you comfort someone who's just lost their legs again? Emi wraps me in a hug and stays that way for a while."

HISAO: "Sorry. I'm pretty bad at this whole comforting thing, I guess."
HISAO: "Sorry. I'm pretty bad at this whole comforting thing, I guess."
Line 252: Line 229:
NARRATOR: "She's grinning lopsidedly, and something sparkles in her gaze. I can't tell if I'm being mocked or not."
NARRATOR: "She's grinning lopsidedly, and something sparkles in her gaze. I can't tell if I'm being mocked or not."

HISAO: "Of course. I mean sure, you're a bit heavy, but—mmph!"
HISAO: "Of course. I mean sure, you're a bit heavy, but -"

NARRATOR: "My witty comment is cut off by the sudden press of Emi's lips on mine. I'm caught off guard, and am rewarded by hitting my head on the wall behind her bed."
NARRATOR: "Mmph! My witty comment is cut off by the sudden press of Emi's lips on mine. I'm caught off guard, and am rewarded by hitting my head on the wall behind her bed."

HISAO: "Ow."
HISAO: "Ow."

NARRATOR: "Emi pulls back, trying not to look concerned rather than like she's about to laugh."
NARRATOR: "Emi pulls back, trying to look concerned rather than like she's about to laugh."

EMI: "Are you okay? Sorry!"
EMI: "Are you okay? Sorry!"
Line 264: Line 241:
NARRATOR: "I rub my head ruefully and grin back at her."
NARRATOR: "I rub my head ruefully and grin back at her."

HISAO: "Caught me off guard, there. Is that going to become a habit? Am I going to be lectured by [[Shizune]] and [[Misha]] more?"
HISAO: "Caught me off guard, there. Is that going to become a habit? Am I going to be lectured by Shizune and Misha more?"

NARRATOR: "At the mention of the duo, Emi giggles."
NARRATOR: "At the mention of the duo, Emi giggles."

EMI: "Honestly, those two... If I didn't know why, I'd be utterly confused as to why she hangs around with such an authoritarian."
EMI: "Honestly, those two... If I didn't know why, I'd be utterly confused as to why she hangs around with someone so bossy."

HISAO: "Which one are we talking about?"
HISAO: "Which one are we talking about?"

NARRATOR: "Emi laughs."
EMI: "You know exactly which one, Hisao. Misha's hardly bossy."
EMI: "You know exactly which one, Hisao. Misha's hardly authoritarian."

HISAO: "So what's the reason, then?"
HISAO: "So what's the reason, then?"
Line 280: Line 255:
EMI: "Huh?"
EMI: "Huh?"

HISAO: "The reason Misha hangs around Shizune."
HISAO: "The reason why Misha hangs around Shizune."
EMI: "Er, that's not my place to say."

HISAO: "How do you know?"
NARRATOR: "Emi waves my question off with a smile."

EMI: "We...talked about it once."
EMI: "No idea."

HISAO: "I see."
HISAO: "I see."

NARRATOR: "Emi raises an eyebrow at me."
EMI: "Anyway, you seem to be forgetting the original question, don't you?"
EMI: "What's that mean, “I see?” Anyway, you seem to be forgetting the original question, don't you?"

HISAO: "Oh yeah, I guess I am. You wouldn't mind giving a guy a little warning, would you? Otherwise I'm liable to wind up with a concussion."
HISAO: "Oh yeah, I guess I am. You wouldn't mind giving a guy a little warning, would you? Otherwise I'm liable to wind up with a concussion."
Line 300: Line 271:
EMI: "You could wear a helmet. Some kids here do, you know."
EMI: "You could wear a helmet. Some kids here do, you know."

NARRATOR: "In response, I grab a pillow from beside me and whack Emi over the head."
HISAO: "Or I could just take revenge!"

HISAO: "Or I could just take revenge!"
NARRATOR: "I grab a pillow from beside me and whack Emi over the head. Emi topples off the bed and lands on the floor with a thump. Her arms promptly reappear on the bed, and she manages to pull herself back up. She really has a surprising amount of strength in that little body. Her face is turned downwards and away from mine, making me think I might have accidentally hurt her."
HISAO: "Emi? You okay? You didn't hit your—"

NARRATOR: "Emi topples off the bed and lands on the floor with a thump. Crap! Did I hurt her? I lean over the edge of the bed."
NARRATOR: "A hand shoots up and grabs my collar. She pulls me in with a sharp tug, her face now barely an inch away from mine as she grins cheekily."

HISAO: "Emi? You okay? You didn't hit your—urk!"
HISAO: "Emi...?"

NARRATOR: "A hand shoots up and grabs my collar. I land on the floor next to an uproariously laughing Emi."
NARRATOR: "She gives me a sharp headbutt, our foreheads making quite a loud thud. I sit back and rub my now sore head as Emi smirks victoriously."

EMI: "How's '''that''' for revenge?"
EMI: "How's '''that''' for revenge?"
Line 314: Line 287:
HISAO: "No fair! You can't take revenge for revenge!"
HISAO: "No fair! You can't take revenge for revenge!"

NARRATOR: "For someone missing most of her legs, Emi's surprisingly agile. I swipe at her, but she deftly rolls out of the way and lands a hit with her pillow. Of course, the odds are against her. I can stand up, for starters. Oof! Guess I can't, after all. Emi seems to have effectively tripped me up, and is now sitting primly astride me."
NARRATOR: "For someone missing most of her legs, Emi's surprisingly agile. I swipe at her, but she deftly rolls out of the way and lands a hit with her pillow. Of course, the odds are against her. I can stand up, for starters. Oof!"

EMI: "I win."
<p style="text-align:center;">[[File:emi_grinding_victorytall.jpg|700px]]</p>

HISAO: "Death before defeat!"
NARRATOR: "Guess I can't, after all. Emi seems to have effectively tripped me up, and is now sitting primly astride me as I lay on my back. I'm not even sure how she managed it."

NARRATOR: "I confess, I play dirty. My hands seek her sides and begin tickling. Emi attempts to keep composure, but her giggling has given me the upper hand. Now I'm in the dominant position."
EMI: "I win!"

HISAO: "Ha! '''I''' win."
NARRATOR: "Her eyes twinkle mischievously. I've been thoroughly defeated, and by a girl that's a fraction of my size, at that. Then again, being defeated doesn't seem quite so bad. Emi being positioned over my waist isn't something that I, or my body, can ignore easily. I open my lips to speak, but Emi's head darts downwards before I can get so much as a word out. I give no resistance as she presses her mouth to mine, not that I'd want to. This is... different, somehow."

EMI: "You didn't play fair!"
NARRATOR: "She pulls back, nips at my lower lip, and reinitiates the embrace. Her tongue darts inside my mouth, exploring. I can feel a warmth spreading through my body as my heart begins to beat faster. My mind starts to go foggy, and I become vaguely aware of my hand traveling up Emi's blouse. Emi gasps as I reach a breast, then there's a giggle, and then—"

HISAO: "All's fair in love and war, Emi."
<p style="text-align:center;">[[File:emi_grinding_victory.jpg|700px]]</p>

EMI: "Well then!"
NARRATOR: "I stare up at a grinning Emi."

NARRATOR: "Her eyes twinkle mischievously as she grabs my collar again and pulls herself up into another kiss. This is...different, somehow. It's like she kissed me on the bed just now, except now I'm not hitting my head on anything. She pulls back, nips at my lower lip, and reinitiates the embrace. I can feel a warmth spreading through my body as my heart begins to beat faster. My mind starts to go foggy, and I become vaguely aware of my hand traveling up Emi's shirt. Huh. Wonder what it's doing there. Emi gasps as I reach a breast, then there's a giggle, and then—"  
EMI: "Told you. That makes my second win, now."

NARRATOR: "How did she get me on my back so fast? I stare up at a grinning Emi."
HISAO: "What? That doesn't count; you used feminine wiles."

<div style="text-align:center">[[File:Emi wins.png|700px]]</div>
<p style="text-align:center;">[[File:emi_grinding_wink.jpg|700px]]</p>

EMI: "I win."
EMI: "“All's fair in love and war,” right? Ha, and you're even blushing! I didn't know you were a blusher, Hisao."

HISAO: "What? That doesn't count! You used feminine wiles!"
HISAO: "You were blushing too, you know. Probably because of your prudish ways."

NARRATOR: "Emi laughs at my astonished face and adopts a pretty fair imitation of my voice."
NARRATOR: "Even I've got to admit this is a stupid thing to say to a woman who is currently straddling me and has been, up until a few seconds ago, playing tonsil hockey with me."

EMI: "“All's fair in love and war,” right? Ha! You're even blushing! I didn't know you were a blusher, Hisao."
<p style="text-align:center;">[[File:emi_grinding_grin.jpg|700px]]</p>

HISAO: "You were blushing too!"
EMI: "A prude, am I? Well then, let's see who blushes first, shall we?"

EMI: "I'm not!"
NARRATOR: "I'm not sure whether the tone of her voice terrifies or arouses me, but that question is quickly made rather moot."

HISAO: "Yeah, but you were! You blush all the time! Probably because of your prudish ways!"
{{Hentai scene|text=
NARRATOR: "In a motion of practiced ease, she peels her blouse off and tosses it carelessly aside. Her bra and skirt quickly follow it onto the floor."
NARRATOR: "Even I've got to admit this is a stupid thing to say to a woman who is currently straddling me and had been, up until a few minutes ago, playing tonsil hockey with me. But hey, I needed some kinda comeback."
<div style="text-align:center">[[File:Emi Hisao romance scene 1.png|700px]]</div>
EMI: "A prude, am I? Well then, let's see who blushes first, shall we?"
NARRATOR: "In a motion of practiced ease, she peels her shirt off and tosses it carelessly aside."

EMI: "Ha!"
EMI: "Ha!"

NARRATOR: "I fight the urge to blush."
NARRATOR: "I fight the urge to blush. It's a rather hard task."

HISAO: "Escalation, is it?"
HISAO: "Escalation, is it?"

NARRATOR: "My own shirt follows suit. Emi mock-yawns."
NARRATOR: "My own shirt follows suit, albeit with some difficulty thanks to my position. Emi mock-yawns."
EMI: "You'll have to try harder than th—ah!"

NARRATOR: "It would seem that my hands are acting on their own, again. They gently caress Emi's bare skin, causing her to shiver. I start to say something about how Emi's starting to blush, but it's at this time that her sports bra finds its way over her head and on to the floor."
EMI: "You'll have to try harder than th— Ah...!"
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<p style="text-align:center">'''Adult Content Scene'''</p>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
NARRATOR: "Conversation grinds to a halt. To say the least. I sit up, and we embrace, feeling one another's bare skin. Emi's body shivers and shudders against mine, and I can feel her starting to lose her balance. Of course. It's harder to keep steady because she's missing her legs."

NARRATOR: "I steady her as best as I can, cupping my hands around her backside. It's firm, taut. Makes sense, considering how much she runs. The potential power in those muscles that flex as she responds to my touch. What I fail to take into account is the fact that my attempts to steady Emi kind of slide her forward and, well..."
NARRATOR: "My hands gently caress Emi's bare skin, causing her to shiver. It would seem that my hands are acting on their own, again. If our position had let me, I'd probably have finished her undressing for her. I start to say something about how Emi's starting to blush, but both of us are very rapidly reaching the edge of something very barely holding us back. Conversation grinds to a halt, and I feel my arms losing energy. Neither of us, however, are prepared for this sudden new sensation."

NARRATOR: "It feels amazing. Neither of us, however, are prepared for this sudden new sensation. An intense heat surges through me, coming from both myself and, it seems, Emi as well. I fall backwards, though I manage to keep my hands on Emi. She has her hands on my stomach to steady herself, and looks at me with a grin that seems pleased with herself. And then, after a moment's hesitation, she moves."
NARRATOR: "An indescribable heat surges through me, coming from both myself and, it seems, Emi as well. With one hand on my chest to steady herself, and another holding mine to make sure that I can't have my way with her body again, she looks quite pleased with herself. And then, after a moment's hesitation, she moves. And she moves again. And again."

NARRATOR: "And she moves again."
NARRATOR: "As she moves, Emi's breath hitches. My breathing is starting to come faster, and more raggedly as well. Emi's body shivers and shudders against mine, and I can feel her starting to lose her balance. It must be harder for her to keep steady because she's missing her legs. I steady her as best as I can, cupping my hands around her backside. It's firm and taut. Makes sense, considering how much she runs. The potential power in those muscles makes them flex as she responds to my touch. What I fail to take into account is the fact that my attempt to steady Emi kind of slides her forward and, well... It feels amazing."

NARRATOR: "And again."
NARRATOR: "Her panties slide easily against my trousers, and it doesn't take us long to figure out a rhythm. But Emi refuses to keep to it, going now fast, now slow, now pausing for what feels like an eternity. I'm not sure whether she's doing this to toy with me, or if it's to make her feel better, but I'm well past caring. The heat between us is growing more intense, and I can't hold back a gasp. The noise only seems to drive Emi along. I begin to punctuate her movements with some of my own, which causes her modest breasts to bounce in time with my movements. Her breath begins to come faster as we continue, my own breathing becoming equally quick."

NARRATOR: "As she moves, her breath hitches slightly. My own breath is starting to come faster, more raggedly. The heat is growing more intense, and I can't hold back a gasp. This noise seems to drive Emi along.  
NARRATOR: "With her eyes closed, her lips purse expectantly. I just manage to lift myself up for a few moments. Our mouths seeking one another, her chest sliding against mine as our sweat mingles. As I flop back down, my trousers are soaked with sweat. I would take them off if it didn't mean stopping what we're doing. And I don't want to stop what we're doing, stop this growing pressure, this tickling in the back of my brain. Emi is sliding faster and faster, panting heavily, her voice seemingly unable to convey what she's feeling. Her body, on the other hand, is doing a fine job."

NARRATOR: "Her breath comes faster and faster, her voice now joining the sounds of our breathing, a series of girlish cries as the heat--the ever present heat--grows stronger, threatens to overwhelm us both, and now I'm helping her along, and our breathing's finding a rhythm, and there's so much heat now, and time's slowing down and now all I can see is her, still moving, still breathing, gasping now, and she topples onto me, breasts sweat lips hair tongue back upright now, we've got it all worked out, a rhythm that we can both follow my own voice joins hers in sounds that only barely manage to describe what we're feeling I find myself repeating her name, a mantra that helps me keep from losing my mind but now it's gotten too hot, too much pressure, words devolve into sound faster faster faster hotter hotter hotter suddenly the world clears in a single moment, brought into razor focus I feel Emi tense, she moves a little more erratically as my own breath hitches in my throat, ending in a final desperate thrust that sends me over the edge into a surging feeling I didn't know existed."
NARRATOR: "Suddenly she moves a little more erratically as my own breath hitches in my throat, ending in a final desperate thrust that sends me over the edge into a surging feeling I didn't know existed. My mind blanks, fills with white noise, and I succumb to the feeling of climax."  

NARRATOR: "Our cries rebound off the walls, mine low, hers high. The harmony of our shared climax, the sudden feeling of dampness, sensations unknown that fill my mind with white noise. Then it passes, the white noise clears, and I am left staring up into the eyes of the girl atop me."</div>
NARRATOR: "For a few seconds, everything else in the world falls away except for this amazing feeling of Emi and I, together. And then... it passes. The white noise clears, and I am left staring up into the eyes of the girl atop me. For a few minutes, neither of us speaks. The sound of our breathing fills the room, our chests heaving from the experience. She eventually, reluctantly, shifts off of me and sits against the wall. I join her."}}
NARRATOR: "For a few minutes, neither of us speaks."

EMI: "So, did I blush?"
EMI: "So... did I blush?"

HISAO: "I didn't notice. Did I?"
HISAO: "I didn't notice. Did I?"
Line 400: Line 356:
EMI: "Didn't notice either."
EMI: "Didn't notice either."

HISAO: "Well, maybe we should—"  
HISAO: "Well, maybe we should—"

RIN: "I need to use your window."
RIN: "I need to use your window."

NARRATOR: "My first instinct is to hide, but then I realize that I'm still pinned under a topless Emi, so there's no running anyway. Rin's eyes pass over Emi, and me, and focus on the window."
NARRATOR: "My first instinct is to hide, but then I realize that I'm still utterly exhausted and sitting next to a topless Emi, so there's no running anyway. Rin's eyes pass over Emi, and me, and focus on the window."

RIN: "There was a cloud."
RIN: "There was a cloud."
Line 412: Line 368:
NARRATOR: "Rin nods."
NARRATOR: "Rin nods."

RIN: "I was watching it from my window but it didn't stay in my window. So I need to use your window."
RIN: "I was watching it from my window, but it didn't stay in my window. So I need to use your window."

NARRATOR: "Emi shifts a little, causing me to cough in order to cover up a giggle of my own."
NARRATOR: "Emi shifts a little, causing me to cough in order to cover up a giggle of my own."
Line 418: Line 374:
EMI: "How long do you need the window for? We're uh. Busy."
EMI: "How long do you need the window for? We're uh. Busy."

NARRATOR: "This time I can't contain my laughter. Rin ignores both Emi and myself and peers out the window. Her shoulders slump, and she looks disappointed."
NARRATOR: "This time I can't contain my laughter. Rin ignores both Emi and me and peers out the window. Her shoulders slump, and she looks disappointed."

RIN: "Hmm. It changed into something else. Disappointing."
RIN: "Hmm. It changed into something else. Disappointing."
Line 426: Line 382:
EMI: "Sorry to hear that, Rin. Could we have a little privacy now, please?"
EMI: "Sorry to hear that, Rin. Could we have a little privacy now, please?"

NARRATOR: "Rin shrugs, as if to say “Can you?” and hooks her foot around the door, pulling it closed behind her. We both dissolve into raucous laughter, unable to deal with Rin's bizarrely timed visit any other way. After our laughter dies down, I look up at Emi, still sitting atop me."
NARRATOR: "Rin shrugs, as if to say “Can you?” and hooks her foot around the door, pulling it closed behind her. We both dissolve into raucous laughter, unable to deal with Rin's bizarrely timed visit any other way. After our laughter dies down, I look to Emi. We're both a total mess."

HISAO: "Well."
HISAO: "Well."
Line 438: Line 394:
NARRATOR: "Emi grins and laughs, and then she nods."
NARRATOR: "Emi grins and laughs, and then she nods."

EMI: "We should use the bed, this time."
EMI: "We should probably ditch the clothes, this time."

<p style="text-align:center;">'''Next Scene: [[Storage Space/Transcript|Storage Space]]'''</p>
<p style="text-align:center;">'''Next Scene: [[Storage Space/Transcript|Storage Space]]'''</p>
[[Category:Act 3 Transcripts]]
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[[Category:Emi's route]]
[[Category:Act 3]]

Latest revision as of 22:16, 28 March 2024

NARRATOR: "The library always seems cooler than the rest of the building. Probably to keep the books from getting damaged by excessive heat and humidity. Books are sturdy objects, but if you want to keep them in good condition it takes a little effort. I've got several books that are so well-worn the pages are barely clinging to the spine. It seems impossible for them to still be usable, but if you handle them with care... I make my way to the main desk, where I spot Yuuko busying herself with something or another. She smiles at me as I enter and waves."

YUUKO: "Hello, Hisao. Good to see you again! What are you looking for this time?"

HISAO: "Nothing in particular, I guess. I just didn't really feel like going back to my room, is all."

NARRATOR: "Yuuko nods."

YUUKO: "Well, if you're unoccupied, maybe you could help me look for something?"

HISAO: "Sure, what do you need?"

NARRATOR: "Yuuko brings a finger to her lips and looks around furtively. She seems to be looking for eavesdroppers."

YUUKO: "Come closer."

NARRATOR: "I take a few hesitant steps forward while feeling distinctly unnerved. Yuuko lowers her voice to a confidential whisper."

YUUKO: "I'm on the trail of the Yamaku Cat Burglar."

HISAO: "The what?"

YUUKO: "Shh! The walls have ears, Hisao! Or they might. But listen! Those missing books, remember them?"

HISAO: "Er, yeah?"

YUUKO: "Well, they weren't missing! They were stolen! I'm convinced of it!"

HISAO: "I remember you saying something of the sort earlier, but how do you know?"

NARRATOR: "Yuuko leans in closer and, if possible, whispers even lower."

YUUKO: "Because I found one of his hiding places!"

HISAO: "You did what?"

NARRATOR: "Yuuko looks triumphant."

YUUKO: "Found one of his stashes! It was under one of the stairwells in the boy's dorm! Three books I'd been looking for, all there! I'd suspected a thief before, but this proves it!"

HISAO: "So did you take back the books?"

NARRATOR: "Yuuko looks as if I've just suggested she walk around naked."

YUUKO: "Are you nuts? He can't know I'm on to him! He might go to ground and evade capture!"

HISAO: "Uh... huh. So what do you need my help with, then?"

NARRATOR: "Yuuko casts another glance around the library and leans in closer."

YUUKO: "You've got to spy for me."

HISAO: "Spy?"

YUUKO: "Yeah, like when you're in the dorms, you know. Keep an eye out for suspicious activity."

NARRATOR: "What constitutes suspicious, anyway? I mean Kenji's a pretty suspicious dude, but I'll wager he barely goes to class, much less sneaks into the library to pilfer books. Still, what's the harm in saying yes? At the least it'll get me out of this weird conversation."

HISAO: "Yeah, I can do that. No problem."

NARRATOR: "Yuuko straightens up and claps excitedly."

YUUKO: "Great! Now, hurry up and talk about something else in case someone comes in! How's the school treating you?"

HISAO: "Er, pretty well, actually. I've been running in the mornings with—"

YUUKO: "Emi Ibarazaki, right?"

HISAO: "Uh, yeah. How'd you know?"

YUUKO: "I served you two in the teahouse, remember? I deduced that if you were going to run with anyone, it would probably be her."

NARRATOR: "She looks pleased with herself."

HISAO: "Impressive. Anyway, yes. We've been running in the mornings. And uh, we kinda started dating."

NARRATOR: "Yuuko claps her hands together excitedly."

YUUKO: "Really? That's great! I'll bet you two are great together! I love seeing people find one another like that, you know? I even thought to myself when you walked into the Shanghai that one time, “I wonder if that kid will wind up with one of those girls.”"

HISAO: "...Really?"

NARRATOR: "Yuuko doesn't seem to notice my somewhat weirded out tone and nods affirmatively."

YUUKO: "Yup! I could tell that you'd wind up with one of them, you know. I've got an eye for that sort of thing. Of course..."

NARRATOR: "Her expression droops slightly."

YUUKO: "I'm not so good at it myself."

HISAO: "Aw, I'm sure that's not true."

YUUKO: "Oh, it's true. I met this guy once... We got along really great, but it turned out he was younger than me. And that was kinda weird, but not terribly so. What was really weird was that he disappeared one day, and I've not seen him since then."

HISAO: "Huh. That does seem kind of odd."

YUUKO: "Doesn't it? I hope it wasn't something I did..."

NARRATOR: "I feel compelled to reassure her."

HISAO: "I'm sure it wasn't."

NARRATOR: "I intend to try and calm her down further, but the both of us jump in surprise at the ringing suddenly coming from my pocket. Yuuko sighs to steady herself as I pull the phone from my pocket. I feel a little sheepish for indirectly causing the incident."

HISAO: "Emi? What's up?"

EMI: "Oh thank God I haven't called your phone before so I didn't know if this number would work or whether you would pick up and I can't—"

HISAO: "Woah there Emi, slow down. What's wrong?"

NARRATOR: "There's a pause on the other side of the line, during which I can hear Emi trying to control her breathing in order to calm down. Something's got her terribly agitated, and it's starting to agitate me."

EMI: "Can you just... Can you stop by? Like, now? Or shortly after now? I really, really need to talk to you."

NARRATOR: "There's a tone of pleading in the last sentence that I don't think I've ever heard from her."

HISAO: "Of course, I'll be right there. Hold steady, okay?"

NARRATOR: "In my increasingly agitated state I've apparently started saying things that don't quite make sense."

EMI: "Okay. I'll be okay."

HISAO: "See you soon."

NARRATOR: "I press the button to end the call before slipping the phone back into my pocket, apologize to Yuuko for running off, and run off. Perhaps at some point I would have stopped to think about the time, or how suspicious it looks for a guy to enter the girls' dorm at this hour. Except right now I'm just concerned with getting to Emi and finding out what's wrong and how I can help her. I knock on the door and am greeted with a subdued “Come in.”"

NARRATOR: "Something is very wrong as I stare at the scene before me. Emi's there, yes. But she's in a wheelchair. And her legs are missing. I glance around the room and see them sitting in a corner, looking like they've been thrown there. Emi responds to my entrance with a lopsided grin that is both pleased to see me and completely, utterly heartbroken."

EMI: "Hi, Hisao."

NARRATOR: "It looks like she's been crying, but if she was, she's stopped now. I notice that I'm a little out of breath, having taken the stairs two at a time in order to get here. My heart doesn't seem to mind the strain, though. I file this happy fact away for later consideration. Like when I am not staring somewhat dumbstruck at my girlfriend in a wheelchair. Realizing I've still not responded to her greeting, my brain lurches into gear."

HISAO: "Emi? What happened?"

EMI: "Guess I should've listened to you, Hisao. My leg's got a nasty infection. I'm not allowed to run on it for at least a couple of weeks."

NARRATOR: "She gives a bitter laugh that shouldn't be coming from her."

EMI: "Heh, I can't even walk on it. I could have used a crutch and kept one of my legs, but I didn't see the point. Why hop? You can't run on one leg. At least this way I can still, I dunno, roll fast or something."

HISAO: "Y-yeah, that's good, right?"

NARRATOR: "My awkward attempt to look on the bright side seems appreciated, but not really effective. Emi shrugs again."

EMI: "It's just... kind of a nuisance. I mean, we can't even eat up on the roof now. No wheelchair access."

HISAO: "Yeah, but that's not a big deal, right? I mean we can still eat together, and that's the important thing."

NARRATOR: "That lopsided grin again. It hurts to look at."

EMI: "I suppose so, yeah. But like I said, it's a nuisance. I mean, I haven't really used a wheelchair in..."

NARRATOR: "She thinks for a minute."

EMI: "Maybe seven years? Something like that, anyway. A long time. I'm afraid I'm a bit out of practice."

HISAO: "Well, fortunately it's only temporary, right?"

NARRATOR: "Emi nods."

EMI: "Oh yeah, of course. It's not like I've lost 'em permanently. But it's a pain in the ass all the same."

NARRATOR: "I nod sympathetically. There's not much else I can do, after all. What am I gonna do, say “I told you so?” Although I did tell her to get that leg looked at. But by the time I noticed, it was too late anyway."

HISAO: "Do you need help with anything? Er, that is, can I help with anything?"

NARRATOR: "Emi shakes her head and there's a bit of her usual grin back."

EMI: "Nah, I can manage fine by myself. Although if you want to help me over to my bed, it would save me the trouble of rolling over there myself."

NARRATOR: "I blush, in spite of myself. Emi giggles."

EMI: "You're such a prude, Hisao."

HISAO: "I'm not a prude! I just wouldn't want to take advantage of a young woman such as yourself. It's ungentlemanly."

NARRATOR: "I wheel Emi's chair to her bed, and easily scoop her up and deposit her there. She quickly sorts herself out and sits on the side. She's actually a little heavier than she looks. It would be rude of me to observe this aloud, of course."

HISAO: "Man, you're kind of heavy."

NARRATOR: "Emi hits me with a pillow."

EMI: "Ass."

HISAO: "Just sayin', is all. Must be all that running."

NARRATOR: "At the mention of running Emi's grin falters slightly."

EMI: "Heh, well I guess I won't have to worry about that for a bit, huh? Maybe I'll lose some weight."

HISAO: "That's what you do to lose weight, right? Cease physical activity?"

EMI: "I'm pretty sure that's what the nurse would recommend."

HISAO: "Speaking of which, are you going to still be showing up in the mornings? I'd hate to run alo—"

EMI: "Ah, shit..."

NARRATOR: "Emi's sudden interjection, more a disquieted muttering than anything too profane, causes me to look over in shock. She's leaning forward, trying to cover the fact that she's crying by covering her eyes with a hand. Of course, the subdued sobbing makes it pretty obvious that she's crying."

HISAO: "Hey, I'm sorry. Forget I said anything, okay?"

NARRATOR: "I place a hand gingerly around her and pull her close. I can think of nothing else to say or do. How do you comfort someone who's just lost their legs again? Emi wraps me in a hug and stays that way for a while."

HISAO: "Sorry. I'm pretty bad at this whole comforting thing, I guess."

EMI: "Don't say that. I'm fine, really."

NARRATOR: "Her voice is slightly muffled by my chest. I pat her head reassuringly."

HISAO: "That's the spirit, right? You'll get through this fine, I know it. Besides, I'm here to help you, remember?"

NARRATOR: "Emi lifts her head and stares at me with tear-stained eyes."

EMI: "Can you? Can you really?"

NARRATOR: "She's grinning lopsidedly, and something sparkles in her gaze. I can't tell if I'm being mocked or not."

HISAO: "Of course. I mean sure, you're a bit heavy, but -"

NARRATOR: "Mmph! My witty comment is cut off by the sudden press of Emi's lips on mine. I'm caught off guard, and am rewarded by hitting my head on the wall behind her bed."

HISAO: "Ow."

NARRATOR: "Emi pulls back, trying to look concerned rather than like she's about to laugh."

EMI: "Are you okay? Sorry!"

NARRATOR: "I rub my head ruefully and grin back at her."

HISAO: "Caught me off guard, there. Is that going to become a habit? Am I going to be lectured by Shizune and Misha more?"

NARRATOR: "At the mention of the duo, Emi giggles."

EMI: "Honestly, those two... If I didn't know why, I'd be utterly confused as to why she hangs around with someone so bossy."

HISAO: "Which one are we talking about?"

EMI: "You know exactly which one, Hisao. Misha's hardly bossy."

HISAO: "So what's the reason, then?"

EMI: "Huh?"

HISAO: "The reason why Misha hangs around Shizune."

NARRATOR: "Emi waves my question off with a smile."

EMI: "No idea."

HISAO: "I see."

EMI: "Anyway, you seem to be forgetting the original question, don't you?"

HISAO: "Oh yeah, I guess I am. You wouldn't mind giving a guy a little warning, would you? Otherwise I'm liable to wind up with a concussion."

NARRATOR: "I emphasize the point by rubbing at the back of my head. Emi giggles madly."

EMI: "You could wear a helmet. Some kids here do, you know."

HISAO: "Or I could just take revenge!"

NARRATOR: "I grab a pillow from beside me and whack Emi over the head. Emi topples off the bed and lands on the floor with a thump. Her arms promptly reappear on the bed, and she manages to pull herself back up. She really has a surprising amount of strength in that little body. Her face is turned downwards and away from mine, making me think I might have accidentally hurt her."

HISAO: "Emi? You okay? You didn't hit your—"

NARRATOR: "A hand shoots up and grabs my collar. She pulls me in with a sharp tug, her face now barely an inch away from mine as she grins cheekily."

HISAO: "Emi...?"

NARRATOR: "She gives me a sharp headbutt, our foreheads making quite a loud thud. I sit back and rub my now sore head as Emi smirks victoriously."

EMI: "How's that for revenge?"

HISAO: "No fair! You can't take revenge for revenge!"

NARRATOR: "For someone missing most of her legs, Emi's surprisingly agile. I swipe at her, but she deftly rolls out of the way and lands a hit with her pillow. Of course, the odds are against her. I can stand up, for starters. Oof!"

NARRATOR: "Guess I can't, after all. Emi seems to have effectively tripped me up, and is now sitting primly astride me as I lay on my back. I'm not even sure how she managed it."

EMI: "I win!"

NARRATOR: "Her eyes twinkle mischievously. I've been thoroughly defeated, and by a girl that's a fraction of my size, at that. Then again, being defeated doesn't seem quite so bad. Emi being positioned over my waist isn't something that I, or my body, can ignore easily. I open my lips to speak, but Emi's head darts downwards before I can get so much as a word out. I give no resistance as she presses her mouth to mine, not that I'd want to. This is... different, somehow."

NARRATOR: "She pulls back, nips at my lower lip, and reinitiates the embrace. Her tongue darts inside my mouth, exploring. I can feel a warmth spreading through my body as my heart begins to beat faster. My mind starts to go foggy, and I become vaguely aware of my hand traveling up Emi's blouse. Emi gasps as I reach a breast, then there's a giggle, and then—"

NARRATOR: "I stare up at a grinning Emi."

EMI: "Told you. That makes my second win, now."

HISAO: "What? That doesn't count; you used feminine wiles."

EMI: "“All's fair in love and war,” right? Ha, and you're even blushing! I didn't know you were a blusher, Hisao."

HISAO: "You were blushing too, you know. Probably because of your prudish ways."

NARRATOR: "Even I've got to admit this is a stupid thing to say to a woman who is currently straddling me and has been, up until a few seconds ago, playing tonsil hockey with me."

EMI: "A prude, am I? Well then, let's see who blushes first, shall we?"

NARRATOR: "I'm not sure whether the tone of her voice terrifies or arouses me, but that question is quickly made rather moot."

Adult Content Scene

NARRATOR: "In a motion of practiced ease, she peels her blouse off and tosses it carelessly aside. Her bra and skirt quickly follow it onto the floor."

EMI: "Ha!"

NARRATOR: "I fight the urge to blush. It's a rather hard task."

HISAO: "Escalation, is it?"

NARRATOR: "My own shirt follows suit, albeit with some difficulty thanks to my position. Emi mock-yawns."

EMI: "You'll have to try harder than th— Ah...!"

NARRATOR: "My hands gently caress Emi's bare skin, causing her to shiver. It would seem that my hands are acting on their own, again. If our position had let me, I'd probably have finished her undressing for her. I start to say something about how Emi's starting to blush, but both of us are very rapidly reaching the edge of something very barely holding us back. Conversation grinds to a halt, and I feel my arms losing energy. Neither of us, however, are prepared for this sudden new sensation."

NARRATOR: "An indescribable heat surges through me, coming from both myself and, it seems, Emi as well. With one hand on my chest to steady herself, and another holding mine to make sure that I can't have my way with her body again, she looks quite pleased with herself. And then, after a moment's hesitation, she moves. And she moves again. And again."

NARRATOR: "As she moves, Emi's breath hitches. My breathing is starting to come faster, and more raggedly as well. Emi's body shivers and shudders against mine, and I can feel her starting to lose her balance. It must be harder for her to keep steady because she's missing her legs. I steady her as best as I can, cupping my hands around her backside. It's firm and taut. Makes sense, considering how much she runs. The potential power in those muscles makes them flex as she responds to my touch. What I fail to take into account is the fact that my attempt to steady Emi kind of slides her forward and, well... It feels amazing."

NARRATOR: "Her panties slide easily against my trousers, and it doesn't take us long to figure out a rhythm. But Emi refuses to keep to it, going now fast, now slow, now pausing for what feels like an eternity. I'm not sure whether she's doing this to toy with me, or if it's to make her feel better, but I'm well past caring. The heat between us is growing more intense, and I can't hold back a gasp. The noise only seems to drive Emi along. I begin to punctuate her movements with some of my own, which causes her modest breasts to bounce in time with my movements. Her breath begins to come faster as we continue, my own breathing becoming equally quick."

NARRATOR: "With her eyes closed, her lips purse expectantly. I just manage to lift myself up for a few moments. Our mouths seeking one another, her chest sliding against mine as our sweat mingles. As I flop back down, my trousers are soaked with sweat. I would take them off if it didn't mean stopping what we're doing. And I don't want to stop what we're doing, stop this growing pressure, this tickling in the back of my brain. Emi is sliding faster and faster, panting heavily, her voice seemingly unable to convey what she's feeling. Her body, on the other hand, is doing a fine job."

NARRATOR: "Suddenly she moves a little more erratically as my own breath hitches in my throat, ending in a final desperate thrust that sends me over the edge into a surging feeling I didn't know existed. My mind blanks, fills with white noise, and I succumb to the feeling of climax."

NARRATOR: "For a few seconds, everything else in the world falls away except for this amazing feeling of Emi and I, together. And then... it passes. The white noise clears, and I am left staring up into the eyes of the girl atop me. For a few minutes, neither of us speaks. The sound of our breathing fills the room, our chests heaving from the experience. She eventually, reluctantly, shifts off of me and sits against the wall. I join her."

EMI: "So... did I blush?"

HISAO: "I didn't notice. Did I?"

NARRATOR: "Emi shrugs, still breathing a little heavily."

EMI: "Didn't notice either."

HISAO: "Well, maybe we should—"

RIN: "I need to use your window."

NARRATOR: "My first instinct is to hide, but then I realize that I'm still utterly exhausted and sitting next to a topless Emi, so there's no running anyway. Rin's eyes pass over Emi, and me, and focus on the window."

RIN: "There was a cloud."

EMI: "A cloud?"

NARRATOR: "Rin nods."

RIN: "I was watching it from my window, but it didn't stay in my window. So I need to use your window."

NARRATOR: "Emi shifts a little, causing me to cough in order to cover up a giggle of my own."

EMI: "How long do you need the window for? We're uh. Busy."

NARRATOR: "This time I can't contain my laughter. Rin ignores both Emi and me and peers out the window. Her shoulders slump, and she looks disappointed."

RIN: "Hmm. It changed into something else. Disappointing."

NARRATOR: "Emi is having trouble keeping a straight face."

EMI: "Sorry to hear that, Rin. Could we have a little privacy now, please?"

NARRATOR: "Rin shrugs, as if to say “Can you?” and hooks her foot around the door, pulling it closed behind her. We both dissolve into raucous laughter, unable to deal with Rin's bizarrely timed visit any other way. After our laughter dies down, I look to Emi. We're both a total mess."

HISAO: "Well."

NARRATOR: "Emi raises an eyebrow."

EMI: "Well?"

HISAO: "Again?"

NARRATOR: "Emi grins and laughs, and then she nods."

EMI: "We should probably ditch the clothes, this time."

Next Scene: Storage Space