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== Known staff ==
== Staff ==
* [[Sae Saionji]]
* [[Sae Saionji]]
* [speculated] [[Nomiya]]
* [speculated] [[Nomiya]]
* [[Rin Tezuka]] [only in rin's route]
* [[Rin Tezuka]] [only in rin's route]
== Trivia ==
* [[22nd Corner Art Gallery]] and [[Othello's Antiques]] are the only places in which the owners are seen and talked to.
*The original location of the outside appearance seems to be [https://www.google.co.jp/maps/@38.2592337,140.8697195,3a,75y,344.77h,85.67t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1su67KdnYOUCkOENKmfuXJXw!2e0!5s20110901T000000!7i13312!8i6656 L.B. Gallery] (former, now [https://www.google.co.jp/maps/@38.2592393,140.8697557,3a,72.3y,323.96h,87.77t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sPWEvs7pbnjmQ038Op481Tg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192 Monmaya Edition]) in Sendai City, Japan.
== Trivia ==
* [[22nd Corner Art Gallery]] and [[Othello's Antiques]] are the only places in which the owners are seen and  talked to.
* a former painter who used to paint for the 22nd corner (probably, since it is not outright said,but hinted) commited suicide due to (speculated) crunch.

Latest revision as of 17:03, 6 January 2021

The 22nd Corner Art Gallery is a small shop in the town near Yamaku Academy, owned by Sae Saionji. Hisao, Rin, and Nomiya visit the gallery many times throughout Rin's route, and it becomes the location where Rin holds her plot-crucial art exhibition. Before the exhibition, Rin takes over the atelier nearby, also owned by Sae, and originally used by her husband, to work on her art in preparation for the event, both sleeping and eating there until the day of.

Staff[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]