| choicecount={{tt|9|Always 9 choices, details of choices change depending on player's actions}}
==Act 1 ~ Life Expectancy==
Hisao first encounters Rin on his third day while finding supplies for the student council. With her usual lack of tact Rin asks Hisao what his disability is, guessing it is "in his pants" causing a stunned Hisao to explain his arrhythmia, making Rin the first student to know about his condition. After receiving an ineffective scolding by Shizune for delaying her art project, Rin enlists Hisao's help in mixing the paints while she draws on the wall below the student dormitories. The following day Hisao finds himself helping Rin painting the mural once again, all the while struggling to deal with her eccentric personality and nonsensical conversation. Later, Emi drags Hisao to the roof for lunch where he encounters Rin again. The three converse and Emi invites Hisao to join them again for lunch in the future. While coming back from the convenience store with Lilly, Hisao encounters a confused Rin wandering around and the two bring her to school, where Rin suddenly realizes that she might not finish the mural in time due to her procrastination, and spends the whole night and the following day painting. She enlists the help of Emi and Hisao to provide what paints she needs. That same day, Hisao encounters the art teacher, Mr. [[Nomiya]], who is bringing colleagues of his to the festival to view Rin's work. On a spur of the moment decision, Hisao decides to join the [[art club]]. The day of the festival, Hisao ends up spending the whole day with Rin beside her mural talking about how she feels about her project, which seems to be unsure. As the sun sets, Hisao falls asleep against the brick wall. After a while he is awakened by the sound of fireworks, and is surprised to find Rin sleeping while leaning against him. Eventually Rin wakes up as well. As they watch the fireworks, the two discuss the brevity of human life and Rin remarks on Hisao's cynicism.
* [[Hisao Nakai]]
* [[Rin Tezuka]]
* [[Emi Ibarazaki]]
* [[Akio Mutou]]
* [[Shizune Hakamichi]]
* [[Misha|Shiina "Misha" Mikado]]
* [[Shinichi Nomiya]]
* [[Sae Saionji]]
* [[Yuuko Shirakawa]]
* [[Kenji Setou]]
* [[Meiko Ibarazaki]]
* [[Nurse]]
* Sunglasses Boy
* Student
* Teammate
* Man
* Woman
* [[Act 2 - Disconnect]]
* [[Act 3 - Distance]]
* [[Act 4 - Dream]]
===[[Act 2 - Disconnect]]===
[[File:1Disconnect.png|thumb|Act 2 - Disconnect|290x290px]] The next day, Emi collides with Hisao once again, this time bringing papers to a teacher. To apologize, she invites Hisao for lunch on the rooftop again. When Hisao arrives, Rin is lying on the roof, watching the sky. She tells him that sometimes she skips classes to experience things she wishes. Hisao joins her and finds himself relaxing, his thoughts slowing down to calmly drift by like the clouds.
At his first art club meeting, the first assignment is to partner up to practice sketching one another. Hisao is left with Rin, the only other person he knows. His own artwork is clumsy, but Rin's is amazing. When asked about the gloomy expression on his portrait, she answers that she's never seen him smile. Hisao starts to reflect on his negative outlook on life since his heart attack.
Later, after another art club session, Nomiya tells Rin about a friend of his who might be willing to display some of Rin's work. Rin says she'll think about it and goes for a walk, which Hisao accompanies her on. They stop at a large maple tree which Rin calls the ''Worry Tree''. Rin feels that, to display her work for others, she'd need to become an entirely different person. She isn't sure whether becoming a career artist is something she wants for herself. Hisao shares with Rin his own negative feelings towards the circumstances that lead him to Yamaku, but resolves to stop "wallowing under the weight of all the crap in his life" and change for the better.
Hisao receives a [[Iwanako's Letter|letter from Iwanako]], in which she hopes he's gotten back to his feet in his new life. Resolved to change, Hisao observes other students and how they cope with their difficulties. When Rin paints, she goes into her own world that he cannot breach. To her, painting is a way of capturing what she cannot say. Looking at her old paintings reminds her of what she was thinking at the time she made them, and are proof of her existence. She fears she cannot become the person that Nomiya wants her to be.
Emi makes good on her promise to celebrate finishing her track meet and the three head out for a picnic. However it begins to rain and they are forced to wait out the storm in the [[Shanghai]]. Emi decides to hike back in the rain, but knowing he can't keep up, Hisao walks Rin back with his umbrella. The next day, Emi is absent from lunch due to a cold, and Rin mentions that she might have it too. She sneezes suddenly and Hisao helps wipe her nose with his handkerchief. She hugs him (in her own way) and leaves as lunch ends.
Hisao bumps into Emi a few days later who sheepishly tells him Rin caught her cold. It takes a few days for Hisao to work up the courage to visit Rin, but when he does, Rin answers the door in an unbuttoned shirt and underwear. Speaking very strangely, Hisao figures out that she's taken too much codiene-based cold medicine. As he's about to leave, she falls into him and kisses him on the lips. A bewildered Hisao tucks her in, pondering whether to call a nurse, and pockets the rest of her medication.
==Act 2 ~ Disconnect ==
The next day Rin waits outside Hisao's classroom with no recollection of previous day's events. But she does recall wanting to bring him somewhere, so they walk through the forest to a dandelion-covered hill. Rin apologizes for being so bad with people and confides that her pencils and paints are the only friends she's ever had. Hisao declares that he's her friend. Rin announces that she'll give the gallery a try, realizing change was inevitable so she might as well embrace the opportunity.
[[File:1Disconnect.png|thumb|Act 2: Disconnect]]
===[[Act 3 - Distance]]===
The next day after class Emi accidentally bumps into Hisao again due to her being in a hurry to bring the papers to the teacher. Before Emi leaves she offers Hisao to eat lunch on the rooftop again with Rin. Hisao makes it rooftop and notices Rin lying on the rooftop watching the sky, and she reveals that she skips class just to experience the things she wants to do. Hisao then enters the art club room, and to his surprise he finds Rin was opposite of a blind boy that she was talking about. Nomiya announces to the club members that Hisao will be their new club member, and tells everyone to begin their projects and choose a partner. Hisao asks Rin to be his partner, in which she agrees and the duo's start to draw a portrait of their partner. Hisao finishes his portrait of Rin, remarking how he is not much of an artist, disappointed. He states Rin's seems to be perfect, and comments that he wishes to be good as her while looking at it. Rin remarks he seems to be gloomy looking. The next day after class, Rin asks if she can listen to his heartbeat, and Hisao comments that it should be private, to which Rin replies that she ate a orange for breakfast and that it is her favorite fruit. Rin asks Hisao as to why he has not smiled at all since coming to the school. Later on the Library Hisao chats with Yuuko about how his time in Yamaku was either refreshing or feels that he was stuck. Yuuko feels that she was now more reliable and joyfully tells Hisao that she hopes that they will meet each other again.
[[File:2Distance.png|thumb|left|Act 3 - Distance|311x311px]] Nomiya is overjoyed at Rin's decision and drives the two students to the [[22nd Corner Art Gallery]]. They meet the owner, [[Sae Saionji]], who thinks her technique needs a little refinement, but that she'd be willing to host an exhibit if Rin is willing to add more works. Rin commits herself wholeheartedly, and Nomiya arranges for Rin to be exempt from classes for the rest of the trimester. Saionji arranges the atelier above her gallery for Rin to do her work in, even letting her stay overnight.
The day of the track meet arrives and Hisao attends with Rin and meets Emi's Mother [[Meiko|Meiko Ibarazaki]]. After introductions, (and teasing), the trio watch Emi run her events. During the second event Rin's feet began to thump as she was enthusiast on the race but replies that she only watches ''Emi at her Emiest'' as Rin puts it. Hisao begins to be amazed by Emi in the event; Meiko leaves before the final event. Hisao and Rin go together to congratulate Emi, which leads Emi to invite Hisao to join Rin and her for a celebration later in the week. In the art club after Nomiya finishes his lecture on the class and asks Rin to help out Sae by giving her one of her paintings, causing a hesitant Rin to think about it. After Rin leaves the art room Hisao catches up to her, and asks about her problem. Rin decides to go somewhere and Hisao offers to come with her to which she agrees. They go to the forest and stop at a large maple tree called the ''Worry Tree'' by Rin. There she wallows up her misery to the tree and here Hisao does the same, and begins to feel that he should change. At sunset the duo return to their dorms, on the way they bump into Kenji, in which Kenji offers that they can visit his room anytime they want to about his ''femininist conspiracy'' and secretly gives them a password to enter (HONEYMUFFIN). The next day Hisao receives a letter from Iwanako, bringing official closure to the relationship that didn't even start. Hisao mails a letter to her but no replies. In the art club Hisao has a chat with Rin during her work about how she loses many words and thoughts that she knows as she paints,and states that this proves her existence and resolves that change scares her. Nomiya ask if Rin agrees to accept to work in the gallery to which Hisao supports the idea.
On her last day, Hisao finds Rin at her desk napping, crying in her sleep. She explains that crying is something she's learned from others. She also tells Emi not to distract her by visiting while she focuses on painting. Hisao still wants to become close to Rin. He confesses his feelings in the atelier, but she cuts him off and tells him she can't think about it right now. Heartbroken, Hisao turns to leave, but Rin asks him to visit again tomorrow.
The afternoon of Hisao's picnic with Emi and Rin starts off bad with an overcast sky. Rin suggest that they should have the picnic while it rains but Emi declines and decides to seek shelter at The Shanghai where Hisao encounters Yuuko. He is surprised that she also works as a waitress. After the trio enjoys their time at The Shanghai Emi begins to go back on her own. During this, Hisao offers Rin to go back to school with him. Hisao begins to cover her and himself with his umbrella while the duo walks together. Rin argues about the rain that she feels it was connected to her art and everything around her. After they reach to school the two return to their dorms. Hisao visits the Nurse for his check up, and the Nurse mentions that Emi got a cold. Hisao goes to the roof and began to watch the sky, while waiting Rin arrives and asks about why Emi wasn't here bringing lunch for them, and is surprised to hear that she is sick. Uunexpectedly, Rin sneezes and Hisao helps her wipe her nose with his handkerchief. While waiting for the school bell they talk to each other about the school and living a normal life, and Rin complains that she should be afraid of herself when she changes and surprisingly hugs Hisao, Rin confesses that she was not very good at hugging. She remarks that one time Emi hugged her and got surprised, kicking her in the stomach. After the hug Rin offers Hisao to visit someplace if they had time. After class Hisao and Emi finally get together and on their way they visit Rin to bring her cold medicine due to her getting sick.
Thus begins a pattern where Hisao visits her in the evenings, watching her paint or reading in silence. He brings her some oranges when he realizes she hasn't been eating properly and gently feeds them to her. Rin begins to struggle--she cannot inspire herself to paint using new methods nor old. She concludes that changing is not enough. First, she must destroy the "old her". She asks Sae for cigarettes and Hisao reluctantly shares the pack with her.
Two days later a nervous Hisao decide to visit Rin in her room, surprisingly after managing to find her room Hisao knocks on the her door and Rin answers the door appearing on him with almost no clothing on. Rin finds it surprising that someone aside Emi is visiting. After the non-essential chat Hisao wants to tell her that he is going to change and apologizes for saying stupid things. Rin also apologizes for saying stupid things too and returns to bed. She then asks Hisao if he likes to see girls sleeping and tells him that he can stay. Hisao tells her that he has homework to do and begins to leave her room. Rin jumps out of her bed, saying that she will escort him out of her room. Rin then kisses Hisao and returns to bed. Hisao tucks her up and leaves.The next day Hisao bumps into Rin again and asks if she remembers what had happened yesterday; but Rin can't recall it. However Rin remembers that she wanted to bring Hisao somewhere that she had promised to take him to which Hisao agrees. The two begin to walk to the forest and pass the ''Worry Tree'' and stop in the valley where there is a sea of dandelions. Rin has an outburst, thinking that Hisao was upset but he calms her down. Rin reveals that she can't understand people because there like ''jellyfish'' to her and confesses that she never had friends (despite Emi is with her). Hisao states that he really wanted to become her friend, making Rin happy and confesses that her only friends where pencils, paint and papers because she is not good with words. Hisao resolves that she just forgets words she knew, causing Rin to smile. They spend the rest of the day together until sunset, where Hisao decides whether to quit or continue in the art club. Rin finally decides to accept and is determined to work in Sae's gallery. While the two are returning to their dorms Hisao feels that their friendship is about to be put to the test that the distance between them is in his grasp.
Upon seeing that smoking is only increasing her melancholy, Hisao takes her into the city at night, taking random turns and discovering new views. She suddenly asks him to stop visiting her for reasons she won't explain.
==Act 3 ~ Distance==
Within a few days, Hisao finds himself heading back to the gallery, unable to stop thinking about Rin. He runs into Nomiya and Sae who talk about the challenges of a gifted career artist. While the two old friends reminisce, Hisao makes his way into the atelier. He discovers Rin is pleasuring herself on the floor. Realising she's been seen, she rambles about the shame and frustration of pursuing a path as an artist. She asks him to help her finish and he does. In the morning, Hisao wonders whether it crossed a boundary in their friendship. Rin responds in emotionless circles and Hisao gets frustrated trying to connect with the woman he loves.
[[File:2Distance.png|thumb|left|Act 3: Distance]]
One day during class, Mutou lectures Hisao and scolds him for sleeping in class. After class he stops by the art club and sees Rin talking to Nomiya, deciding that she will work at the gallery for Sae causing a joyful Nomiya to grab his cellphone in order to call Sae and bring the two to the [[22nd Corner Art Gallery]]. There they meet the gallery owner, Sae. Nomiya privately talks to her and she agrees to have Rin work at art gallery. The next day Nomiya manages to convince the principal that Rin will no longer have to attend classes while maintaining that she will still be a student at Yamaku. Hisao waits for Rin, but she doesn't show up in the hallway. He goes to her classroom and sees Rin sleeping on the last day of her class. While he waits for her to wake up she begins to shed tears believing that she was dreaming. However when she wakes up she states that the reason she cries is that she learned to. While the duo are at the stairs she tells Hisao that she will change. On a hot day, Emi states that she is really mad because Rin told her to stay away from her for a while, causing Rin to be isolated from her only friend. After the chat Hisao would either continue at the art club or go to the library. Hisao decides to confess his feelings for her when he visits.
One day Hisao takes a long ride on the bus to visit Rin at the atelier on the top of the gallery building where he waits for her to go talk to him. After waiting Hisao confesses to Rin that he liked her romantically but she declines. However, she asks if he will come tomorrow. The next day Hisao arbitrarily visits Rin again, where she begins to ask him if he was her friend. Days pass, Hisao visits her regularly after class with nothing but awkward silence every time he visits her at the atelier. One day he tries to visiting her again but this time he stops by first at the local convenient store to buy some oranges before hitching a ride in the bus. After arriving at the atelier Hisao manages to tempt Rin to take a break in order to ensure her health. The next day Hisao finds Sae and Rin outside at the gallery where they chat about Rin's progress to which that she can't make a dent yet but Sae cheers her up. Rin asks her if she can have some cigarettes, causing a shocked Sae to mechanically give some, along with a lighter and begs her not to tell the teacher. At the atelier Rin tells Hisao that she can't make any progress, even her old techniques won't work anymore. She decides that she should destroy herself in order to begin her progress by smoking. She begins to pick up one cigarette with her mouth, then they began to share the cigarette one by one but it still doesn't seem to be enough. Hisao decides to take a walk with Rin, after they take a trip in town Rin tells Hisao that he should not come visit her causing a stunned Hisao to confess about the painful distance between them. Rin tells him that he can touch her so he would feel better, and he touches Rin cheeks, followed by their goodbyes.
Bad Ending=
Hisao demands that Rin explain what he means to her, but she is unable to do so. He yells at her about how selfish and unhealthy she's being by devoting herself to her art, treating him only as a source of inspiration and not as a person with feelings. Rin coldly demands that he leave. Hisao returns to his dorm. Before falling asleep, he notes how much time he wasted chasing things out of his reach.|-|
The next day after class Hisao disobediently goes to the gallery where they had a chat with Nomiya and Sae. Night falls, and Nomiya offers Hisao to drive back home but is interrupted by Sae. Hisao declines the teachers offer anyway. At the atelier Hisao finds himself shocked when he saw Rin, who was literally overwhelmed from the progress she couldn't even finish. Hisao embraces her in order to calm her down. Unexpectedly Rin ask Hisao to comfort her to which he agrees but stated that this was not what friends should do. Rin replies that they can't be friends for a while. Hisao begins to comfort her, and afterwards Rin worries about why he came for her and Hisao resolves that he didn't want to lose her. In the morning before class starts Hisao interprets last night and asks why this art was so important to her to which Rin can't explain. She states that he wouldn't even understand but Hisao acknowledges that he will understand, and Rin wants to do she wants, causing Hisao to get enraged because her decision was too unhealthy for her and isolated her from everyone. Hisao returns to Yamaku with disappointment.
===[[Act 4 - Dream]]===
===Bad Ending===
[[File:3Dream.png|thumb|Act 4 - Dream]] Hisao returns to school. The day before the exhibit, Hisao encounters Rin on the way to his room and realizes his frustration has not left. He demands that Rin explain what he means to her, but she is unable to do so. He yells at her about how selfish and unhealthy she's being by devoting herself to her art, treating him only as a source of inspiration and not as a person with feelings. Upset, Rin leaves and Hisao becomes even more frustrated for hurting her.
Hisao demands that Rin explain what he is to her, and she struggles to do so. He becomes angry, feeling used, believing she is treating him as nothing more than a muse, and begins to get angrier by the minute. He gets through to her, although not in the way he intended, causing her to stumble trying to offer an explanation, and realizing that she cannot. She demands that he leave, and he does so, returning to his room. He contemplates the strange change that has emerged in their relationship, unable to decide if this change is in him, or in her. Before lying on his bed, he looks at his watch, noting that it is 3:30 am. He considers how dependable it has been, always "knowing more about what is going on than I do." He looks at the medications lying on his desk, considering how much he will have to depend on these, and considers the time that stretches out before him, before removing the watch. Before fading to sleep, he notes how much time he wasted chasing things out of his reach.
==Act 4 ~ Dream==
The next night Hisao goes to the exhibition to apologize to Rin. Rin is not there, but Emi is, to support her friend. Nomiya finally appears with Rin, who pointedly ignores Hisao. The many guests begin asking questions of Rin, about her disability and how it affects her painting, her inspiration and technique. Rin is so overwhelmed that she sinks to her knees. Hisao escorts her outside to calm down. Rin realises she isn't ready to cope with so many questions.
[[File:3Dream.png|thumb|Act 4: Dream]]Hisao manages to reach class in time, feeling self loathed back at the atelier, Hisao decides to talk to Nomiya after class to argue about Rin, instead only receiving an invitation to the exhibition to which he agrees to attend (unhappily). Five days pass; a brooding Hisao is been pestered by Nomiya again that he should attend in the exhibition to which he agrees (again) as long as he doesn't discuss anything about Rin.
The following day before the exhibition, Hisao encounters Rin on his way his room angrily asking why she was here instead of preparing for tomorrow. Her answer motivates him to go back to his room; however Rin (uninvited) follows and sits on Hisao's bed. He waits for Rin to talk, she stands up and tells him that ''It was a bad idea. Maybe you should forget about it, and I will too.'' Abruptly Rin begs that she needs him but Hisao demands an answer, saying that she needs him just to toy with his mind. Rin tells him that she just needed to paint, causing Hisao to feel that he was treated nothing more than a muse. Hisao demands an explanation because she never explains everything.
Good Ending=
Rin admits she wasn't ready for the gallery and walks back to school. Nomiya is outraged when he learns what Rin has done. Emi suggests she and Hisao find her and "kick her ass", but Hisao persuades her against that. The two return to the dorms to prepare for exams.
Unexpectedly, a frustrated Rin demands him to leave only realizing that she was in his room, leading Rin to leave. Hisao realizes that he was the one who encouraged Rin to do the exhibition, which broke their friendship. In guilt he bumps his head twice. The next night Hisao goes to the exhibition to apologize to Rin about what had happened yesterday. Inside, Sae had invited some guests to look at Rin's work, and all of them are amazed by Rin's work. Hisao encounters Emi, to which she states that she attended in order to see and congratulate Rin for her work of art. Together they finally met Rin with Nomiya. Both Hisao and Emi congratulate her, but Rin ignores Hisao in latter end. After Sae introduces the guests to Rin they begin to ask multiple questions to Rin to which she can't understand. The multiple questions keep being asked, overwhelming her to the point she ends up sitting between her legs. Hisao escorts her outside in order to her calm down. Hisao tells her that she should go back inside but Rin refuses to because she only needs a person that never asks questions at her.
Nomiya interrupts Mutou's final exam to talk to Hisao. He has been unable to find Rin since she left. When prodded on why he pushed Rin into it, Nomiya explains that he saw it as his duty to ensure her talents didn't go to waste. Hisao leaves Nomiya and finds Rin in the unused classroom where they first met. Rin continues to hold herself at a distance. Hisao explains that Sae and Nomiya believe Rin is throwing away everything she has been working towards. He convinces her that she needs to apologize to Nomiya.
===Good Ending===
Hisao answers Rin, questioning what will happen if she finds that person. Rin then realizes that she made a mistake in accepting the exhibition and runs back off to school. Hisao attempts to stop her but fails. He then returns to the gallery where he meets a worried Nomiya. Nomiya is outraged when he learns that Rin has run away but is quickly calmed down by Sae who believes Rin is just suffering from stage fright. Emi suggests that she and Hisao should go find her and ''"kick her ass"'', but Hisao decides that it would be best to leave her alone for now. The two then return to the dorms to prepare for the next day's exams.
Hisao finishes his exams the next day with ease. Afterwards he is greeted by Nomiya who enters his class requesting urgently to speak with him. After leaving the classroom, Hisao learns that Rin has been hiding ever since the other day. When questioned however, Hisao replies that he doesn't know where Rin has gone which causes Nomiya to become worried. Hisao then asks Nomiya why he pushes Rin so hard to do the exhibition, to which the art teacher explains it was his duty as a mentor and that he didn't want to see her talents go to waste. However, he also explains that he was happy for her when people expressed interest in her work, with even a piece at the exhibition being sold for a reasonable price. Before leaving, Nomiya tells Hisao to let Rin know to come and see him should Hisao be able to find her.
Hisao waits outside as the art teacher scolds Rin, lecturing her throwing away a promising career. She states, in her detached way, that the exhibition was a mistake. Nomiya frustratedly tells her she might not be an artist after all and storms out. When Hisao goes in to comfort her she pushes him away. Hisao tells her that Nomiya was trying to make her into someone she wasn't ready to be, and that in a way he was doing the same thing by trying to make them "more than friends". She cries in his arms, and Hisao holds her until she's done, realizing he fell in love with her a long time ago, even if he isn't able to connect with her well.
As Nomiya rounds the corner to leave Hisao ponders where Rin may be, noting that that the girl most likely has dozens of her "secret places" that she may be hiding in. After a few moments of deciding whether or not to persist in looking for her or giving up for good, Hisao sees the unused classroom is nearby. Going inside, he finds Rin standing in the middle of the sunlit classroom by herself while staring into the yard through the curtains. Hisao greets her, but Rin only answers with a cryptic expression and silence. Hisao then informs Rin that Nomiya has been looking for her. Rin responds by asking if Hisao himself was also looking for her, but Hisao tells her he already hads. She then asks him if he really did find her, to which Hisao wonders whether or not she was being serious. He then asks her if she is speaking metaphorically now, to which she admits that she is ''"bad at talking like that."''
Rin explains it's easier to express herself with art than with words. She's trying to get people to understand her so she doesn't feel so alone. Hisao realizes she's been reaching out to him like he's been reaching out to her. She accepts that it's okay to never be completely understood, but dares to trust in Hisao a little more.
Hisao then takes a seat in the old classroom and the two of them stay together in silence for a few moments while Hisao ponders what he should say, noting how surprised he is that Rin is actually troubled by something. He admits to himself that he is probably part of the reason why Rin is so bothered, although he quickly resolves that he should help her rather than leave her alone. Hisao then tries to ask Rin what is wrong. However, Rin dodges the question and refuses to explain. After some partial reconciling between the two, Hisao explains to her that Sae and Nomiya are unhappy with what has happened and believe Rin is throwing away everything she has been working for by running away from the exhibition. As Hisao reprimands her, he makes note of the distance that has grown between them. Rin then admits that she couldn't do it, refusing to explain further when asked by Hisao. He then asks Rin for the reason as to why she paints, to which she answers that it is the only thing she knows how to do. As their conversation continues, Hisao comes to realize how his new life at the school had made him forget about his old one. Hisao tells Rin that a true artist paints because they must, quoting Sae. Rin responds to by asking Hisao if she really is an artist, before admitting that she doesn't really know if she is one yet. She then tells him that she wishes for someone to see her for what's inside, in the way that wouldn't make her feel alone. However, Hisao explains that she may not have her wish granted as he believes that art is meant to be interpreted rather than understood to which Rin replies is a sad thought.
On the first day of summer vacation, a heavy rain pours outside. Hisao hears a thud at his door. Rin stands in the hallway, soaking wet. She's gone for a walk in the rain and, since Emi has gone home for the summer, she needs help changing into dry clothes. Hisao nervously agrees to help. As he dries and undresses her, one thing leads to another. Making love is a transformative act for both of them: Rin discovers what it feels like to not be alone and Hisao learns to stop worrying about the future.
After reaching the art class, Hisao waits outside as Rin enters. Nomiya argues with Rin about why she had just ran off but replies that she couldn't say anything. Nomiya furiously tells Rin that she embarrassed not just him and Sae but all the other guests and lectures her that an artist path was thorny but Rin unsuccessfully resolves her problem causing Nomiya to outburst, expecting that Rin will throw out her artistic talents for nothing then departs. Rin tells Hisao that her apology did not receive well. When Hisao begins to question Rin she demands him to leave, believing that Hisao failed her as a friend the way Nomiya did. Hisao confronts her telling her that Nomiya was forcing her to be someone other than herself and confesses that the reason that he gets angry at her as well was to become someone for her, more than a friend. Rin then becomes confused upon every time someone says that. She never asks and begins to get angry at herself and finally states that she no longer has any idea about what is going on with her. Hisao then tells that she should either accept it or give up for the things that she did wrong causing Rin to burst to tears. Rin reveals that the reason she paints was so that she can express her feelings to others so that she wouldn't be alone. It ends up that she cannot use art as a conduit to express it because others can't see the way Rin does. Hisao tells her that she just can't use art in order for others to understand her, it's just that they can't see it the way she does. Afterwards, Rin begins to feel better, and Hisao escorts her to her dorm room. During their walk, while walking down stairs Rin says "I think I had to change".
Afterwards, Rin takes him back to the hill of dandelion flowers which are now in full bloom. She asks Hisao if he loves her. He isn't sure. Rin tells Hisao "I love you" anyway, describing the phrase as "a weird taste". She admits that she's a little bit afraid of Hisao, because he makes her feel like she should be someone else. She starts to cry.
On the first day of summer vacation Hisao was awakened from the heavy rain outside. Disappointed, while waiting for the rain to stop he hears a loud bump from his door, and hopes it will not be Kenji. Upon opening the door he was surprised that Rin is visiting him again and was soaking wet. After a short greeting Hisao tells her that she was wet, to which Rin tells him that she was on a walk but never noticed it would rain. Rin tells Hisao that she needs his help to get her dried up, leading Hisao to ask about Emi, but Rin tells him that she had left, and she didn't want to see her fussing which would take longer. She then tells him that he was not the fussing kind. Hisao then prepares a towel and his own uniform for Rin. Hesitantly Hisao unbuttons her shirt revealing her degenerated arms. He then removes her pants as well, as he tries to dry her ankles at some point Hisao comforts her one more time. The two now engage with each other, but Hisao once more states this wasn't what friends should do, to which Rin responds that he has to stop being her friend to which Hisao declines. Rin tells her that it's alright if he did. Hisao tries to apologize for yelling at her, but Rin tells Hisao that he should let it go, the two proceed to have sex but it is shortly interrupted when Rin asks if this why that she won't be alone anymore. Hisao responds by saying that someone will help her get dried up from the rain. This meant that she was not alone if someone is there for her. Her answer promotes them to continue.
But the things about her that frustrate him are also what he admires most about her. Rin decides it's okay not to change. Hisao asks Rin if she still plans to become an artist, but Rin asks him to watch the sky with her instead. She asks him "What's the right word for when it feels inside your heart that everything in the world is alright?"|-|
Neutral Ending=
Hisao tells Rin that she should be happy so many people are interested in her art and convinces her to go back inside. Nomiya brushes off Rin's collapse as a spell of dizziness and Hisao loses her to the crowd of art enthusiasts.
Hisao wakes up on the morning, and Rin invites him to go somewhere before impatiently waits to get dressed. Rin tells Hisao that Emi is better at this but he explains to her that she was a girl, but Rin answers that she just has the same chest size as Hisao. After he finishes Rin begans to run off as Hisao follows her to the valley where the sea of dandelions now shedding seeds.
After finishing his final exam, Hisao has an abundance of free time. But all he wants to do is see Rin. At the art gallery, he runs into Nomiya and Sae who are still enraptured by the success of the showing. Rin enters the gallery but stops upon seeing Hisao and leaves again. He chases after her for an explanation. She tells him that talking to him hurts her. The two of them wander the streets in silence, until eventually Hisao asks Rin about how she felt the exhibition went. Rin says all she wanted was for someone to look at her art and say "I understand how you feel". Hisao tells her nobody will ever understand her because human beings experience life uniquely. This hurts Rin deeply, who asks "Why do you say that when you made me feel otherwise?"
Rin asks Hisao if he did love her to which Hisao can't answer Rin, and that Rin didn't know either. Awkwardly Rin say's to Hisao "I love you", as Rin tries to explain she tearfully states that she was afraid of Hisao and that she wanted to run away from it but couldn't. Hisao questions as to why Rin was afraid of him, and she responds that he made her feel that she should be someone more than herself. Hisao then calls Rin stupid before he kisses her. His heart begans to murmur but manages to calm down, and Rin then explains that she was afraid of his kindness but overcomes it in the end. Hisao gently blows a dandelion away and begins to question Rin about whether or not that she had became an artist, but Rin thinks that it won't matter and just wanted to go cloud gazing for today. Rin decides that it was alright for her to be herself for now. The story ends when Rin ask Hisao "What's the right word for when it feels inside your heart that everything in the world is alright?".
She announces that Nomiya has helped her with a scholarship to an art university in Tokyo, leaving before the final trimester at Yamaku. Hisao is shocked how ready she is to leave him, but Rin states that she must go her own path, even if it changes her. She tells him to forget about her, then walks out of his life.|-|
===Neutral Ending===
If Hisao tells Rin that she should be happy about everyone liking her art and asks questions about it Rin becomes upset and returns to the gallery surprising Nomiya that nothing is wrong about her. The next day, after Hisao easily finishes his exam and returns to his room, he tries to visit Rin but finds she was not in her dorm causing him to wait until the next day. When Hisao tries to visit Rin again he ends up meeting Emi, and she tells him that she is back at the gallery. Hisao goes to the gallery and meets up with Nomiya and Sae and notices some of Rin's work, and that even some had already been sold. Sae tells Hisao about the story of two friends (Picasso and Cicasso), and Rin appears, only to run outside. Hisao follows and covers her from the rain with his umbrella They start walking together, and after the rain stops Rin moves away from Hisao and tells him that she is looking for someone that can understand her. Hisao cynically responds that it doesn't matter if someone can see the way she feels, and that people are always alone, causing Rin to get upset even more and decides to accept a scholarship in Tokyo leaving Yamaku for good. Rin hugs Hisao and tells him that she can hug someone on her own and pursues to became an artist. Rin tells Hisao to forget about her from there on. Rin walks away from Hisao for good.
The next day, Emi collides with Hisao once again, this time bringing papers to a teacher. To apologize, she invites Hisao for lunch on the rooftop again. When Hisao arrives, Rin is lying on the roof, watching the sky. She tells him that sometimes she skips classes to experience things she wishes. Hisao joins her and finds himself relaxing, his thoughts slowing down to calmly drift by like the clouds.
At his first art club meeting, the first assignment is to partner up to practice sketching one another. Hisao is left with Rin, the only other person he knows. His own artwork is clumsy, but Rin's is amazing. When asked about the gloomy expression on his portrait, she answers that she's never seen him smile. Hisao starts to reflect on his negative outlook on life since his heart attack.
Later, after another art club session, Nomiya tells Rin about a friend of his who might be willing to display some of Rin's work. Rin says she'll think about it and goes for a walk, which Hisao accompanies her on. They stop at a large maple tree which Rin calls the Worry Tree. Rin feels that, to display her work for others, she'd need to become an entirely different person. She isn't sure whether becoming a career artist is something she wants for herself. Hisao shares with Rin his own negative feelings towards the circumstances that lead him to Yamaku, but resolves to stop "wallowing under the weight of all the crap in his life" and change for the better.
Hisao receives a letter from Iwanako, in which she hopes he's gotten back to his feet in his new life. Resolved to change, Hisao observes other students and how they cope with their difficulties. When Rin paints, she goes into her own world that he cannot breach. To her, painting is a way of capturing what she cannot say. Looking at her old paintings reminds her of what she was thinking at the time she made them, and are proof of her existence. She fears she cannot become the person that Nomiya wants her to be.
Emi makes good on her promise to celebrate finishing her track meet and the three head out for a picnic. However it begins to rain and they are forced to wait out the storm in the Shanghai. Emi decides to hike back in the rain, but knowing he can't keep up, Hisao walks Rin back with his umbrella. The next day, Emi is absent from lunch due to a cold, and Rin mentions that she might have it too. She sneezes suddenly and Hisao helps wipe her nose with his handkerchief. She hugs him (in her own way) and leaves as lunch ends.
Hisao bumps into Emi a few days later who sheepishly tells him Rin caught her cold. It takes a few days for Hisao to work up the courage to visit Rin, but when he does, Rin answers the door in an unbuttoned shirt and underwear. Speaking very strangely, Hisao figures out that she's taken too much codiene-based cold medicine. As he's about to leave, she falls into him and kisses him on the lips. A bewildered Hisao tucks her in, pondering whether to call a nurse, and pockets the rest of her medication.
The next day Rin waits outside Hisao's classroom with no recollection of previous day's events. But she does recall wanting to bring him somewhere, so they walk through the forest to a dandelion-covered hill. Rin apologizes for being so bad with people and confides that her pencils and paints are the only friends she's ever had. Hisao declares that he's her friend. Rin announces that she'll give the gallery a try, realizing change was inevitable so she might as well embrace the opportunity.
Nomiya is overjoyed at Rin's decision and drives the two students to the 22nd Corner Art Gallery. They meet the owner, Sae Saionji, who thinks her technique needs a little refinement, but that she'd be willing to host an exhibit if Rin is willing to add more works. Rin commits herself wholeheartedly, and Nomiya arranges for Rin to be exempt from classes for the rest of the trimester. Saionji arranges the atelier above her gallery for Rin to do her work in, even letting her stay overnight.
On her last day, Hisao finds Rin at her desk napping, crying in her sleep. She explains that crying is something she's learned from others. She also tells Emi not to distract her by visiting while she focuses on painting. Hisao still wants to become close to Rin. He confesses his feelings in the atelier, but she cuts him off and tells him she can't think about it right now. Heartbroken, Hisao turns to leave, but Rin asks him to visit again tomorrow.
Thus begins a pattern where Hisao visits her in the evenings, watching her paint or reading in silence. He brings her some oranges when he realizes she hasn't been eating properly and gently feeds them to her. Rin begins to struggle--she cannot inspire herself to paint using new methods nor old. She concludes that changing is not enough. First, she must destroy the "old her". She asks Sae for cigarettes and Hisao reluctantly shares the pack with her.
Upon seeing that smoking is only increasing her melancholy, Hisao takes her into the city at night, taking random turns and discovering new views. She suddenly asks him to stop visiting her for reasons she won't explain.
Within a few days, Hisao finds himself heading back to the gallery, unable to stop thinking about Rin. He runs into Nomiya and Sae who talk about the challenges of a gifted career artist. While the two old friends reminisce, Hisao makes his way into the atelier. He discovers Rin is pleasuring herself on the floor. Realising she's been seen, she rambles about the shame and frustration of pursuing a path as an artist. She asks him to help her finish and he does. In the morning, Hisao wonders whether it crossed a boundary in their friendship. Rin responds in emotionless circles and Hisao gets frustrated trying to connect with the woman he loves.
Hisao demands that Rin explain what he means to her, but she is unable to do so. He yells at her about how selfish and unhealthy she's being by devoting herself to her art, treating him only as a source of inspiration and not as a person with feelings. Rin coldly demands that he leave. Hisao returns to his dorm. Before falling asleep, he notes how much time he wasted chasing things out of his reach.
Hisao returns to school. The day before the exhibit, Hisao encounters Rin on the way to his room and realizes his frustration has not left. He demands that Rin explain what he means to her, but she is unable to do so. He yells at her about how selfish and unhealthy she's being by devoting herself to her art, treating him only as a source of inspiration and not as a person with feelings. Upset, Rin leaves and Hisao becomes even more frustrated for hurting her.
The next night Hisao goes to the exhibition to apologize to Rin. Rin is not there, but Emi is, to support her friend. Nomiya finally appears with Rin, who pointedly ignores Hisao. The many guests begin asking questions of Rin, about her disability and how it affects her painting, her inspiration and technique. Rin is so overwhelmed that she sinks to her knees. Hisao escorts her outside to calm down. Rin realises she isn't ready to cope with so many questions.
Rin admits she wasn't ready for the gallery and walks back to school. Nomiya is outraged when he learns what Rin has done. Emi suggests she and Hisao find her and "kick her ass", but Hisao persuades her against that. The two return to the dorms to prepare for exams.
Nomiya interrupts Mutou's final exam to talk to Hisao. He has been unable to find Rin since she left. When prodded on why he pushed Rin into it, Nomiya explains that he saw it as his duty to ensure her talents didn't go to waste. Hisao leaves Nomiya and finds Rin in the unused classroom where they first met. Rin continues to hold herself at a distance. Hisao explains that Sae and Nomiya believe Rin is throwing away everything she has been working towards. He convinces her that she needs to apologize to Nomiya.
Hisao waits outside as the art teacher scolds Rin, lecturing her throwing away a promising career. She states, in her detached way, that the exhibition was a mistake. Nomiya frustratedly tells her she might not be an artist after all and storms out. When Hisao goes in to comfort her she pushes him away. Hisao tells her that Nomiya was trying to make her into someone she wasn't ready to be, and that in a way he was doing the same thing by trying to make them "more than friends". She cries in his arms, and Hisao holds her until she's done, realizing he fell in love with her a long time ago, even if he isn't able to connect with her well.
Rin explains it's easier to express herself with art than with words. She's trying to get people to understand her so she doesn't feel so alone. Hisao realizes she's been reaching out to him like he's been reaching out to her. She accepts that it's okay to never be completely understood, but dares to trust in Hisao a little more.
On the first day of summer vacation, a heavy rain pours outside. Hisao hears a thud at his door. Rin stands in the hallway, soaking wet. She's gone for a walk in the rain and, since Emi has gone home for the summer, she needs help changing into dry clothes. Hisao nervously agrees to help. As he dries and undresses her, one thing leads to another. Making love is a transformative act for both of them: Rin discovers what it feels like to not be alone and Hisao learns to stop worrying about the future.
Afterwards, Rin takes him back to the hill of dandelion flowers which are now in full bloom. She asks Hisao if he loves her. He isn't sure. Rin tells Hisao "I love you" anyway, describing the phrase as "a weird taste". She admits that she's a little bit afraid of Hisao, because he makes her feel like she should be someone else. She starts to cry.
But the things about her that frustrate him are also what he admires most about her. Rin decides it's okay not to change. Hisao asks Rin if she still plans to become an artist, but Rin asks him to watch the sky with her instead. She asks him "What's the right word for when it feels inside your heart that everything in the world is alright?"
Hisao tells Rin that she should be happy so many people are interested in her art and convinces her to go back inside. Nomiya brushes off Rin's collapse as a spell of dizziness and Hisao loses her to the crowd of art enthusiasts.
After finishing his final exam, Hisao has an abundance of free time. But all he wants to do is see Rin. At the art gallery, he runs into Nomiya and Sae who are still enraptured by the success of the showing. Rin enters the gallery but stops upon seeing Hisao and leaves again. He chases after her for an explanation. She tells him that talking to him hurts her. The two of them wander the streets in silence, until eventually Hisao asks Rin about how she felt the exhibition went. Rin says all she wanted was for someone to look at her art and say "I understand how you feel". Hisao tells her nobody will ever understand her because human beings experience life uniquely. This hurts Rin deeply, who asks "Why do you say that when you made me feel otherwise?"
She announces that Nomiya has helped her with a scholarship to an art university in Tokyo, leaving before the final trimester at Yamaku. Hisao is shocked how ready she is to leave him, but Rin states that she must go her own path, even if it changes her. She tells him to forget about her, then walks out of his life.