Clouds, Time Travel, and Thou/Transcript: Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox transcript
|title = Clouds, Time Travel, and Thou
|characters=*[[Hisao Nakai]]
*[[Emi Ibarazaki]]
*[[Rin Tezuka]]
|next = [[Questions That Need Answering!/Transcript|Questions That Need Answering!]]
|prev = [[Morning Run/Transcript|Morning Run]]

play sound sfx_normalbell
NARRATOR: "The hands on the clock finally set me free from the tedium of yet another fun-filled class. Getting up from my seat proves to be more of a problem than I anticipated. My legs are killing me from the morning's run. Maybe doing these morning runs with Emi isn't such a hot idea after all. Still, the run's given me a hell of an appetite."

play music music_daily
NARRATOR: "I'm halfway down the hallway to the cafeteria when I remember that I've got my lunch with me. My parents saw fit to provide me with some prepackaged stuff when I moved in, and a good thing too. The hallway is packed with students headed for the cafeteria. Going back is like swimming upstream—but I've got an appointment to keep on the rooftop."

scene bg school_scienceroom
NARRATOR: "It takes me a moment to find the staircase leading up to the rooftop, but I'm willing to bet that Emi and Rin aren't up there by now anyway. In fact, I think I saw Emi among the bodies in the hallway headed for the cafeteria. I step out of the door to the roof and take a deep breath. The fresh air blowing against my face and body almost makes my legs hurt less."
with fade
NARRATOR: "The hands on the clock finally set me free from the tedium of yet another fun-filled class."
NARRATOR: "Getting up from my seat proves to be more of a problem than I anticipated."
NARRATOR: "My legs are killing me from the morning's run."
NARRATOR: "Maybe doing these morning runs with Emi isn't such a hot idea after all."
NARRATOR: "Still, the run's given me a hell of an appetite."
scene bg school_hallway3
with locationskip
NARRATOR: "I'm halfway down the hallway to the cafeteria when I remember that I've got my lunch with me."
NARRATOR: "My parents saw fit to provide me with some prepackaged stuff when I moved in, and a good thing too."
NARRATOR: "The hallway is packed with students headed for the cafeteria."
NARRATOR: "Going back is like swimming upstream—but I've got an appointment to keep on the rooftop."
scene bg school_staircase1
with locationchange
NARRATOR: "It takes me a moment to find the staircase leading up to the rooftop, but I'm willing to bet that Emi and Rin aren't up there by now anyway."
NARRATOR: "In fact, I think I saw Emi among the bodies in the hallway headed for the cafeteria."
NARRATOR: "I step out of the door to the roof and take a deep breath."
scene bg school_roof
with locationchange
NARRATOR: "The fresh air blowing against my face and body almost makes my legs hurt less."

RIN: "Maybe if I'm upside down..."
RIN: "Maybe if I'm upside down..."

NARRATOR: "Part of me wants to be surprised that Rin's already up here."
NARRATOR: "Part of me wants to be surprised that Rin's already up here. That is the same part of me that wants to believe that there's a reason she's currently throwing her legs over her head."
NARRATOR: "That is the same part of me that wants to believe that there's a reason she's currently throwing her legs over her head."

HISAO: "What's that going to accomplish?"
HISAO: "What's that going to accomplish?"
Line 64: Line 35:
RIN: "You may have a point. Maybe sideways."
RIN: "You may have a point. Maybe sideways."

NARRATOR: "As Rin lays down on the bench to look at the sky, I give up."
NARRATOR: "As Rin lays down on the bench to look at the sky, I give up. Fortunately Emi chooses that moment to burst through the door carrying two bags. She nearly takes the door off the hinges."
NARRATOR: "Fortunately Emi chooses that moment to burst through the door carrying two bags."
NARRATOR: "She nearly takes the door off the hinges."

EMI: "Sorry it took me so long! There were a ton of people in line."
EMI: "Sorry it took me so long! There were a ton of people in line."
Line 86: Line 53:
EMI: "How ungrateful of you."
EMI: "How ungrateful of you."

NARRATOR: "I'm not sure whether the two are joking with one another or if I'm witnessing the beginnings of a cat fight."
NARRATOR: "I'm not sure whether the two are joking with one another or if I'm witnessing the beginnings of a cat fight. The two girls stare at one another for a few tense moments before breaking into smiles."
NARRATOR: "The two girls stare at one anther for a few tense moments before breaking into smiles."

RIN: "Hey Emi, do you think being upside down is a new perspective on things?"
RIN: "Hey Emi, do you think being upside down is a new perspective on things?"

NARRATOR: "Didn't I already have this conversation?"
NARRATOR: "Didn't I already have this conversation? Emi looks thoughtful, apparently giving the question some thought. After a deep and profound pause, she speaks."
NARRATOR: "Emi looks thoughtful, apparently giving the question some thought."
NARRATOR: "After a deep and profound pause, she speaks."

EMI: "I have no idea."
EMI: "I have no idea."
Line 112: Line 73:
EMI: "Honestly, Hisao, after I went through all the trouble of letting you run with me in the morning, you won't even show up at my track meet?"
EMI: "Honestly, Hisao, after I went through all the trouble of letting you run with me in the morning, you won't even show up at my track meet?"

NARRATOR: "Wasn't she the one that asked me to run with her?"
NARRATOR: "Wasn't she the one that asked me to run with her? Actually, she didn't even give me a choice in the matter."
NARRATOR: "Actually, she didn't even give me a choice in the matter."

HISAO: "Wait, no, I didn't say that..."
HISAO: "Wait, no, I didn't say that..."
Line 130: Line 89:
EMI: "Good idea, Rin! Maybe we can get some food or something after the meet's over?"
EMI: "Good idea, Rin! Maybe we can get some food or something after the meet's over?"

NARRATOR: "I feel like I've just been conned, but not by these two."
NARRATOR: "I feel like I've just been conned, but not by these two. More like by some outside force, pushing me irrevocably toward my Destiny. Or maybe I shouldn't read books that feature conspiracy theories so heavily. Otherwise I might wind up sounding like [[Kenji]]. Still, now I suppose that I've got to show up. I don't think that I could stand against both of them being disappointed. I'd never hear the end of it."
NARRATOR: "More like by some outside force, pushing me irrevocably toward my Destiny."
NARRATOR: "Or maybe I shouldn't read books that feature conspiracy theories so heavily."
NARRATOR: "Otherwise I might wind up sounding like Kenji."
NARRATOR: "Still, now I suppose that I've got to show up."
NARRATOR: "I don't think that I could stand against both of them being disappointed."
NARRATOR: "I'd never hear the end of it."

HISAO: "When is it again?"
HISAO: "When is it again?"
Line 182: Line 129:
RIN: "I suppose not. But I reserve the right to change my opinion at a moment's notice."
RIN: "I suppose not. But I reserve the right to change my opinion at a moment's notice."

NARRATOR: "For Rin, this statement makes a disturbing amount of sense."
NARRATOR: "For Rin, this statement makes a disturbing amount of sense. The fact that I realize this now frightens me a bit. I wonder if Emi gets this feeling all the time. If she does though, she's not showing it. Emi merely nods."
NARRATOR: "The fact that I realize this now frightens me a bit."
NARRATOR: "I wonder if Emi gets this feeling all the time."
NARRATOR: "If she does though, she's not showing it. Emi merely nods."

EMI: "As expected."
EMI: "As expected."
Line 194: Line 135:
RIN: "What's that supposed to mean?"
RIN: "What's that supposed to mean?"

NARRATOR: "This time, it's Emi who shrugs."
NARRATOR: "This time, it's Emi who shrugs. It's like she's using Rin's own weapons against her."
NARRATOR: "It's like she's using Rin's own weapons against her."

EMI: "Your response is the sort of thing I'd expect from you, that's all."
EMI: "Your response is the sort of thing I'd expect from you, that's all."
Line 208: Line 147:
RIN: "Well that's alright then. I've got a reputation to protect, you know."
RIN: "Well that's alright then. I've got a reputation to protect, you know."

NARRATOR: "I don't get the chance to see whether or not Rin's being serious or not, as the bell rings."
NARRATOR: "I don't get the chance to see whether or not Rin's being serious or not, as the bell rings. I didn't notice the lunch period slipping by at all. It was far too interesting hanging out with these two. Emi jumps up, a look of panic on her face."
play sound sfx_normalbell
NARRATOR: "I didn't notice the lunch period slipping by at all."
NARRATOR: "It was far too interesting hanging out with these two."
NARRATOR: "Emi jumps up, a look of panic on her face."

EMI: "Oh no! I needed to stop by my room to pick up my notebook for the next class!"
EMI: "Oh no! I needed to stop by my room to pick up my notebook for the next class!"
Line 222: Line 153:
RIN: "Betcha wish you had a time machine now."
RIN: "Betcha wish you had a time machine now."

NARRATOR: "Rin seems rather smug as she delivers this line; like she'd just won an argument."
NARRATOR: "Rin seems rather smug as she delivers this line; like she'd just won an argument. Emi ignores Rin's comment."
NARRATOR: "Emi ignores Rin's comment."

EMI: "Sorry Hisao, but could you make sure our garbage gets thrown away?"
EMI: "Sorry Hisao, but could you make sure our garbage gets thrown away? I usually clean up myself, but I've got to run!"
EMI: "I usually clean up myself, but I've got to run!"

HISAO: "Sure, no problem."
HISAO: "Sure, no problem."

NARRATOR: "I don't bother asking why Rin couldn't help. She's already gone through the door."
NARRATOR: "I don't bother asking why Rin couldn't help. She's already gone through the door. She's probably used to Emi taking care of cleanup, and for some reason I doubt Emi's ever raised the issue with her. Cleaning up from lunch doesn't take long, so I have plenty of time to toss our garbage and get to class."
NARRATOR: "She's probably used to Emi taking care of cleanup, and for some reason I doubt Emi's ever raised the issue with her."
NARRATOR: "Cleaning up from lunch doesn't take long, so I have plenty of time to toss our garbage and get to class."
scene bg school_scienceroom
with locationskip

NARRATOR: "Misha greets me with a wave and a devious gRIN: as I walk through the door."
NARRATOR: "Misha greets me with a wave and a devious grin as I walk through the door."

MISHA: "Didn't see you in the cafeteria, Hicchan."
MISHA: "Didn't see you in the cafeteria, Hicchan."
Line 247: Line 167:
HISAO: "Yeah, I decided it was too crowded there."
HISAO: "Yeah, I decided it was too crowded there."

NARRATOR: "Misha's gRIN: gets even wider."
NARRATOR: "Misha's grin gets even wider."

MISHA: "Oh really? Are you sure you weren't participating in an illicit rendezvous?"
MISHA: "Oh really? Are you sure you weren't participating in an illicit rendezvous?"
Line 275: Line 195:
NARRATOR: "I don't know what the hell she's talking about, but blessedly our teacher comes in and the class starts."
NARRATOR: "I don't know what the hell she's talking about, but blessedly our teacher comes in and the class starts."

stop music fadeout 1.5
<p style="text-align:center;">'''Next Scene: [[Questions That Need Answering!/Transcript|Questions That Need Answering!]]'''</p>