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| After school, Shizune and Misha quickly find me by the first floor lobby and latch onto me, covering each flank in case I might try to escape.
| | why are you faggots-woah you're not even faggots,you're weeb trash[[Category:Transcripts]] |
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| I feel a little offended, but I'd been considering it. Nevertheless, I'm a bit disturbed that enough people have made a break for it in the past that they're on their guard.
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| Hisao
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| "What's with the escort? This doesn't make me feel very comfortable."
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| In fact, it makes me feel like a dangerous prisoner being transported to his cell.
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| Misha
| |
| "Wahahaha! What's wrong, Hicchan?"
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "That's right, we're just going to go play a game of Risk, remember?"
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| | |
| I don't know, Misha, this all seems a little sinister to me. I start thinking that when we sit down to play the game, they'll tie me down and torture me until I agree to join the Student Council.
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| Well, that's highly unlikely, but still... For some reason, it just seems like it would be so plausible...
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| Getting to the student council room is as simple as turning two corners from where we started.
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| Hisao
| |
| "What? That's it? This makes you guys being so on top of me seem a little silly."
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "That's not true, Hicchan. Shicchan says that when their life is threatened, people have shown the capability to pull off superhuman bursts of speed."
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "Life is threatened?"
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| | |
| Her expression unchanging, Misha signs something amusedly to Shizune, who makes a baffling face and puts her hands behind her back, looking pleased with herself.
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Mm~ hm hm hm~..."
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| | |
| Misha feigns deafness and hums cheerily. Stop that, I know you heard me; you have no excuse, unlike Shizune.
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| | |
| Shizune opens the door to the student council room. It's a very plain, sparsely decorated room, although it is quite large, maybe even a little larger than a classroom.
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| There's a big table in the center surrounded by chairs, and a smaller desk prominently placed in the back that I assume is Shizune's. There are a few regular desks and chairs stacked to one side, as well. Extras, perhaps?
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| Aside from the tables and chairs, the room doesn't have much else to offer. Just a couple of filing cabinets and bookshelves stacked with old school records and documents. Not much else. In fact, nothing else.
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| This is... a pretty bleak room. They could at least put a potted plant in here, or something. But the most noticeable thing that this room doesn't have is other people.
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| Hisao
| |
| "Are we early?"
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "No~."
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "What do you mean 'no'? Does it mean nobody else is coming today?"
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Yeah, that's right~."
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| | |
| Before I managed to ask why that's the case, Shizune claps her hands together very energetically.
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Hicchan, let's play Risk! Come on, you promised, didn't you? You have to~!"
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Hahaha~! Okay okay okay~! Do you want to know the rules? We can explain to you while we set everything up!"
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| | |
| While Misha is talking, Shizune takes out what looks like a board game from behind one of the filing cabinets and throws it on the table.
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| | |
| Actually, this looks kind of interesting.
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| After Misha spends a little too long for her liking running through the basics with a somewhat vague and confusing tutorial, Shizune cuts in and declares the game has started with a decisive motion, slicing her arm through the air.
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| Shizune's aggressiveness is rubbing off onto me. I start feeling more competitive than I intended to be when I agreed to this.
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| Halfway into the game, while I try to ponder how to defend against Shizune's assault from two fronts, she breaks my concentration by drumming her fingers on the table to get my attention.
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Hicchan, Shicchan wants you to know that you are taking too long to make a move."
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Shicchan also says that she will let you keep Australia if you agree to join the Student Council~!"
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "I thought this was a game with no strings attached."
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| | |
| Just the fact that she would dangle that over my head as an offer means that she knows I care about the outcome of this game.
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "And anyway: No!"
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Shicchan admires your fighting spirit and would be a benevolent dictator who will spare your people if you agree to join the Student Council~!"
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Hahahaha~!"
| |
| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "You're so competitive, Shizune."
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| | |
| She seems to take this as a compliment.
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| Hisao
| |
| "I would expect the Student Council president to be a little more magnanimous."
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Mag--nan--i--mous...?"
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| | |
| She doesn't seem to know what the word means or how it's signed, so she pulls out a piece of paper and writes it for Shizune, who in return signs it back to Misha.
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| | |
| Misha presses her index fingers against her temples, as if trying to physically imprint the word into her memory.
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
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| | |
| Suddenly, Shizune bursts into a flurry of gestures. Misha looks daunted by the pace of her heated signing.
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Ah, wait, please slow down, Shicchan... Um, Hicchan~! Shicchan says you're going to lose!"
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "Tell her I will crush her world empire with my rebellion."
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Ah... Okay..."
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| | |
| Those eyes of hers shine with childlike mischief.
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "She says you have no chance if you keep playing like this, no you won't~!"
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| | |
| ==> She has a point. Attack aggressively!==
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| She is either really mocking me, or trying to trick me.
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| I have nothing else to lose, though, so I might as well try something different.
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| | |
| Maybe if I spread out my forces and try to control more territories, I can recoup the advantage.
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| | |
| Shizune seems to focus on conquering whole nations, so maybe I can sacrifice my hold on continents to gain more small countries.
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| | |
| It's worth a shot.
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| | |
| A few turns later, I end up losing the game anyway.
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| | |
| Shizune adjusts her glasses victoriously and allows herself to tentatively pump a fist in the air in celebration.
| |
| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "I win, I win~! Yay~!"
| |
| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "There's no need to translate that, it was pretty clear."
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Wahaha~! Don't look so sad, Hicchan~! You were really giving it your best, that's what I thought!"
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Sometimes, your best just isn't good enough, though~. If anyone knows that, it's me~! You did very well for someone who just learned how to play today!"
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Hicchan, you attacked Iceland and North America at the same time, that's a very daring move. Shicchan is impressed~!"
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "The mark of great people is that they are daring, and that they can follow through~! You're already halfway there; isn't that great, Hicchan?"
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "That isn't enough though; just potential isn't enough! There is no point to potential if you don't take the first step, and there is no point to that if you don't keep going. I want to see more."
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "You're right, Shicchan~, but, that's so demanding..."
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Shizune leans forward, suddenly looking a lot less playful and more like the serious person I expected her to be from the start.
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Hicchan, would you like to join the Student Council?"
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| | |
| She really doesn't waste any time, does she? But...
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| It's only my second day of school, so I'm hesitant about committing to something so early.
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| I haven't even taken a look at any other clubs yet.
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| But spending time with Shizune and Misha doesn't seem like something I would hate.
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| I still need more time to think about it before I decide for sure.
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "Maybe. I'll get back to you on it."
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Okay, Hicchan~! But, I hope you're not just saying that so we don't feel bad."
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "No, really."
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Really~?"
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Hicchan, if you're going to say that, you're saying that it is definitely the truth, and there can't be any~ mistaking it~!"
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "I know, I know. I guess I should have my revenge for losing, at the very least."
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| | |
| Shizune smiles at that in a mischievous way that feels like twisting the knife in the wound of my loss.
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| | |
| I take a glance at the clock on the wall and realize I've spent far longer playing Risk than I expected.
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "Sorry, I think I have to go. I wanted to go to the library. It's not closed yet, is it?"
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| | |
| Shizune scratches her hand and gestures at Misha.
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| | |
| How hard can it be to determine whether the library is open? There's a clock right there on the wall.
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "It should be, unless the librarian is absent."
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "I think you're right, Shicchan."
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "We... think the library is open. It's on the second floor; can't miss it. Do you want us to show you where it is?"
| |
| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "No thanks, it's okay. See you tomorrow."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Bye bye!"
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| | |
| ==> It's a trap, it's smarter to play defensively here.==
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| It's likely that she's just trying to psych me out.
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| Looking at the board again, I have a pretty good defense set up, and I'm not going to wreck it doing something reckless.
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| | |
| A few turns later, I lose the game anyway.
| |
| | |
| Shizune adjusts her glasses victoriously and allows herself to tentatively pump a fist in the air in celebration.
| |
| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Wahahaha~! Hicchan, you lost when you allowed me to take North America."
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "I mean, Shicchan, not me."
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Getting control of North America is ambitious, because it provides a five army bonus, but you can attack it from three fronts, so you must defend them all~!"
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "I thought you'd have more guts. How disappointing."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Ambition, Hicchan, your play needs to be more daring! Ambition, ambition~!"
| |
| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "I was really excited when you took South America, but then you switched to playing defensively just because you gained a small advantage. That's no good, Hicchan."
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "You didn't take enough risks, and when you did, you didn't follow through. That's terrible, Hicchan."
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| | |
| Damn, what's it to her if I played too carefully? There's no need to rub it in my face.
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "I wonder if you'd even be any good for the Student Council..."
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| | |
| What's this, reverse psychology?
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "I guess I don't have to worry about joining or not in that case."
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| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Giving up just like that? I expected more of you."
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| | |
| Seriously, is Shizune trying to taunt me into joining the council?
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| | |
| Besides, I don't even want to join. It's only my second day, I can't make that kind of commitment.
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| | |
| I haven't even taken a look at any other clubs yet. And these two, they're a little weird.
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "Fine. I'll consider joining the council, but I want to take a look at the clubs before I decide."
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| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Really, Hicchan? You're not just saying that to make us feel better?"
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "Yeah yeah, I'm just not sure that I want to."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Aw..."
| |
| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Okay, Hicchan, but we're not going to give up so easily. You said 'maybe'; there's still a chance you'll come around~!"
| |
| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Come on, we could really have fun! We could play more Risk and maybe one day you could beat me, unless we graduate before that."
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "That doesn't make me feel any less reluctant about joining, you know."
| |
| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Wahaha~! Surely you are not that horrible at board games? Maybe we can play a game you know then, to give you a handicap."
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| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "I might have said that just to make you feel better, after all."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Awww, that's cold, Hicchan..."
| |
| | |
| I take a glance at the clock on the wall and realize I've spent far longer playing Risk than I expected.
| |
| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "Sorry, I think I have to go. I wanted to go to the library. It's not closed yet, is it?"
| |
| | |
| Shizune scratches her hand and gestures at Misha.
| |
| | |
| How hard can it be to determine whether the library is open? There's a clock right there on the wall.
| |
| | |
| Shizune
| |
| "..."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "It should be, unless the librarian is absent."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "I think you're right, Shicchan."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "We... think the library is open. It's on the second floor; can't miss it. Do you want us to show you where it is?"
| |
| | |
| Hisao
| |
| "No thanks, it's okay. See you tomorrow."
| |
| | |
| Misha
| |
| "Bye bye!"
| |
| [[Category:Transcripts]] | |
| [[Category:Act 1 Transcripts]] | | [[Category:Act 1 Transcripts]] |