Shanghaied/Transcript: Difference between revisions

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Line 27: Line 27:
SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

MISHA: "Then it's a good thing we came to wake you  
MISHA: "Then it's a good thing we came to wake you

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
Line 127: Line 127:
SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

MISHA: "If you're busy, though, you don't have to! It's not like your presence is absolutely, absolutely required!"
MISHA: "If you're busy, though, you don't have to! It's not like your presence is absolutely, absolutely required! Hahahaha!"

show misha cross_laugh
NARRATOR: "I've never seen more weakly disguised reverse psychology in my life. I feel kind of tired today, and my teachers in my classes might want to know where I am. Maybe. On the other hand, I haven't really been into town at all since I've gotten here, so this is a good reason to head there. Also, I could use something to eat. If it's Shizune's treat, even better; I'm totally broke."
MISHA: "Hahahaha!"
show misha cross_grin
"I've never seen more weakly disguised reverse psychology in my life. I feel kind of tired today, and my teachers in my classes might want to know where I am. Maybe."
"On the other hand, I haven't really been into town at all since I've gotten here, so this is a good reason to head there."
"Also, I could use something to eat. If it's Shizune's treat, even better; I'm totally broke."

HISAO: "All right, let's go. Lead the way."
HISAO: "All right, let's go. Lead the way."
show misha hips_smile
show shizu behind_smile_close

MISHA: "Great~!"
MISHA: "Great~!"

stop music fadeout 2.0
NARRATOR: "We make it to the tea shop with a fifteen-minute walk. It seems that we are the only customers around."
scene bg suburb_shanghaiint
with shorttimeskip
"We make it to the tea shop with a fifteen-minute walk. It seems that we are the only customers around."
play music music_another fadein 2.0
show shizu behind_blank at tworight
show misha perky_smile at twoleft
with charaenter

HISAO: "Is it always this quiet in the morning?"
HISAO: "Is it always this quiet in the morning?"

"By that, I mean is it always this empty."
NARRATOR: "By that, I mean is it always this empty."
show shizu basic_normal

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha perky_confused

MISHA: "No, this is kind of weird. Hey, this isn't a bad thing though, right?"
MISHA: "No, this is kind of weird. Hey, this isn't a bad thing though, right?"
Line 180: Line 147:
HISAO: "You're right."
HISAO: "You're right."

scene ev shizu_shanghai
NARRATOR: "We take our seats at a large, square wooden table, and it hits me that I don't know what this place serves. I just went with what Yuuko recommended the last time."
with locationchange
"We take our seats at a large, square wooden table, and it hits me that I don't know what this place serves. I just went with what Yuuko recommended the last time."

HISAO: "Hey, is there a menu or something?"
HISAO: "Hey, is there a menu or something?"
scene ev shizu_shanghai_normallaugh

MISHA: "Nope!"
MISHA: "Nope!"

"That was a strange amount of zest."
NARRATOR: "That was a strange amount of zest."
scene ev shizu_shanghai_smirklaugh

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
scene ev shizu_shanghai_smirknormal

MISHA: "So, Hicchan, have you decided what you're going to order?"
MISHA: "So, Hicchan, have you decided what you're going to order?"

scene bg suburb_shanghaiint at Fullpan(8.0)
NARRATOR: "I look around the store and can't see anything resembling a menu. I don't understand, what's up with this place? What gives? Is this some kind of secret shop? Can you normally only enter here with a secret handshake? Some kind of wink and a nod? Do you need someone to vouch for you? A blood oath? Dammit, it was nothing like this last time."
with locationchange
"I look around the store and can't see anything resembling a menu."
"I don't understand, what's up with this place? What gives?"
"Is this some kind of secret shop? Can you normally only enter here with a secret handshake? Some kind of wink and a nod?"
"Do you need someone to vouch for you? A blood oath? Dammit, it was nothing like this last time."
scene ev shizu_shanghai
with locationchange

HISAO: "I don't know, the last time I think I just got coffee? What do they serve here?"
HISAO: "I don't know, the last time I think I just got coffee? What do they serve here?"
scene ev shizu_shanghai_smirknormal

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
scene ev shizu_shanghai_smirklaugh

MISHA: "Tea!"
MISHA: "Tea!"

HISAO: "Ah, well, that's..."
HISAO: "Ah, well, that's... Not just tea, right? Not only tea? There's other stuff too, right?"
HISAO: "Not just tea, right? Not only tea? There's other stuff too, right?"
scene ev shizu_shanghai_normallaugh

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
scene ev shizu_shanghai
with locationchange

MISHA: "Clearly~!"
MISHA: "Clearly~!"
Line 246: Line 175:
HISAO: "Clearly? Like what? There are no menus here. Where are the menus?"
HISAO: "Clearly? Like what? There are no menus here. Where are the menus?"

"They're playing another joke on me. There is no way out of this; all I can do is brace myself for the inevitable, oncoming burn."
NARRATOR: "They're playing another joke on me. There is no way out of this; all I can do is brace myself for the inevitable, oncoming burn. I almost want to walk out of the store, but I'm already sitting down. It would be improper to leave now; the unspoken rules of polite social conduct block my exit like a wall of fire. I decide to play it safe. I'll order what they order, if it's acceptably manly enough."
"I almost want to walk out of the store, but I'm already sitting down."
"It would be improper to leave now; the unspoken rules of polite social conduct block my exit like a wall of fire."
"I decide to play it safe. I'll order what they order, if it's acceptably manly enough."

HISAO: "Why don't you two order before me? Ladies first."
HISAO: "Why don't you two order before me? Ladies first."
scene ev shizu_shanghai_smirknormal

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
Line 266: Line 186:

MISHA: "We're regulars, we come here so often that we don't have to do that any more!"
MISHA: "We're regulars, we come here so often that we don't have to do that any more!"
scene ev shizu_shanghai

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

MISHA: "Well, I guess you've had enough. We're sitting on the menus, of course~!"
MISHA: "Well, I guess you've had enough. We're sitting on the menus, of course~! Hahaha!"
scene ev shizu_shanghai_normallaugh

NARRATOR: "I look around at the other tables. There are no menus on any of them. That means they must just keep them in a big stack near the door or something. What a thing to sit on, and what speed to grab them so quickly."
MISHA: "Hahaha!"
"I look around at the other tables. There are no menus on any of them. That means they must just keep them in a big stack near the door or something. What a thing to sit on, and what speed to grab them so quickly."

HISAO: "Well, whatever. Can I have one, then?"
HISAO: "Well, whatever. Can I have one, then?"
scene ev shizu_shanghai_smirklaugh

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
scene ev shizu_shanghai_smirknormal

MISHA: "You can take one if you want, but you're not the kind of person who would do something that la—sci—vious?, isn't that right?"
MISHA: "You can take one if you want, but you're not the kind of person who would do something that la—sci—vious?, isn't that right?"

"I tell them that I'd just like some coffee and put my head down on the cool tabletop."
NARRATOR: "I tell them that I'd just like some coffee and put my head down on the cool tabletop."
scene ev shizu_shanghai_borednormal

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
scene ev shizu_shanghai_boredlaugh

MISHA: "Coffee? This is a very high class establishment, and you're going to order coffee?"
MISHA: "Coffee? This is a very high class establishment, and you're going to order coffee?"

"I can tell they're messing with me again."
NARRATOR: "I can tell they're messing with me again."

HISAO: "In that case, I'll have whatever you're having."
HISAO: "In that case, I'll have whatever you're having."
scene ev shizu_shanghai_smirklaugh

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

scene ev shizu_shanghai_smirknormal
MISHA: "Hicchan, Shicchan is drinking a special tea that is only grown in remote areas of India. The tea is still handmade by a tribe of tea makers who have passed the methods down in their families for generations. They must wade through alligator-infested waters to obtain the leaves once a year. On each trip, some do not make it back alive."

NARRATOR: "I can't drink that, I would feel too guilty."
MISHA: "Hicchan, Shicchan is drinking a special tea that is only grown in remote areas of India."
MISHA: "The tea is still handmade by a tribe of tea makers who have passed the methods down in their families for generations."
MISHA: "They must wade through alligator-infested waters to obtain the leaves once a year. On each trip, some do not make it back alive."
"I can't drink that, I would feel too guilty."

HISAO: "Then I'll have what you're having."
HISAO: "Then I'll have what you're having."
scene ev shizu_shanghai_smirklaugh

MISHA: "I don't know what I'm drinking."
MISHA: "I don't know what I'm drinking."

HISAO: "Fine, then I want the tea that people died for."
HISAO: "No, never mind. I'll have coffee."
HISAO: "If this is a very high class establishment, then they should have very high class coffee, right? ... No one died for it, right?"
scene ev shizu_shanghai
"The perfect answer, there is no way they can stand against it. Shizune shrugs, as if to say “well played.”"
"They still didn't answer my second question."

scene bg suburb_shanghaiint
HISAO: "Fine, then I want the tea that people died for. No, never mind. I'll have coffee. If this is a very high class establishment, then they should have very high class coffee, right? ... No one died for it, right?"
with locationchange

show yuukoshang neutral_down at center
NARRATOR: "The perfect answer, there is no way they can stand against it. Shizune shrugs, as if to say “well played.” They still didn't answer my second question."
with charaenter

"Misha calls for Yuuko, who brings over our drinks and a single incredibly tiny yellow cake with a little black plastic fork stuck in it for each of us."
NARRATOR: "Misha calls for Yuuko, who brings over our drinks and a single incredibly tiny yellow cake with a little black plastic fork stuck in it for each of us. I eat my cake in one bite, amazed at how it's probably the least filling thing I've ever eaten."
hide yuukoshang
with charaexit
"I eat my cake in one bite, amazed at how it's probably the least filling thing I've ever eaten."
show shizu behind_blank at Slide(0.2,0.5,0.3,0.5,1.0)
show misha perky_smile_close at Slide(0.8,0.5,0.7,0.5,1.0)
with Dissolve(1.0)
stop music fadeout 3.0

MISHA: "Hicchan, do you have any plans for tomorrow?"
MISHA: "Hicchan, do you have any plans for tomorrow?"

"Misha takes a gulp of her tea, something sounding suspiciously high class even though it looks like ordinary tea."
NARRATOR: "Misha takes a gulp of her tea, something sounding suspiciously high class even though it looks like ordinary tea. She drinks with incredible recklessness considering how hot it is. The exact opposite of Shizune or Lilly. Plans? That sounds ominous."
"She drinks with incredible recklessness considering how hot it is. The exact opposite of Shizune or Lilly."
"Plans? That sounds ominous."
play music music_running fadein 8.0
HISAO: "Plans? Yes."
HISAO: "Yes, I am incredibly busy tomorrow. In fact, I have so much to do that I will not have any free time at all."

HISAO: "That's right... none whatsoever. And everything I have to do is extremely important. Very, very important."
HISAO: "Plans? Yes. Yes, I am incredibly busy tomorrow. In fact, I have so much to do that I will not have any free time at all. That's right... none whatsoever. And everything I have to do is extremely important. Very, very important."

show misha hips_grin_close at tworight
NARRATOR: "Misha giggles, clearly not buying it, and then signs it all back to Shizune, who nods slowly and deliberately while looking very unamused. Suddenly, she leans forward, staring analytically at my face like a human lie detector, waiting for the smallest tell to give me away. After at least a minute of this, she sits back down in her seat and takes a sip of tea."
"Misha giggles, clearly not buying it, and then signs it all back to Shizune, who nods slowly and deliberately while looking very unamused."
show shizu basic_normal_close at twoleft
with characlose
"Suddenly, she leans forward, staring analytically at my face like a human lie detector, waiting for the smallest tell to give me away."
"After at least a minute of this, she sits back down in her seat and takes a sip of tea."
show shizu behind_blank
with charadistant

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

show misha perky_smile_close
MISHA: "Okay, Hicchan, if you're that busy. We don't have anything to do tomorrow, so we thought maybe you would want to hang out with us at the festival! You're new here, anyway, right? Right? So~ we thought we would show you around and have some fun together, but if you're that busy, we understand!"
MISHA: "Okay, Hicchan, if you're that busy. We don't have anything to do tomorrow, so we thought maybe you would want to hang out with us at the festival!"
show misha sign_smile_close
MISHA: "You're new here, anyway, right? Right? So~ we thought we would show you around and have some fun together, but if you're that busy, we understand!"
show shizu adjust_happy

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
Line 416: Line 243:
MISHA: "Oh well, oh well!"
MISHA: "Oh well, oh well!"

show misha cross_grin_close
NARRATOR: "The both of them shrug together in perfect sync, as if they've rehearsed it."
show shizu basic_normal2
"The both of them shrug together in perfect sync, as if they've rehearsed it."
show misha cross_laugh_close
MISHA: "Ahahahahaha~!"
show misha cross_grin_close
MISHA: "Hicchan, you're so paranoid."
show shizu adjust_smug

MISHA: "Ahahahahaha~! Hicchan, you're so paranoid."

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

show misha cross_smile_close
MISHA: "...And you'll never beat me anyway, so why bother getting so worked up about it? Haha! Wow, Shicchan~!"
MISHA: "...And you'll never beat me anyway, so why bother getting so worked up about it?"
show misha cross_laugh_close
MISHA: "Haha! Wow, Shicchan~!"

HISAO: "Beat you? What are you talking about?"
HISAO: "Beat you? What are you talking about?"

"Is she talking about the coercion? I never realized that was just a game to her. I thought I was the only one who saw it as competition."
NARRATOR: "Is she talking about the coercion? I never realized that was just a game to her. I thought I was the only one who saw it as competition."
show shizu basic_happy

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha hips_grin_close

MISHA: "You know~! ...Eh? Do you, Hicchan? Because I don't."
MISHA: "You know~! ...Eh? Do you, Hicchan? Because I don't."
show shizu adjust_smug

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha hips_smile_close

MISHA: "You can't outwit me! —Ah, well, Hicchan, not me..."
MISHA: "You can't outwit me! —Ah, well, Hicchan, not me..."
show shizu basic_sparkle

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha perky_confused_close

MISHA: "What? What are you talking about, Shicchan..."
MISHA: "What? What are you talking about, Shicchan..."

"I can see Shizune smiling craftily, daring me to enter this battle of wills and wits with her."
NARRATOR: "I can see Shizune smiling craftily, daring me to enter this battle of wills and wits with her. When he is pushed to the edges of despair, a man has no choice but to sink, or grasp at the fleeting wisps of hope, fight with all his power against the inevitabilities of his fate and struggle against the impossible. For even if he fails, at least fail knowing that he dared greatly... ...Or something like that."
"When he is pushed to the edges of despair, a man has no choice but to sink, or grasp at the fleeting wisps of hope, fight with all his power against the inevitabilities of his fate and struggle against the impossible."
"For even if he fails, at least fail knowing that he dared greatly..."
"...Or something like that."

HISAO: "Well, we'll see about that. Don't underestimate me."
HISAO: "Well, we'll see about that. Don't underestimate me."
show shizu behind_blank

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha perky_smile_close

MISHA: "Don't you have to follow through to make good on that, Hicchan?"
MISHA: "Don't you have to follow through to make good on that, Hicchan?"

HISAO: "Ah, well, I could get lucky. Don't count out that possibility."
HISAO: "Ah, well, I could get lucky. Don't count out that possibility."
show shizu adjust_smug

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha cross_grin_close

MISHA: "You won't~."
MISHA: "You won't~."

HISAO: "I will! Wait—"
HISAO: "I will! Wait—"
show shizu basic_happy

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha cross_smile_close

MISHA: "Let's make a wager on it, then!"
MISHA: "Let's make a wager on it, then!"
Line 527: Line 289:
HISAO: "I don't care about competition."
HISAO: "I don't care about competition."

"That's a blatant lie."
NARRATOR: "That's a blatant lie."

HISAO: "Wait, what exactly do you mean?"
HISAO: "Wait, what exactly do you mean?"
show misha cross_laugh_close

MISHA: "That's okay if you don't know, neither do I! Wahahaha!"
MISHA: "That's okay if you don't know, neither do I! Wahahaha!"
show shizu basic_normal2

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha perky_smile_close

MISHA: "So it's settled, then! All right, all right!"
MISHA: "So it's settled, then! All right, all right!"

HISAO: "What? Didn't you hear what I just said?"
HISAO: "What? Didn't you hear what I just said?"
show shizu adjust_happy

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha sign_smile_close

MISHA: "Now all that's left is the stakes! What the winner wins, or, more interestingly, what the loser loses!"
MISHA: "Now all that's left is the stakes! What the winner wins, or, more interestingly, what the loser loses!"
Line 560: Line 307:
HISAO: "Hey!"
HISAO: "Hey!"

"This is a very dangerous game I'm playing. Shizune herself is a very dangerous girl, if she can only think in terms of winning and losing."
NARRATOR: "This is a very dangerous game I'm playing. Shizune herself is a very dangerous girl, if she can only think in terms of winning and losing. If she views every time that I talk with her as some kind of battle of wills, I don't think I could take it. That kind of thing drives people insane. She's too Machiavellian; before this I'd assumed she was just kind of stoic. But nevertheless, I'm interested. In hindsight, I realize that I just challenged her to what is essentially a duel without any rules that won't end until one of us... what? I guess that's it. That's so vague. What are the conditions for winning or losing? The first person to feel stupid loses?"
"If she views every time that I talk with her as some kind of battle of wills, I don't think I could take it."
"That kind of thing drives people insane. She's too Machiavellian; before this I'd assumed she was just kind of stoic."
"But nevertheless, I'm interested. In hindsight, I realize that I just challenged her to what is essentially a duel without any rules that won't end until one of us... what?"
"I guess that's it. That's so vague. What are the conditions for winning or losing? The first person to feel stupid loses?"

HISAO: "I don't know, I've never had to think of anything like this before."
HISAO: "I don't know, I've never had to think of anything like this before."
show misha hips_smile_close

MISHA: "Never?"
MISHA: "Never?"

HISAO: "Never."
HISAO: "Never."
show misha perky_confused_close

MISHA: "So you have never gambled, Hicchan?"
MISHA: "So you have never gambled, Hicchan?"

HISAO: "I'm surprised you two have."
HISAO: "I'm surprised you two have."
show shizu behind_blank

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

show misha hips_grin_close
MISHA: "Oh, come on... It's just for fun, anyway! Between friends~! It's about causing humiliation, suffering, and absolute despair! Isn't that the point?"
MISHA: "Oh, come on... It's just for fun, anyway! Between friends~!"
show misha sign_smile_close
MISHA: "It's about causing humiliation, suffering, and absolute despair! Isn't that the point?"
"Shizune puts a finger to her temple thoughtfully."
show shizu adjust_happy

NARRATOR: "Shizune puts a finger to her temple thoughtfully."

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
show misha hips_smile_close

MISHA: "Hm... Ah, how about this, Hicchan: If you lose, you have to go to school one day without any pants on."
MISHA: "Hm... Ah, how about this, Hicchan: If you lose, you have to go to school one day without any pants on."
Line 615: Line 331:
HISAO: "Are you insane?"
HISAO: "Are you insane?"

"Although in comparison to what I was afraid she would say, it's pretty mild."
NARRATOR: "Although in comparison to what I was afraid she would say, it's pretty mild."

HISAO: "Can't we just bet money, like normal people?"
HISAO: "Can't we just bet money, like normal people?"
show shizu basic_sparkle

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha hips_grin_close

MISHA: "It's not like you could match my wager if we did~! Now, it's your turn! ...But nothing perverted! Understand?"
MISHA: "It's not like you could match my wager if we did~! Now, it's your turn! ...But nothing perverted! Understand?"
show misha hips_laugh_close

MISHA: "Hahaha!"
MISHA: "Hahaha!"
Line 636: Line 343:
HISAO: "I think I need more time."
HISAO: "I think I need more time."

"This is going to have me constantly on edge for weeks."
NARRATOR: "This is going to have me constantly on edge for weeks."
show misha hips_grin_close

MISHA: "Okay~! Come on, you should both hurry up, your drinks are getting cold!"
MISHA: "Okay~! Come on, you should both hurry up, your drinks are getting cold!"

show shizu basic_happy
NARRATOR: "I quickly down the rest of my coffee as Shizune does the same, staring at me with a fierce look of competition in her eyes. It seems like a waste for her to be gulping down something that someone may have died for her to enjoy."
"I quickly down the rest of my coffee as Shizune does the same, staring at me with a fierce look of competition in her eyes."
"It seems like a waste for her to be gulping down something that someone may have died for her to enjoy."
show misha sign_smile_close

MISHA: "Hicchan, are you sure you don't want to hang out tomorrow? A lot of people are looking forward to it; you don't want to miss out."
MISHA: "Hicchan, are you sure you don't want to hang out tomorrow? A lot of people are looking forward to it; you don't want to miss out."

"I mumble unintelligibly at her."
NARRATOR: "I mumble unintelligibly at her."
show misha perky_confused_close

MISHA: "I don't really understand..."
MISHA: "I don't really understand..."

"It's time to think. Shizune's drink is smaller, but I can consume mine faster."
NARRATOR: "It's time to think. Shizune's drink is smaller, but I can consume mine faster. If Shizune finishes her drink first, she might skip out on paying, leaving me to pick up the tab, even though she said the drinks were on her. Because I have no money on me, I would be humiliated, and therefore this could be considered a loss. If I finish first, the laws of chivalry would make me look like a jerk, as I would need to run out of this teahouse, leaving her to pay for everything. That could also be considered a loss. She would use that. In the event of a draw, she may attempt to run out the door, and I'll probably do the same. This might lead to a collision at the door, which would be humiliating, but not overly so. ...And Misha would be left to pick up the tab. This is really childish. I'm a little disappointed in Shizune, and myself."
"If Shizune finishes her drink first, she might skip out on paying, leaving me to pick up the tab, even though she said the drinks were on her."
"Because I have no money on me, I would be humiliated, and therefore this could be considered a loss."
"If I finish first, the laws of chivalry would make me look like a jerk, as I would need to run out of this teahouse, leaving her to pay for everything. That could also be considered a loss. She would use that."
"In the event of a draw, she may attempt to run out the door, and I'll probably do the same. This might lead to a collision at the door, which would be humiliating, but not overly so. ...And Misha would be left to pick up the tab."
"This is really childish. I'm a little disappointed in Shizune, and myself."
show misha perky_smile_close

MISHA: "Well, Hicchan, it'd be really nice if we could all celebrate how well we put everything together for the festival by taking a look at our handiwork..."
MISHA: "Well, Hicchan, it'd be really nice if we could all celebrate how well we put everything together for the festival by taking a look at our handiwork..."

"Misha seems oblivious to the fact that an epic battle of wills is raging in front of her. I nod slowly and down the last of my coffee."
NARRATOR: "Misha seems oblivious to the fact that an epic battle of wills is raging in front of her. I nod slowly and down the last of my coffee."

HISAO: "Well, I am finished enjoying my drink. I guess it's time for me to leave. And I am going to leave now. Calmly."
HISAO: "Well, I am finished enjoying my drink. I guess it's time for me to leave. And I am going to leave now. Calmly."
show shizu adjust_happy

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

show misha perky_confused_close
MISHA: "You too, Shicchan? Why are you two acting so weird?"

NARRATOR: "I quickly walk out the door and Shizune follows. Misha is going to have to foot the bill. Sorry, Misha. Catching up to me, Shizune quickly pushes her glasses up and presses a note into my hand."

MISHA: "You too, Shicchan?"
{{Box1 start}}
"If you lose, you have to come hang out with us tomorrow."
MISHA: "Why are you two acting so weird?"
{{End boxes}}
scene bg suburb_shanghaiext
with locationchange
"I quickly walk out the door and Shizune follows. Misha is going to have to foot the bill."
scene bg suburb_roadcenter
with locationchange
"Sorry, Misha."
show shizu behind_smile at center
with charaenter
"Catching up to me, Shizune quickly pushes her glasses up and presses a note into my hand."
window hide
$ written_note("If you lose, you have to come hang out with us tomorrow.")
window show

HISAO: "So you think you can win today? That's kind of cocky, Shizune."
HISAO: "So you think you can win today? That's kind of cocky, Shizune."

"I forgot for a second that she can't hear me. I nod."
NARRATOR: "I forgot for a second that she can't hear me. I nod. Right now, she seems much cuter than she usually is, smiling softly with a hint of confidence coming through. Shizune looks energetic and carefree, although it could just be the caffeine. She winks, and extends her hand for a handshake. I wonder if there's a buzzer in there and she plans to shock me, but that doesn't seem like something she would do, so I accept. With a squeeze, she pushes another note into my hand. I momentarily think that it's a buzzer and wonder if the shock could kill me. Shizune smirks and then runs off."

"Right now, she seems much cuter than she usually is, smiling softly with a hint of confidence coming through."
{{Box1 start}}
"You probably don't know how to get back to school from here.

"Shizune looks energetic and carefree, although it could just be the caffeine."
There will be work waiting for you when you do. See you then~"
{{End boxes}}

show shizu adjust_happy
NARRATOR: "I crush the note in my fist dramatically, but no one is there to see it, and that makes me sad. I wonder if it's too late to go back to the shop and ask Misha for directions. But then again, I gave her a hard time for not knowing the way here, so I can't allow her to score off me for not knowing the way back. And if I ask her, Shizune could see it as a victory. No, it's not necessary. The school is on top of a damn hill, how hard could it be to find? I may be slightly directionally challenged, but I'm sure that even I can do this."

NARRATOR: "About an hour and a half later, I walk the long paved path leading from the gates to the main building."
"She winks, and extends her hand for a handshake. I wonder if there's a buzzer in there and she plans to shock me, but that doesn't seem like something she would do, so I accept."
"With a squeeze, she pushes another note into my hand. I momentarily think that it's a buzzer and wonder if the shock could kill me."
hide shizu
with charaexit
"Shizune smirks and then runs off."
window hide
$ written_note("You probably don't know how to get back to school from here.\n\nThere will be work waiting for you when you do. See you then~")
window show
"I crush the note in my fist dramatically, but no one is there to see it, and that makes me sad."
"I wonder if it's too late to go back to the shop and ask Misha for directions."
"But then again, I gave her a hard time for not knowing the way here, so I can't allow her to score off me for not knowing the way back."
"And if I ask her, Shizune could see it as a victory. No, it's not necessary."
stop music fadeout 3.0
"The school is on top of a damn hill, how hard could it be to find?"
"I may be slightly directionally challenged, but I'm sure that even I can do this."
scene bg school_courtyard
with shorttimeskip
play music music_happiness
"About an hour and a half later, I walk the long paved path leading from the gates to the main building."
scene bg school_lobby
show shizu behind_blank at tworight
show misha hips_grin at twoleft
with locationchange

MISHA: "Hahaa! Just the person we were waiting for. So you made it here eventually, Hicchan, good! Now it's time for work work work~!"
MISHA: "Hahaa! Just the person we were waiting for. So you made it here eventually, Hicchan, good! Now it's time for work work work~!"

"Misha and Shizune had laid an ambush for me in the main lobby of the ground floor and I walked straight into it. I should have just circled around the school like I had originally planned, but I thought that I was overreacting and being silly."
NARRATOR: "Misha and Shizune had laid an ambush for me in the main lobby of the ground floor and I walked straight into it. I should have just circled around the school like I had originally planned, but I thought that I was overreacting and being silly. Misha is waving a thick stack of printouts in my general direction, taunting me."
"Misha is waving a thick stack of printouts in my general direction, taunting me."
show misha perky_smile

MISHA: "We sort of need your help~!"
MISHA: "We sort of need your help~!"

HISAO: "Sort of?"
HISAO: "Sort of?"
show misha hips_grin

MISHA: "We need your help~!"
MISHA: "We need your help~!"
show shizu cross_angry

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha sign_smile

MISHA: "You will help us!"
MISHA: "You will help us!"

"Misha speaks with her usual playful, carefree manner, but even so I can hear Shizune's unnervingly hard severity behind it."
NARRATOR: "Misha speaks with her usual playful, carefree manner, but even so I can hear Shizune's unnervingly hard severity behind it."

HISAO: "That sounds like an order."
HISAO: "That sounds like an order."

MISHA: "Really? Is it?"
MISHA: "Really? Is it?"
show shizu behind_frown

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha perky_confused

MISHA: "Eh? It is?"
MISHA: "Eh? It is?"
show misha hips_laugh

MISHA: "Ah, sorry, Hicchan, I guess it is! Hahahaha!"
MISHA: "Ah, sorry, Hicchan, I guess it is! Hahahaha!"

"She doesn't sound very sorry at all."
NARRATOR: "She doesn't sound very sorry at all."
show misha hips_grin

MISHA: "I thought we had almost everything done by now, but it turns out we have all these signs to attach to backing boards."
MISHA: "I thought we had almost everything done by now, but it turns out we have all these signs to attach to backing boards."
show shizu adjust_angry

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

show misha sign_smile
MISHA: "More hands make light work! And everybody wins! Hahahahaha!"
MISHA: "More hands make light work!"
show misha hips_laugh
MISHA: "And everybody wins! Hahahahaha!"
show shizu basic_angry

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

show misha hips_smile
MISHA: "This is your duty, after all, as a member of the Student Council. Which you are a part of. As a member. Of the Student Council. Ahahaha~!"
MISHA: "This is your duty, after all, as a member of the Student Council. Which you are a part of."
MISHA: "As a member."
MISHA: "Of the Student Council."
show misha hips_laugh
MISHA: "Ahahaha~!"
show shizu behind_blank

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha perky_smile

MISHA: "It's a simple task, so getting it out of the way now would be good. It's not that much work. A small thing, really!"
MISHA: "It's a simple task, so getting it out of the way now would be good. It's not that much work. A small thing, really!"
show shizu basic_normal2

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

MISHA: "And we'd really appreciate your help!"
MISHA: "And we'd really appreciate your help! Really, really appreciate it! Besides, it's time to pay back for us treating you so nicely!"
MISHA: "Really, really appreciate it!"
show misha hips_grin
MISHA: "Besides, it's time to pay back for us treating you so nicely!"

HISAO: "So the tea shop was a trap after all! You two-timing scoundrels!"
HISAO: "So the tea shop was a trap after all! You two-timing scoundrels!"
show shizu behind_blank

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha cross_smile

MISHA: "Don't say that, it was completely unrelated. We wanted to celebrate you joining the council!"
MISHA: "Don't say that, it was completely unrelated. We wanted to celebrate you joining the council!"

"But why did she bring that up, then?"
NARRATOR: "But why did she bring that up, then?"
HISAO: "But—{w=0.3}{nw}"
show shizu cross_rage

HISAO: "But—"

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
show misha hips_grin
with characlose

MISHA: "No buts! You're coming with us!"
MISHA: "No buts! You're coming with us!"

show misha hips_grin at offscreenleft
NARRATOR: "I don't even get to finish my sentence as they grab me by the arms and try to pull me towards their office. Misha laughs giddily as she and Shizune exchange sly looks behind my back."
show shizu cross_rage at offscreenright
with ease
show misha cross_smile_close at closeleft
show shizu cross_angry_close at closeright
with ease
"I don't even get to finish my sentence as they grab me by the arms and try to pull me towards their office."
show misha cross_laugh_close
"Misha laughs giddily as she and Shizune exchange sly looks behind my back."
show shizu basic_angry_close

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"

MISHA: "Ah, I don't think you have a choice in this, Hicchan! Hahahaha!"
MISHA: "Ah, I don't think you have a choice in this, Hicchan! Hahahaha! There are two of us, so don't even try to get away, now! Don't take us lightly!"
show misha hips_grin at twoleft
show shizu basic_angry at tworight
with charadistant
MISHA: "There are two of us, so don't even try to get away, now! Don't take us lightly!"
show shizu behind_frown

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
Line 943: Line 457:
MISHA: "Hicchan, it's your duty to help us, anyway! As a member of the Student Council!"
MISHA: "Hicchan, it's your duty to help us, anyway! As a member of the Student Council!"

HISAO: "All right, all right! How could I forget?"
HISAO: "All right, all right! How could I forget? But, seriously, aren't there other people who can help you?"
HISAO: "But, seriously, aren't there other people who can help you?"
show misha perky_confused
MISHA: "Like who, Hicchan?"

MISHA: "You were fine with helping us yesterday..."
MISHA: "Like who, Hicchan? You were fine with helping us yesterday..."
HISAO: "Yesterday is not today!"
HISAO: "And anyone who isn't me!"
HISAO: "Why don't you have anyone else in the council?"
show shizu cross_wut

HISAO: "Yesterday is not today! And anyone who isn't me! Why don't you have anyone else in the council?"

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
show misha cross_laugh

MISHA: "That's what we'd like to know! ...Aha... Ahahahahaha!"
MISHA: "That's what we'd like to know! ...Aha... Ahahahahaha!"

"Misha's laughter explodes through the hall. She doesn't notice the grimace on my face at all. That's right, it's just the two of them, isn't it?"
NARRATOR: "Misha's laughter explodes through the hall. She doesn't notice the grimace on my face at all. That's right, it's just the two of them, isn't it?"

HISAO: "Oh, right. Okay, I'll help you."
HISAO: "Oh, right. Okay, I'll help you."

show misha hips_grin
NARRATOR: "Misha runs her tongue over her teeth, looking quite pleased."
"Misha runs her tongue over her teeth, looking quite pleased."

MISHA: "That's my Hicchan! I knew we could trust you~!"
MISHA: "That's my Hicchan! I knew we could trust you~!"
show shizu behind_smile

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
Line 988: Line 479:
MISHA: "So predictable~."
MISHA: "So predictable~."

stop music fadeout 2.0
NARRATOR: "When we get to the student council room, my jaw drops. The number of signs, backing boards, and signposts is insane. They're stacked all over the place like building materials at a construction site, something I let Shizune and Misha know right off the bat."
scene bg school_council
with locationskip
"When we get to the student council room, my jaw drops. The number of signs, backing boards, and signposts is insane."
"They're stacked all over the place like building materials at a construction site, something I let Shizune and Misha know right off the bat."

HISAO: "There are so many signposts here you could probably build a second wall around the school with them!"
HISAO: "There are so many signposts here you could probably build a second wall around the school with them!"
play music music_ease fadein 4.0
show shizu behind_blank at tworight
show misha perky_smile at twoleft
with charaenter

MISHA: "Hahaha~! Really? Well, there are a lot of them, so maybe..."
MISHA: "Hahaha~! Really? Well, there are a lot of them, so maybe..."
show shizu basic_angry

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"

show misha perky_confused
MISHA: "Eh? No? How do you know that, Shicchan?"
MISHA: "Eh? No?"
MISHA: "How do you know that, Shicchan?"
show shizu behind_frown

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
Line 1,028: Line 495:
HISAO: "Don't tell me she's actually considered it?!"
HISAO: "Don't tell me she's actually considered it?!"

show misha hips_grin
NARRATOR: "Shizune hesitates, then pushes her glasses up a bit as Misha lets out a very uneasy sounding laugh. So she has considered it."
show shizu adjust_smug
"Shizune hesitates, then pushes her glasses up a bit as Misha lets out a very uneasy sounding laugh."
"So she has considered it."
show shizu basic_normal2

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
Line 1,043: Line 501:
MISHA: "Ahaha! That's... irrelevant, Hicchan! Can you get on with making the signs, please?"
MISHA: "Ahaha! That's... irrelevant, Hicchan! Can you get on with making the signs, please?"

HISAO: "All right, all right."
HISAO: "All right, all right. I feel sort of lied to, though. I thought you said it wouldn't be that much work?"
HISAO: "I feel sort of lied to, though. I thought you said it wouldn't be that much work?"
show shizu behind_blank

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
show misha hips_smile

MISHA: "Ah, well, Shicchan meant it wouldn't be that much work for us."
MISHA: "Ah, well, Shicchan meant it wouldn't be that much work for us."
show shizu basic_normal

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
Line 1,065: Line 512:

HISAO: "So what are you two going to do?"
HISAO: "So what are you two going to do?"
show misha cross_laugh
show shizu basic_happy

MISHA: "Watch you! Hahahaha~!"
MISHA: "Watch you! Hahahaha~!"
show shizu adjust_happy

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
show misha perky_smile

MISHA: "No, that was just a joke, Hicchan. We'll help out too, of course. The Student Council is really supposed to have a lot more people."
MISHA: "No, that was just a joke, Hicchan. We'll help out too, of course. The Student Council is really supposed to have a lot more people."

show misha perky_sad
MISHA: "This is just a bad year. Fewer people than usual, even though we already didn't have many the year before. And then there's just a lot more work than before, too."
MISHA: "This is just a bad year. Fewer people than usual, even though we already didn't have many the year before."
#"Fewer people than usual? Less than now? So that means before... one person?"
#In the end, this line can't stay. A22 and Suriko can blame themselves for flipping this bit of continuity exactly backwards. -SC
MISHA: "And then there's just a lot more work than before, too."
show shizu behind_smile

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"

show misha perky_smile
MISHA: "Besides, Shicchan likes working with you. And so do I! We've accomplished a lot more than we normally could, you know."

NARRATOR: "I can accept that. Lately, they've been looking a little fatigued every time I see them. Student council work is apparently a 24-hour-a-day thing, and from what I've seen and heard, there are just the two of them. Well, I guess I make it three. They must work almost nonstop. I wonder how much time they spend working in this room, when I don't see them. And I've even glimpsed Misha taking naps sometimes without Shizune at her side. By herself, Shizune has to be working 60-hour weeks doing her student council duties, on top of regular classes."

MISHA: "Besides, Shicchan likes working with you. And so do I!"
NARRATOR: "Two hours pass, and I reach for a tack only to find the box is empty. Shizune grabs it before I can even say anything. She smiles, tossing it expertly into a trash can along with another empty box of tacks."
MISHA: "We've accomplished a lot more than we normally could, you know."
stop music fadeout 7.0
"I can accept that. Lately, they've been looking a little fatigued every time I see them."
"Student council work is apparently a 24-hour-a-day thing, and from what I've seen and heard, there are just the two of them. Well, I guess I make it three."
"They must work almost nonstop. I wonder how much time they spend working in this room, when I don't see them."
"And I've even glimpsed Misha taking naps sometimes without Shizune at her side. By herself, Shizune has to be working 60-hour weeks doing her student council duties, on top of regular classes."
scene bg school_council_ss
with shorttimeskip
play music music_tranquil fadein 3.0
"Two hours pass, and I reach for a tack only to find the box is empty. Shizune grabs it before I can even say anything."
show shizu adjust_happy_ss at tworight
show misha perky_smile_ss at twoleft
with charaenter
"She smiles, tossing it expertly into a trash can along with another empty box of tacks."
show shizu behind_smile_ss

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"

show misha hips_grin_ss
MISHA: "So you're out too, Hicchan? Don't worry, Shicchan says she'll get some more. Hahahaha! We went through a box too, but me and Shicchan decided to wait until you needed a new box as well before getting a new one."

MISHA: "So you're out too, Hicchan? Don't worry, Shicchan says she'll get some more."
NARRATOR: "Something about that strikes me as odd."
show misha hips_laugh_ss
MISHA: "Hahahaha!"
show misha hips_grin_ss
MISHA: "We went through a box too, but me and Shicchan decided to wait until you needed a new box as well before getting a new one."
"Something about that strikes me as odd."

HISAO: "Wait, we both ran out of tacks just now? Wow, what a weird coincidence, huh?"
HISAO: "Wait, we both ran out of tacks just now? Wow, what a weird coincidence, huh?"

show misha perky_smile_ss
MISHA: "Ah, well, actually, Hicchan, we ran out twenty minutes ago, and there was only one spare box of tacks, the ones we gave to you. And you were flying through those pretty quickly, so~! we thought that we should wait until we both had no more tacks before getting more! Then, Shicchan could go get fresh boxes of tacks for all of us at the same time. You know, for efficiency~!"
MISHA: "Ah, well, actually, Hicchan, we ran out twenty minutes ago, and there was only one spare box of tacks, the ones we gave to you."
MISHA: "And you were flying through those pretty quickly, so~! we thought that we should wait until we both had no more tacks before getting more!"

show misha sign_smile_ss
NARRATOR: "Shizune nods, preparing to step out the door."
MISHA: "Then, Shicchan could go get fresh boxes of tacks for all of us at the same time. You know, for efficiency~!"
show shizu basic_normal2_ss
"Shizune nods, preparing to step out the door."

HISAO: "Wait a second, so what did you two do for the past 20 minutes?"
HISAO: "Wait a second, so what did you two do for the past 20 minutes?"
show shizu adjust_happy_ss

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
show misha hips_grin_ss

MISHA: "Ahaha~! Nothing, of course! What could we do? We had no tacks, Hicchan!"
MISHA: "Ahaha~! Nothing, of course! What could we do? We had no tacks, Hicchan!"

show shizu behind_smile_ss
NARRATOR: "Shizune and Misha exchange knowing glances before they give me a perfectly synchronized and incredibly exaggerated simultaneous shrug."
show misha cross_grin_ss
"Shizune and Misha exchange knowing glances before they give me a perfectly synchronized and incredibly exaggerated simultaneous shrug."

HISAO: "I see. So you decided to take a break. Clever."
HISAO: "I see. So you decided to take a break. Clever."
show shizu adjust_smug_ss

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
show misha hips_grin_ss

MISHA: "Oh, we know it was clever."
MISHA: "Oh, we know it was clever."
Line 1,200: Line 557:
HISAO: "Whose idea was it?"
HISAO: "Whose idea was it?"

show misha hips_smile_ss
MISHA: "The both of us, of course, of course! Ahahaha~! Well, Hicchan, it was all Shicchan's idea."
show shizu adjust_happy_ss

MISHA: "The both of us, of course, of course!"
NARRATOR: "I turn immediately to Shizune, who gives me a curt wave and a surprisingly cheery smile before quickly vanishing out the door. Well then why didn't you just say you wanted to take a break!? I used to think that Shizune and Misha were polar opposites. Misha always seems so energetic and playful, like any other girl. Shizune, on the other hand, always seemed distant. Aggressively manipulative and vaguely scary, but distant. There were times when I thought that she had no sense of humor. As cute as she was, I'd almost never seen her smile. Not to mention all the other things. The analytical stare, the permanently stoic expression, and even her penmanship; so mechanically precise that everything she writes looks typed. But Shizune and Misha really aren't as different as I'd thought."
show misha cross_laugh_ss
MISHA: "Ahahaha~! Well, Hicchan, it was all Shicchan's idea."
show shizu behind_smile_ss
hide shizu
with charaexit
stop music fadeout 3.0
"I turn immediately to Shizune, who gives me a curt wave and a surprisingly cheery smile before quickly vanishing out the door."
show misha cross_grin_ss at twoleft
show misha cross_grin_ss at center
show bg school_council_ss at bgright
with charamove
"Well then why didn't you just say you wanted to take a break!?"
"I used to think that Shizune and Misha were polar opposites. Misha always seems so energetic and playful, like any other girl. Shizune, on the other hand, always seemed distant. Aggressively manipulative and vaguely scary, but distant."
"There were times when I thought that she had no sense of humor. As cute as she was, I'd almost never seen her smile. Not to mention all the other things."
"The analytical stare, the permanently stoic expression, and even her penmanship; so mechanically precise that everything she writes looks typed."
"But Shizune and Misha really aren't as different as I'd thought."

HISAO: "I'm a little surprised."
HISAO: "I'm a little surprised."
play music music_shizune fadein 5.0
show misha perky_confused_ss

MISHA: "Why?"
MISHA: "Why?"
Line 1,249: Line 567:
HISAO: "Shizune. I didn't know that she liked to joke around like that."
HISAO: "Shizune. I didn't know that she liked to joke around like that."

"What I mean to say is, I didn't know that she could act so girlish. It was actually pretty cute."
NARRATOR: "What I mean to say is, I didn't know that she could act so girlish. It was actually pretty cute."
show misha perky_smile_ss

MISHA: "You would be surprised, Hicchan."
MISHA: "You would be surprised, Hicchan."
Line 1,258: Line 573:
HISAO: "Well, I didn't know you and her were so close, either, the first time I saw you."
HISAO: "Well, I didn't know you and her were so close, either, the first time I saw you."

"I've always been curious as to how these two met."
NARRATOR: "I've always been curious as to how these two met."
HISAO: "Do you two go far back or something?"
HISAO: "Childhood friends?"
HISAO: "Next-door neighbors?"
show misha perky_sad_ss
MISHA: "Haha... Sorry, Hicchan, it's not anything like that, even if it would be cuter that way."
show misha perky_smile_ss

HISAO: "Do you two go far back or something? Childhood friends? Next-door neighbors?"

MISHA: "When I came to this school, they just placed me next to Shicchan, and she looked like a very serious person."
MISHA: "Haha... Sorry, Hicchan, it's not anything like that, even if it would be cuter that way. When I came to this school, they just placed me next to Shicchan, and she looked like a very serious person. And I thought, “I'm going to be spending the rest of the year next to this person, maybe! So it would be nice if we could be friends! But~, I wonder if she'll like me.” And I learned that she was deaf. You know, Hicchan, the first time I just thought she was ignoring me~! But, luckily, I knew a little sign language, and we became friends."
show misha sign_smile_ss
MISHA: "And I thought, “I'm going to be spending the rest of the year next to this person, maybe!”"
MISHA: "“So it would be nice if we could be friends! But~, I wonder if she'll like me.”"
show misha hips_grin_ss
MISHA: "And I learned that she was deaf. You know, Hicchan, the first time I just thought she was ignoring me~!"
show misha hips_smile_ss
MISHA: "But, luckily, I knew a little sign language, and we became friends."
"I want to know where Misha learned how to sign, but I guess that's something for another time."
show misha perky_smile_ss

NARRATOR: "I want to know where Misha learned how to sign, but I guess that's something for another time."

MISHA: "Now, I guess we're always together. It's nice, I've always wanted someone to listen to me, and I think Shicchan likes having someone to talk to! So, everybody wins."
MISHA: "Now, I guess we're always together. It's nice, I've always wanted someone to listen to me, and I think Shicchan likes having someone to talk to! So, everybody wins."
Line 1,302: Line 585:
HISAO: "Heh. That's nice."
HISAO: "Heh. That's nice."

show misha hips_grin_ss
MISHA: "That's it? You look disappointed, Hicchan, what were you expecting? Ahahahahaha! You know, Hicchan, I don't think that me and Shicchan thanked you properly."
MISHA: "That's it? You look disappointed, Hicchan, what were you expecting?"
show misha hips_laugh_ss
MISHA: "Ahahahahaha!"
show misha hips_grin_ss
MISHA: "You know, Hicchan, I don't think that me and Shicchan thanked you properly."

HISAO: "For what?"
HISAO: "For what?"
show misha perky_smile_ss

MISHA: "Joining the Student Council. You've been a real help to us, Hicchan! I think I will get a lot more sleep now~!"
MISHA: "Joining the Student Council. You've been a real help to us, Hicchan! I think I will get a lot more sleep now~!"
Line 1,326: Line 593:
HISAO: "Well, I'm glad I could help, if it helps a young woman sleep at night."
HISAO: "Well, I'm glad I could help, if it helps a young woman sleep at night."

show misha hips_smile_ss
MISHA: "That's an interesting thing to say, Hicchan. Shicchan really appreciates you helping us out too."
MISHA: "That's an interesting thing to say, Hicchan."
MISHA: "Shicchan really appreciates you helping us out too."
show misha hips_smile_ss at twoleft
show bg school_council_ss at center
with charamove
show shizu behind_frustrated_ss at tworight
with charaenter
"At that moment, Shizune steps back into the room, looking slightly annoyed and sipping offhandedly from a juicebox."
show shizu adjust_happy_ss

NARRATOR: "At that moment, Shizune steps back into the room, looking slightly annoyed and sipping offhandedly from a juicebox."

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

play sound sfx_dropstuff
NARRATOR: "She throws two boxes of tacks on the floor with a wry smile."
"She throws two boxes of tacks on the floor with a wry smile."
show shizu basic_normal2_ss

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
show misha sign_smile_ss

MISHA: "Ah, Shicchan."
MISHA: "Ah, Shicchan."

play sound sfx_crunchydeath
NARRATOR: "Misha opens her mouth to speak, but then quickly closes it as Shizune suddenly crumples her juicebox with a crunch like the sound of breaking bones."
show shizu behind_frown_ss
show misha sign_confused_ss

SHIZUNE: "...! ... ...!"

"Misha opens her mouth to speak, but then quickly closes it as Shizune suddenly crumples her juicebox with a crunch like the sound of breaking bones."
NARRATOR: "I can tell that each harsh, quaking hand gesture is most likely an epithet."
show shizu basic_angry_ss
SHIZUNE: "...!"
show shizu adjust_angry_ss
SHIZUNE: "..."
show shizu behind_frown_ss
SHIZUNE: "...!"
"I can tell that each harsh, quaking hand gesture is most likely an epithet."

HISAO: "What's she saying?"
HISAO: "What's she saying?"
show misha perky_confused_ss

MISHA: "It was just very hard to get these..."
MISHA: "It was just very hard to get these..."
show shizu basic_angry_ss

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"
show misha sign_confused_ss

MISHA: "I guess that is an understatement, Shicchan..."
MISHA: "I guess that is an understatement, Shicchan..."

"Shizune calms down a bit, straightening her glasses and lightly brushing her bangs back with one finger."
NARRATOR: "Shizune calms down a bit, straightening her glasses and lightly brushing her bangs back with one finger."
show shizu adjust_happy_ss

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

show misha perky_smile_ss
MISHA: "It really wasn't a big deal in retrospect? That's forward thinking of you! All right then, I guess the two of us should get back to work, Hicchan!"
MISHA: "It really wasn't a big deal in retrospect? That's forward thinking of you!"
show misha hips_smile_ss
MISHA: "All right then, I guess the two of us should get back to work, Hicchan!"
stop music fadeout 4.0

HISAO: "Sure, why not."
HISAO: "Sure, why not."

scene bg school_council_ni
NARRATOR: "By the time we're done with the signs, it's already getting dark out. I hadn't expected something like this to take so long. But then again, if it were that easy, I doubt Shizune and Misha would have asked for my help. Shizune falls into a nearby chair, cracking her knuckles systematically and letting out a muted yawn."
with shorttimeskip
"By the time we're done with the signs, it's already getting dark out."
"I hadn't expected something like this to take so long. But then again, if it were that easy, I doubt Shizune and Misha would have asked for my help."
play music music_dreamy fadein 2.0
show shizu basic_normal at tworight
show misha perky_smile at twoleft
with charaenter
"Shizune falls into a nearby chair, cracking her knuckles systematically and letting out a muted yawn."
show shizu behind_blank

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha sign_smile

MISHA: "That's all for today, I guess! That's a good thing, Shicchan, I'm very tired, too."
MISHA: "That's all for today, I guess! That's a good thing, Shicchan, I'm very tired, too."

HISAO: "That took longer than expected."
HISAO: "That took longer than expected."
show shizu behind_frustrated

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."

show misha hips_grin
MISHA: "You agree? Hahaha, we didn't expect it to take so long either! Not as planned! Aww, I'm so hungry. I just realized I haven't eaten all day."

NARRATOR: "Now that I think about it, I have eaten nothing since I woke up this morning, but right now I'm almost too tired to think about food."
MISHA: "You agree? Hahaha, we didn't expect it to take so long either! Not as planned!"
show misha perky_sad
MISHA: "Aww, I'm so hungry. I just realized I haven't eaten all day."
"Now that I think about it, I have eaten nothing since I woke up this morning, but right now I'm almost too tired to think about food."

HISAO: "I think they already stopped serving dinner."
HISAO: "I think they already stopped serving dinner."
show misha perky_confused

MISHA: "This can't be happening! Hicchan, can you think of any way we could... obtain food?"
MISHA: "This can't be happening! Hicchan, can you think of any way we could... obtain food?"
Line 1,477: Line 647:
HISAO: "Obtain food?"
HISAO: "Obtain food?"

"I don't like her tone of voice."
NARRATOR: "I don't like her tone of voice."
show shizu adjust_happy

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha hips_grin

MISHA: "Why not order out? Oh, that's right, I guess I could do that."
MISHA: "Why not order out? Oh, that's right, I guess I could do that."
Line 1,494: Line 658:

HISAO: "I didn't know they deliver to the school. Well, what are you going to get?"
HISAO: "I didn't know they deliver to the school. Well, what are you going to get?"
show misha hips_smile

MISHA: "Maybe some Chinese food!"
MISHA: "Maybe some Chinese food!"

HISAO: "As long as you're going to, can I get in on it too? I'm also pretty hungry."
HISAO: "As long as you're going to, can I get in on it too? I'm also pretty hungry."
show misha hips_laugh

MISHA: "Ahahaha~! Hicchan, you should have just said so in the first place!"
MISHA: "Ahahaha~! Hicchan, you should have just said so in the first place!"
show shizu basic_normal2

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha hips_grin

MISHA: "What's that? It's your treat? That's great! That's great!"
MISHA: "What's that? It's your treat? That's great! That's great!"
show shizu behind_blank

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha cross_laugh

MISHA: "Wahaha, that's true, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here so late, Shicchan!"
MISHA: "Wahaha, that's true, if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be here so late, Shicchan!"

show misha cross_grin
NARRATOR: "Misha quickly grabs a menu from a drawer behind her and begins to enter the number slowly and carefully, as if she's used to messing it up."
"Misha quickly grabs a menu from a drawer behind her and begins to enter the number slowly and carefully, as if she's used to messing it up."

MISHA: "What do you want, Hicchan?"
MISHA: "What do you want, Hicchan?"
Line 1,536: Line 679:
HISAO: "Well, I guess I'll just have some dumplings."
HISAO: "Well, I guess I'll just have some dumplings."

show shizu behind_smile
NARRATOR: "I raise my hand in a gesture of thanks to Shizune, who responds with a very faint, split-second smile."
"I raise my hand in a gesture of thanks to Shizune, who responds with a very faint, split-second smile."
show misha cross_laugh

MISHA: "Ahahahahaha~!! Hicchan, Shicchan is paying for everything tonight, it's all on her, so you can afford to splurge a little!"
MISHA: "Ahahahahaha~!! Hicchan, Shicchan is paying for everything tonight, it's all on her, so you can afford to splurge a little!"

HISAO: "Some shrimp fried rice too, then."
HISAO: "Some shrimp fried rice too, then."
show misha cross_grin

MISHA: "All right, all right! And you, Shicchan?"
MISHA: "All right, all right! And you, Shicchan?"
show shizu basic_normal2

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha hips_smile

MISHA: "A Chinese omelette? Okay, then."
MISHA: "A Chinese omelette? Okay, then."
Line 1,565: Line 693:
HISAO: "Hey, Misha, does that really mean “omelette”? Can I see that again?"
HISAO: "Hey, Misha, does that really mean “omelette”? Can I see that again?"

show misha hips_grin
MISHA: "Sure! Haha! Like this, like this... And this is for what you ordered: Dumplings! Shrimp fried rice! I'm going to get soup and a stir-fry, you say that like this... And here's how much it all costs: 3685 yen! Wahahahaha~!"
MISHA: "Sure! Haha! Like this, like this..."
show misha sign_smile
show misha perky_smile
show misha hips_grin
MISHA: "And this is for what you ordered: Dumplings!"
show misha perky_smile
show misha sign_smile
show misha hips_smile
MISHA: "Shrimp fried rice!"
show misha hips_grin
MISHA: "I'm going to get soup and a stir-fry, you say that like this..."
show misha sign_smile
show misha perky_smile
MISHA: "And here's how much it all costs: 3685 yen!"
show misha perky_smile:
  "misha cross_laugh" with Dissolve(0.5, alpha=True)
with None
extend " Wahahahaha~!"

HISAO: "Well, I don't know in how many situations I'll need to remember such an exact number..."
HISAO: "Well, I don't know in how many situations I'll need to remember such an exact number..."
Line 1,615: Line 699:
MISHA: "Ahahahaha! Okay~! I'm going to order now, unless anyone wants something else. No objections? All right all right, then!"
MISHA: "Ahahahaha! Okay~! I'm going to order now, unless anyone wants something else. No objections? All right all right, then!"

scene bg school_council_ni
NARRATOR: "Shizune impatiently twirls a pair of chopsticks between her fingers as we wait for the food to arrive."
show shizu behind_frustrated at tworight
show misha hips_smile at twoleft
with shorttimeskip
"Shizune impatiently twirls a pair of chopsticks between her fingers as we wait for the food to arrive."

HISAO: "Hey, where did you get those?"
HISAO: "Hey, where did you get those?"
show misha hips_grin

MISHA: "This isn't the first time we've ordered out, Hicchan, and they always give us a ton of chopsticks, for some reason, even when we tell them we're only two people."
MISHA: "This isn't the first time we've ordered out, Hicchan, and they always give us a ton of chopsticks, for some reason, even when we tell them we're only two people."

HISAO: "And you two have accumulated a lot of them from a lot of long nights eating takeout in the office?"
HISAO: "And you two have accumulated a lot of them from a lot of long nights eating takeout in the office?"
show misha cross_laugh

MISHA: "That's exactly it! Hahahahahaha!"
MISHA: "That's exactly it! Hahahahahaha!"
show shizu basic_angry

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha perky_confused

MISHA: "I'm overstating it?"
MISHA: "I'm overstating it?"
show shizu behind_blank

SHIZUNE: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha hips_grin

MISHA: "Haha! That's right, Shicchan! Hey, Hicchan, did you know that once we've collected a hundred pairs of chopsticks from ordering out, we'll be able to take over the universe?"
MISHA: "Haha! That's right, Shicchan! Hey, Hicchan, did you know that once we've collected a hundred pairs of chopsticks from ordering out, we'll be able to take over the universe?"
Line 1,658: Line 719:
HISAO: "I used to think that too, when I was little."
HISAO: "I used to think that too, when I was little."

show misha perky_smile
MISHA: "Hicchan, are you good at breaking them down the middle? I can never do it right, so I found the little pile of chopsticks Shicchan had saved up and practiced on at least twenty of them. She was really mad about that!"
MISHA: "Hicchan, are you good at breaking them down the middle? I can never do it right, so I found the little pile of chopsticks Shicchan had saved up and practiced on at least twenty of them."
show misha hips_grin
MISHA: "She was really mad about that!"
show shizu adjust_blush

SHIZUNE: "...!"
SHIZUNE: "...!"

"I let out a laugh as Shizune turns bright red with indignation. I didn't know she had such a childish side."
NARRATOR: "I let out a laugh as Shizune turns bright red with indignation. I didn't know she had such a childish side. When the food arrives, I dig in heartily, drinking one of the tiny cans of soda Shizune bought for us from one of the vending machines in the hall. Thanking them both for the food, I head back to the dorms, ready to turn in for the night."
stop music fadeout 5.0
scene bg school_council_ni
with shorttimeskip
"When the food arrives, I dig in heartily, drinking one of the tiny cans of soda Shizune bought for us from one of the vending machines in the hall."
"Thanking them both for the food, I head back to the dorms, ready to turn in for the night."
scene bg school_dormhallway
with locationskip
"The dorms are eerily quiet except for the sounds of portable TVs and radios murmuring unintelligibly behind thin walls."
$,0.0, "ambient")
play ambient sfx_cicadas fadein 4.0
scene bg school_dormhisao_ni
with locationchange
"It's quiet here at night, and very peaceful. I can hear the crickets chirping outside my window, and see actual stars when I look up."
"Tired, I try to fall asleep as quickly as I can, only feeling slightly robbed of my Saturday."

stop ambient fadeout 2.0
NARRATOR: "The dorms are eerily quiet except for the sounds of portable TVs and radios murmuring unintelligibly behind thin walls. It's quiet here at night, and very peaceful. I can hear the crickets chirping outside my window, and see actual stars when I look up. Tired, I try to fall asleep as quickly as I can, only feeling slightly robbed of my Saturday."

$ suppress_window_after_timeskip = True
<p style="text-align:center;">'''END OF SATURDAY'''</p>

scene black
<p style="text-align:center;">'''Next Scene: [[Don't Panic/Transcript|Don't Panic]]'''</p>
with shuteye