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Revision as of 16:11, 23 January 2017


NARRATOR: "My head's in a whirl all through Mutou's class. I'm going to have dinner. With Emi. Who wants to be my girlfriend, no less! A date! And then she kissed me! That kiss. I keep going back to it, playing it over in my mind again and again. Everything about that moment felt so right. My mind drifts off, lost in thoughts of Emi."

MUTOU: "Nakai? Hello?"

NARRATOR: "Whoops. It seems like I've drifted a bit too far."

HISAO: "Huh? What?"

MUTOU: "Egad! You've contracted some kind of amnesia! Someone get the nurse!"

NARRATOR: "The class chuckles at Mutou's antics."

HISAO: "Sorry sir."

MUTOU: "Hmm, won't happen again and all that, right?"

HISAO: "Exactly."

NARRATOR: "Mutou brightens considerably."

MUTOU: "Well! Lovely to hear! I'd hate to have my star pupil slacking off, after all."

NARRATOR: "Star pupil? I've been doing well, but I hardly qualify as a star pupil, I think. I'm fairly certain that this class is the sort that everyone does well in. It's just memorizing formulas. True to my word, I manage to pay attention for the rest of the class."

MUTOU: "Nakai, can I have a word with you?"

NARRATOR: "Whoops. Guess I'm in trouble for drifting off earlier."

HISAO: "Uh, sure. Am I in trouble?"

NARRATOR: "Mutou looks genuinely confused for a moment."

MUTOU: "Huh?"

NARRATOR: "He tilts his head to one side and thinks for a moment."

MUTOU: "Oh, that! No, no, you're not in any sort of trouble. There's just a question I want to ask you."

HISAO: "What's that?"

NARRATOR: "He's not going to ask me about Emi, is he?"

MUTOU: "Nothing terrible, I was just wondering what your plans for after graduation are. Are you going to university?"

HISAO: "Yeah, I guess. I can't really see a reason not to go."

MUTOU: "Given any thought to what you'll study?"

HISAO: "Not really, no. I figured I'd come up with something when I got there."

NARRATOR: "Mutou laughs."

MUTOU: "Taking things as they come, eh? Well, I'd argue against it but that's how I did things when I went to university. Well, not really. I knew I'd go into a science, I just wasn't sure which one. On the one hand, there was chemistry, 'cause of all the explosions. Never did replace those windows..."

NARRATOR: "Mutou trails off, and frowns slightly."

MUTOU: "Still, I suppose the ban from the chemistry lab was enough."

NARRATOR: "I nod slowly, wondering where this is all going. Mutou snaps back to the present. It's almost like talking with Rin, only Mutou seems to have more of a penchant for explosives."

MUTOU: "So I did a lot of physics too. Still used explosives and such, only that way I didn't have to make 'em myself anymore. Then I went back to chemistry, because nobody would make things for me after the damage to the football field."

HISAO: "What?"

NARRATOR: "Mutou snaps back again."

MUTOU: "Right! Yes! You!"

HISAO: "Me?"

MUTOU: "Yes! You should look into science! You're fantastic at it. Unless you'd rather just go into math or something."

NARRATOR: "Mutou makes a sour face."

MUTOU: "Not a big fan of straight math. Less explosions and firing things out of cannons."

HISAO: "You're saying I should study science at university?"

NARRATOR: "Mutou seems thrown off balance by my question."

MUTOU: "Well, sort of. You could also join the science club! Well, not really. There's not actually a science club. But there could be! You could even be a charter member! A founding father! Of course, you'd need to find other members. Well, only if you wanted to. We could just start it up with the two of us. And um. Blow things up. Well, not just blowing things up. Obviously I could help you get ready for university and such as well. Wait!"

NARRATOR: "Mutou rummages around in his briefcase and tosses me a book."

MUTOU: "Read that. If it's interesting, then we can talk about it."

NARRATOR: "“A Brief History of Time?” I don't know if I actually want to read this, but Mutou seems pretty excited about it."

HISAO: "What's it about?"

MUTOU: "Time. Space. Space-time. Black holes and such. And it's not that dense. Just to see if that sort of thing's interesting for you, you understand. Hang around after class and we can either discuss it or I can show you how to make explosives in the lab. Or both. Still, I've kept you here long enough for now. Think about science as a career path, Nakai. I think you'd enjoy it."

HISAO: "I will. Thank you for the book."

NARRATOR: "I leave the classroom and look up at the clock. Still a fair amount of time to kill until Emi's out of practice. Guess I'll give this book a look. And I should probably shower. Showering before a date's only proper, right? I head back to the dorms."

NARRATOR: "I wonder where I'm supposed to meet Emi, anyway. She said “after practice,” but she didn't say where I should find her. I guess I can just swing by the track. That's probably best, anyway. If she needs a shower, I can just wait for her in her room or something. Or in the hallway, I guess. That would probably be better. I take a quick shower, remembering to take my medication once I hop out. Now, for a look at this book."

Next Scene: Definitions