Advanced Game Theory/Transcript: Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox transcript
{{Infobox transcript
|act = 2shizune
|act = 2shizune
|title = something
|title = Advanced Game Theory
|characters=*[[Hisao Nakai]]
|characters=*[[Hisao Nakai]]
*[[Shizune Hakamichi]]
*[[Shizune Hakamichi]]
|prev = [[Something/Transcript|Something]]
|prev = [[Chinese Whispers/Transcript|Chinese Whispers]]
|next = [[Something/Transcript|Something]]
|next = [[Bread, Paper, Scissors/Transcript|Bread, Paper, Scissors]]

window hide None

<p style="text-align:center;">'''Next Scene: [[Something/Transcript|Something]]'''</p>
scene bg school_cafeteria
with locationchange
nvl clear
nvl show dissolve
$, 0.0, channel="music")
play music music_normal fadein 0.5
NARRATOR: "\n\nThe sign language teacher says I'm pretty good."
NARRATOR: "I try not to think about it too much, but the truth is I'm poring over it so much lately that it's hard not to keep coming back to it at least a couple times a day. I guess I am picking it up faster than expected, but it's still not enough."
NARRATOR: "I understand it just fine; understanding it is simple. Well, I have to put my mind to it to read it, but it's easy enough when I do."
NARRATOR: "The signing itself is doable, I just need a little more practice. However, trying to do both at the same time, even at half the speed Misha does it? It's impossible."
NARRATOR: "Where I'm at now is good for my level, but in order to reach a point where I'll be able to really converse with Shizune, I'll need more work."
NARRATOR: "\nI'm doing my best to get to that point one step at a time by doing as much studying as I can squeeze in during lunch."
$, 1.0, channel="music")
nvl clear
nvl hide dissolve
window show
NARRATOR: "I look up from “Introduction to Japanese Sign Language” to check if Shizune or Misha are around."
NARRATOR: "Of course, since this is taking up my lunch hour, I've had to avoid them for a few days now. What's more, I'll have to continue doing so if I want to keep Shizune from finding out."
NARRATOR: "My back to the corner, scanning the area every ten minutes, I feel like some kind of criminal trying to evade capture."
$, 1.0, channel="music")
window hide
nvl show dissolve
nvl clear
NARRATOR: "\n\nEvery chance she gets, Misha asks me why I want to hide the fact I'm learning sign language from Shizune."
NARRATOR: "Looking back on it, there really wasn't any reason, but now I think I know."
NARRATOR: "If I want Shizune to be able to treat me as a true equal, sign language is an important step towards that goal."
NARRATOR: "If I want to be able to treat Shizune as an equal, then sign language is an important step towards that goal."
NARRATOR: "Another important step is to make sure she doesn't know, so that when we're able to finally speak on equal terms, I'll be fully ready, able to do it right, not like some dilettante."
NARRATOR: "Anything less, I think, would be insulting. She would see it the same way."
NARRATOR: "\nSo to me, this is the only option. Especially now that I've decided to be so resolute with it."
$, 1.0, channel="music")
nvl clear
nvl hide dissolve
window show
NARRATOR: "Shizune has a huge aura. It's very easy to see her coming, or even to sense her coming. Mostly because Misha's hair lights up any crowd she's in like a beacon, and you can hear her laughing from a mile away."
NARRATOR: "Although, even if Misha weren't with her, it would be the same. Her directness and efficiency are core parts of her, so it's no surprise that they come across in the way she walks as well."
NARRATOR: "Due to all these factors, I'm able to put away all my things and put on my best casual face long before they see me and head my way."
show shizu behind_smile at tworight
show misha perky_smile at twoleft
with charaenter
HISAO: "Hi."
show shizu adjust_smug
with charachange
SHIZUNE: signing  "Student Councilll."
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
MISHA: "Student Council~!"
NARRATOR: "“Student Council” was the first thing I asked to learn; it seemed like it would come in handy."
HISAO: "Yeah, I've been dodging it for a while now, huh?"
show misha sign_smile
show shizu behind_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Yup~!"
show shizu behind_smile_close at closeright
show misha perky_smile_close at closeleft
with characlose
show shizu behind_smile_close:
    ypos 1.07
show misha perky_smile_close:
    ypos 1.1
with charamove
stop music fadeout 3.0
NARRATOR: "Shizune sits down in front of me to my right, and Misha to my left. It was a mistake putting myself in the corner; now I'm, well, cornered."
scene bg school_lobby
with shorttimeskip
NARRATOR: "In the end, I'm dragged off to the student council room, but I don't mind. I was starting to miss them a bit, anyway."
NARRATOR: "In some ways this makes it easier: satisfied with having caught me, Shizune doesn't ask me where I've been all this time."
NARRATOR: "Once I stand before the door, I wonder what could be so important that they're so eager to pull me back in."
scene bg school_council at bgright
with locationchange
HISAO: "Games."
play music music_another fadein 0.5
NARRATOR: "There are more games out than books. This at last explains why every time I come here there are stacks of books piled on every table and occasionally parts of the floor: they need the room to put all these games somewhere."
show misha cross_laugh
with charaenter
MISHA: "Hahaha~!"
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
MISHA: "It's boring playing against each other so much, Hicchan. So, it's your turn, okay? Okay~! It's settled then~!"
HISAO: "I didn't even say anything!"
show shizu invis at right behind misha
with None
show misha hips_grin at twoleft
show bg school_council at center
show shizu basic_normal at tworight
with dissolvecharamove
show shizu behind_blank
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Hicchan, this is one of the last days we'll be able to take it easy like this for a while. So~, it's especially important that we make the most of it, don't you think?"
show misha cross_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Tanabata will be coming up soon, and we'll have to put in a lot of work for that, too."
show misha hips_grin
show shizu behind_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "So, for now, play with us~!"
NARRATOR: "Come to think of it, it's true. I hadn't even noticed because I've been so wrapped up in wanting to learn sign language. Right on the heels of one festival, a bigger one appears."
NARRATOR: "I wonder if Shizune will try and rope a couple new members in to help with that one as well."
HISAO: "You're right."
show misha cross_laugh
with charachange
MISHA: "Hahaha~! Yay~! Hicchan agrees~! Let's celebrate!"
show shizu basic_happy
with charachange
SHIZUNE: signing  "I know, we should play a game."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Let's play a game to celebrate, Hicchan~!"
HISAO: "I don't know, that kind of thing usually ends badly for me."
show misha perky_sad
with charachange
MISHA: "Hicchan is worried about the stakes~."
NARRATOR: "Misha makes a very disappointed face. It's hard to tell if she's mocking me, since her expressions are so exaggerated by default. She's an “all-out” kind of girl."
NARRATOR: "I turn my head to Shizune. Now, this person, she is definitely mocking me."
HISAO: "Hey, stop that. But, yes, I'll play with you if you tell me what's at stake first."
show shizu adjust_smug
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha cross_grin
with charachange
MISHA: "How very Japanese, putting the consequences above everything else."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Hicchan, have you ever heard of the expression “missing the forest for the trees?”"
HISAO: "No."
NARRATOR: "That's a lie. But I have my pride, which is currently feeling wounded."
HISAO: "Okay, I'll play, but I want to pick the game."
show shizu adjust_happy
show misha perky_smile
with charachange
NARRATOR: "Misha nods."
HISAO: "Additionally, I pick the punishment if you lose."
show shizu cross_angry
with charachange
NARRATOR: "Shizune makes an X with her arms. That either means “denied” or that she's about to use her special attack."
HISAO: "Aha, now who's afraid of consequences?"
show shizu behind_frown
with charachange
SHIZUNE: signing  "How vengeful, still thinking so spitefully about a playful little joke."
show shizu basic_frown
with charachange
SHIZUNE: (signing)  "If a ... bit you, you would probably bite back."
NARRATOR: "Shizune signs a word that I don't quite catch."
show misha hips_frown
with charachange
MISHA: "Hicchan is so vengeful~, even though it was just a playful little joke. If an armadillo bit you, you would probably bite back!"
HISAO: "Armadillo?"
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "It's foolish to bite an armadillo back, Hicchan!"
show shizu behind_blank
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha cross_laugh
with charachange
MISHA: "But Hicchan would do it anyway, you see~! Hahaha!"
HISAO: "I see."
show shizu adjust_smug
with charachange
NARRATOR: "Shizune adjusts her glasses with a small flourish of her hand."
show shizu behind_smile
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Hicchan, we didn't have anything planned at all if you were to win or lose, you just assumed there would be something like that~."
HISAO: "I wonder why."
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
MISHA: "Hm~, me too~! But, oh well~! There isn't. Does that change your mind, Hicchan?"
HISAO: "Well... yes."
show misha hips_laugh
with charachange
NARRATOR: "Misha windmills her arm at high speed to show her joy. Weird habit. This is the kind of thing you could only see in the student council room, occupied only by three people."
NARRATOR: "Anywhere else she would end up socking someone in the face."
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
MISHA: "Yay yay~! Let's start right now~!"
HISAO: "Not just yet."
show misha hips_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "..."
show shizu behind_blank
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
MISHA: "..."
SHIZUNE: "..."
HISAO: "Okay, okay."
HISAO: "However, we have to all be able to play. That's my condition."
HISAO: "I don't like games where one person is clearly the ace player right off the bat, or games where only two people can play so one of us has to sit back. It has to be something the three of us can play equally."
show shizu basic_normal
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Checkers?"
NARRATOR: "The instant she says it, Misha takes out a bag of checkers and places them on the table."
HISAO: "Only two people can play that. I told you—"
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
MISHA: "Okay okay~! Hicchan, how about... Monopoly?"
NARRATOR: "A Monopoly box slowly edges towards me, and I take it out of Misha's hands and put it under my chair."
HISAO: "I don't like games that revolve around luck of the draw; they're too much about chance and not about skill. Also, stop jumping the gun with these games!"
show misha perky_confused
with charachange
MISHA: "Luck is kind of a skill, you know."
HISAO: "No, no it's not!"
show shizu adjust_smug
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "It can be if you're consistently lucky~! Right~?"
HISAO: "Once at that point it's something else entirely."
show shizu adjust_happy
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
MISHA: "Hm~, hm~ hm~ hm~~. Baccarat? Marbles? Life? Snakes and Ladders? Roulette? Blackjack? Paper football? Trivial Pursuit?"
NARRATOR: "Misha begins to excitedly name a bunch of games as if she were reading from a list."
NARRATOR: "With each suggestion, a new box, board, and pieces appear around her, a bizarre catalogue of games ranging from children's fare to serious, polished-looking gambling instruments that look very out of place in this humble room."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Three way chess?"
HISAO: "Is that even possible?"
show shizu behind_smile
with charachange
SHIZUNE: (signing)  "Let's try."
show misha cross_laugh
with charachange
MISHA: "Yes yes~, let's try it, definitely~! Ahahahaha~!"
show shizu basic_happy
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
NARRATOR: "They pull a chessboard from behind them with a flourish like two junior magicians. Well, magic does require some deft sleight of hand, and they've got that in spades."
NARRATOR: "I'm not surprised. Nevertheless, it is still somehow unsettling."
HISAO: "Stop doing that!"
stop music fadeout 2.0
HANAKO:  "E-excuse me...?"
show shizu basic_normal
show misha perky_confused
with charachange
NARRATOR: "A very timid voice manages to make me look up."
show hanako invis at offscreenright
with None
show misha perky_confused at left
show shizu basic_normal at center
show bg school_council at bgleft
show hanako emb_downtimid:
    xanchor 0.7 xpos 1.0
with dissolvecharamove
HANAKO: "I l-lost my ID card, and someone told me... I could find out where to get a new one here. If I'm interrupting s-something, I can come back later."
show hanako emb_timid
with charachange
NARRATOR: "Hanako's eyes drift across the room, taking in the landscape of piled-up record books, haphazardly scattered chairs, and overturned board games."
NARRATOR: "I guess this isn't exactly the image an organized, tightly run Student Council like ours should be giving off."
HISAO: "Hello."
NARRATOR: "It's the only thing I can think of to break the ice. Unfortunately, it just seems to startle her further."
show hanako def_worry
with charachange
HANAKO: "..."
show hanako def_strain
with charachange
HANAKO: "Ah...{w=0.5} my ID card...{w=0.5} I..."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "You're in our class, aren't you, right? Right~! So~! Don't be so timid, okay? Come on!"
show shizu behind_smile
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
MISHA: "Yup, even though we're your seniors, it's not like we'll bite!"
HISAO: "We're not her seniors, we're in the same class."
play music music_happiness fadein 3.0
NARRATOR: "Still, I am grateful to them for stepping in."
show misha hips_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "What is it you said you want? An ID card, right~? Right~!"
show hanako basic_distant
with charachange
HANAKO: "Yes."
NARRATOR: "Her eyes slide away from Misha. Being shy, it's no wonder she's not the best at keeping eye contact. I follow where she's looking, and notice her gaze stop on the chessboard on the table."
show hanako basic_normal
with charachange
show hanako basic_distant
with charachange
NARRATOR: "Hanako's eyes widen, just for a moment. Shizune notices as well."
show shizu basic_happy
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha perky_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Do you like chess?"
show hanako defarms_strain
with charachange
HANAKO: "Eh!?"
show shizu adjust_smug
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "...!"
show misha hips_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "You like chess, don't you~? Yeah, you do, definitely~!"
show misha hips_grin
show shizu adjust_happy
with charachange
MISHA: "Do~{w=0.2} you~{w=0.2} want~{w=0.2} to~{w=0.2} play~?"
NARRATOR: "Hesitation. She might make a break for it. I refuse to get involved in this; it won't end well."
show hanako basic_normal
with charachange
NARRATOR: "To my amazement, Hanako seems to be considering the idea very seriously. She touches the tips of her fingers together pensively, mulling the thought over."
NARRATOR: "That level of consideration is more or less a confirmation."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "We're having our lunch break, so you'll have to wait anyway. Why not play with us in the meantime~? Come on, it'll be fun, really fun~! You like chess, don't you? I can tell, really really, it's obvious, so~! Please~, will you?"
show hanako cover_distant
with charachange
HANAKO: "Okay..."
show misha cross_laugh
with charachange
MISHA: "Wahaha~! Yay~! Success, success, okay okay okay~! That's great~!"
scene ev shizu_chess_large:
    subpixel True xanchor 1140 yanchor 1100 xpos 400 ypos 300 zoom 1.0
    easein 10.0 yanchor 1050
with flash
#really should replace this with something that is a bit more aggressive
NARRATOR: "The chessboard is set up."
NARRATOR: "The opening move is important."
show ev shizu_chess_large:
    ease 1.0 xpos 400 xanchor 1400 yanchor 400 ypos 300
    acdc_warp 10.0 xanchor 1300
NARRATOR: "However, Shizune doesn't seem to care."
show ev shizu_chess_large:
    ease 0.5 xanchor 800 yanchor 360
    easein 10.0 xanchor 700 yanchor 360
NARRATOR: "Hanako ponders her moves carefully, sliding pieces forward just a little bit, then pulling them back in uncertainty, second-guessing herself over and over again."
NARRATOR: "She's really into this game; you can't call her a casual player. Definitely an enthusiast."
NARRATOR: "Shizune can't take her lightly; no matter what she does, Hanako has an appropriate response."
NARRATOR: "Yet there's something wrong about the pacing of this game."
scene ev shizu_chess_base:
    subpixel True truecenter zoom 1.05
    easein 5.0 zoom 1.0
with flash
NARRATOR: "Shizune moves too quickly. No, not even too quickly, but with illogical speed. It's like she isn't even thinking about what she'll do next. Either Shizune is in the realm of supercomputers, or she isn't taking this game very seriously."
NARRATOR: "Or maybe Hanako just isn't very good."
scene ev shizu_chess_base
show sc_shiz normal:
    xalign 1.0 yalign 0.0
with charachange
NARRATOR: "Shizune forces an exchange of pawns."
scene ev shizu_chess_base3
with charachange
NARRATOR: "Hanako's turns take increasing amounts of time as the game goes on, and it hasn't even been going on that long. Suddenly it all becomes clear: Shizune has a lot more time to think about her next move because Hanako takes forever to move a piece."
NARRATOR: "Despite that, it's an interesting game."
window hide
nvl clear
$, 1.0, channel="music")
nvl show dissolve
NARRATOR: "\n\nBlack knight to f6."
NARRATOR: "Bishop to d3."
NARRATOR: "Since they're both playing seriously, no one is toying with the other. There is no clearly dominant player, at least for now. Maybe this is helped by the fact that they aren't very close to each other, from what I can see."
NARRATOR: "Shizune is a mysterious opponent to Hanako, and Hanako is an enigma to Shizune. Hanako's furrowed brow shows that she is into the game. She wants to really win, and Shizune always wants to win."
NARRATOR: "Their lack of familiarity is a little depressing, but it is giving life to the game, and allowing them to see each other as good competition."
NARRATOR: "Maybe they might even end up being friends over it, or at the very least, rivals in chess. It's an optimistic thought."
NARRATOR: "Although remembering playing Risk against Shizune, she doesn't want to just crush people for the fun of it."
nvl clear
NARRATOR: "\n\n\nThe game continues."
NARRATOR: "Shizune plays twelve moves in four minutes. What a scary opponent."
NARRATOR: "But Hanako holds her own, even though her king is being chased around the board a bit."
NARRATOR: "Pawn to h6."
NARRATOR: "White knight to e6."
NARRATOR: "The end is near."
NARRATOR: "\n\n..."
stop music fadeout 3.0
NARRATOR: "The game ends."
nvl clear
nvl hide dissolve
scene bg school_council
show shizu adjust_happy at center
show misha perky_smile at left
show hanako basic_normal at right
with locationchange
window show
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "That was a really good game~!"
$, 0.0, channel="music")
play music music_ease fadein 5.0
show hanako cover_bashful
with charachange
HANAKO: "T-thanks..."
show shizu behind_smile
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha hips_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "It was really close~, I thought I would lose. You're very skilled."
NARRATOR: "Magnanimous in victory, and extending a hand to the defeated. Maybe it's because Hanako is taking her defeat so well."
show shizu basic_normal
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha perky_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "This is a fun game, but it took so long. Almost the whole period!"
MISHA: "Chess is too formulaic, especially at this level. How about some advanced rules~?"
HISAO: "What?"
show hanako cover_worry
with charachange
HANAKO: "Ad... vanced...?"
show shizu basic_sparkle
with charachange
show shizu adjust_smug
with charachange
show shizu basic_happy
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "... ... ..."
show misha hips_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Yeah, yeah~! Like speed chess, or chess with additional pieces, or maybe we can pair up and play tag team chess, with one or two boards, your choice! C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon it'll be fun, really, really~! Regular chess is so slow, too methodical, it's boring."
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
MISHA: "I want to play chess that rewards quick thinking, and daring! Any one of these, comparing chess to it is like comparing checkers to go, or tic-tac-toe to shogi, right? Right~!"
show misha cross_laugh
with charachange
MISHA: "Wahahaha~! Even laser chess might be more exciting, pick something, pick~!"
show hanako defarms_strain
with charachange
HANAKO: "Aaaah..."
NARRATOR: "Like a deer in the headlights. Many emotions spring up in me, watching Hanako's mind reel in front of the chessboard as if she's about to faint. The dominant one is amusement, but I move a little closer in case she might really topple over."
scene ev shizu_chess_base2:
    subpixel True truecenter zoom 1.05
    easein 5.0 zoom 1.0
with flash
NARRATOR: "The board is set up again, but this time, it's not even close."
NARRATOR: "Hanako can't even make a move out of fear of her hand colliding with Shizune's. She's all over the board. It's an onslaught. Anywhere Hanako wants to put a piece, Shizune is already there."
NARRATOR: "It's the fastest game I've seen in my life."
scene bg school_council
show shizu basic_sparkle at center
show misha hips_grin at left
show hanako defarms_strain at right
with locationchange
MISHA: "Let's change the rules and play again~! Best out of six, like Kasparov and Deep Blue~!"
hide hanako
with easeoutright
NARRATOR: "Hanako excuses herself and flees from the room."
show shizu basic_normal
show misha perky_confused
with dissolve
MISHA: "Huh? Wait!"
hide misha
with charaexit
MISHA: "Ah, didn't she want to know where she could get a new ID? Excuse me! Hello~? Come back, please! Wait, wait~! Wait~!"
stop music fadeout 3.0
NARRATOR: "Strangely, the farther Misha goes away, the louder the sound of her voice seems to grow."
show bg school_council at bgright
show shizu basic_normal at tworight
with charamove
show misha perky_sad at twoleft
with charaenter
MISHA: "I couldn't catch her~..."
show shizu adjust_happy
with charachange
play music music_normal fadein 3.0
SHIZUNE: "..."
NARRATOR: "Shizune pats her on the shoulder reassuringly."
HISAO: "There, there."
show misha hips_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "There, there~!"
HISAO: "You're pretty cheerful for someone who needed a pat on the shoulder."
show misha cross_laugh
with charachange
MISHA: "Ahahaha~!"
show shizu basic_normal2
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Hicchan, do you hate games where luck is involved?"
NARRATOR: "A question out of nowhere, but it feels like an important one."
NARRATOR: "If it wasn't, why would Shizune be looking at me, watching for my reaction? Even as I glance in her direction, she tries to pretend she isn't doing so, putting on a casual air by spinning a chess piece in her fingers."
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
MISHA: "“I don't like games that revolve around luck of the draw,” right? That was you, Hicchan~."
HISAO: "Yeah. Revolving around luck isn't the same as just having luck involved, though. I don't hate games just for having an element of luck. Most games have an element of luck to them anyway. It's what keeps them interesting."
HISAO: "I think a game where you know from the beginning how far you can go is boring. Then it's not a game, isn't it? Just going through motions."
HISAO: "For a game where you have little to no control, I don't think I could get into something like that."
show shizu behind_smile
with charachange
SHIZUNE: (signing)  "I see."
show shizu adjust_smug
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha hips_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "That girl isn't very good at chess."
show shizu basic_normal
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Chess is a formulaic game. So~! It's a game that isn't suited for her... There was nothing formulaic about her. Someone who plays chess like that, looking only at the next piece, playing so shallowly, can't be called a serious chess player."
show misha perky_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Anyone who loves chess to the point where their eyes sparkle like that when they see a chessboard would be the kind of person who would study the game."
MISHA: "If you study it just casually, you can learn to see at least two moves ahead, even against pros."
show misha hips_frown
with charachange
MISHA: "Why would someone who loves the game so much... with that enthusiasm... know so little about it? Even less than someone with just a passing interest in it?"
NARRATOR: "Shizune puts down the piece in her hand. It's a rook."
show shizu behind_frown
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha hips_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Her feelings are real, but her feelings for the game aren't real. Do you understand, Hicchan~?"
show misha perky_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "There is no luck in chess~! It's very important to realize that. Luck in games is good because it gives everyone a chance. Just enough to matter, but not so much that skill is penalized. Chess is boring because it's not a game; to me, it seems like formulas."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Hanako isn't the kind of person who would love something like that either~."
show shizu adjust_angry
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha cross_frown
with charachange
MISHA: "If you value something, you fight. Struggle is proof of precs— preciousness? I think so, at least. Or~! You concede immediately~! Since it's so precious that it stops your thinking. The first is a passionate love. The second is a gentle love."
show shizu basic_normal2
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha hips_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "I tried to fight her, chasing around her king, and trying to bait her. I didn't succeed though, because she stuck to only what would work."
MISHA: "The trickiest moments were when she moved the fastest. That means she knew exactly how to deal with those situations."
show misha sign_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "That means someone taught her. Do you understand, Hicchan~?"
HISAO: "Not really."
show shizu adjust_happy
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha hips_grin
with charachange
MISHA: "If you love chess that much, but you can't give it your all, it's because you love the memories attached to it and not the game; it's too precious to her to see as a tool for true competition."
show shizu behind_blank
with charachange
SHIZUNE: "..."
show misha perky_smile
with charachange
MISHA: "Due to that, you can't become friends over it. Not without words."
stop music fadeout 5.0
NARRATOR: "Well, your way of making friends isn't the kind of way that works on everyone, Shizune."
NARRATOR: "The look on her face isn't one of sadness, at least as far as I can tell, but her words are very sad."
HISAO: "Hey, let's play a game."
HISAO: "While the board is still here."
play sound sfx_warningbell
NARRATOR: "But the bell rings and cuts me off."
scene black
with dissolve
$ suppress_window_after_timeskip = True
<p style="text-align:center;">'''Next Scene: [[Bread, Paper, Scissors/Transcript|Bread, Paper, Scissors]]'''</p>