Things You Hate/Transcript: Difference between revisions

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<p style="text-align:center;">'''Next Scene: [[Illusions for People/Transcript|Illusions for People]]'''</p>|-|
<p style="text-align:center;">'''Next Scene: [[Illusions for People/Transcript|Illusions for People]]'''</p>|-|
"It doesn't matter."=
"It doesn't matter."=
HISAO: "It doesn't really matter whether I understand you or not. I just want to know."
<ref>This option only appears if the player chose '''"I can't leave her alone either."''' in "[[BADAAN!/Transcript|BADAAN!]]" or '''"I want to support her."''' in "[[Rose-Tinted Glasses/Transcript|Rose-Tinted Glasses]]" (depending on which path the player took)</ref>HISAO: "It doesn't really matter whether I understand you or not. I just want to know."

RIN: "I can't."
RIN: "I can't."
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<p style="text-align:center;">'''Next Scene: [[Shards of Ire/Transcript|Shards of Ire]]'''</p>|-|
<p style="text-align:center;">'''Next Scene: [[Shards of Ire/Transcript|Shards of Ire]]'''</p>|-|