Track Meeting/Transcript: Difference between revisions

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RIN: "It's starting."
RIN: "It's starting."

[[File: Emi's track meet first sprint.png|Center|700px]]
<span style="text-align:center;">[[File: Emi's track meet first sprint.png|700px]]</span>

NARRATOR: "I direct my attention to the track, where they're preparing for the first sprint. It looks like the 400m dash. My eyes scan the runners, before finding Emi. She's smiling, with an almost cocky look on her face. The starter raises his pistol and fires. Emi explodes off the block, disappearing from the starting line in a blur. It's amazing. By the time she rounds the final turn, a few of the other runners have caught up with her. But she puts on a final burst of speed that leaves them at least a half second behind. Mrs. Ibarazaki whoops and cheers, applauding wildly and generally looking like any other parent at a sporting meet. Emi bounds off the track looking pleased with herself. I cheer right along with the rest. The announcer (sounding suspiciously like [[Misha]]), gleefully gives the results."
NARRATOR: "I direct my attention to the track, where they're preparing for the first sprint. It looks like the 400m dash. My eyes scan the runners, before finding Emi. She's smiling, with an almost cocky look on her face. The starter raises his pistol and fires. Emi explodes off the block, disappearing from the starting line in a blur. It's amazing. By the time she rounds the final turn, a few of the other runners have caught up with her. But she puts on a final burst of speed that leaves them at least a half second behind. Mrs. Ibarazaki whoops and cheers, applauding wildly and generally looking like any other parent at a sporting meet. Emi bounds off the track looking pleased with herself. I cheer right along with the rest. The announcer (sounding suspiciously like [[Misha]]), gleefully gives the results."
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NARRATOR: "Once again the starter's pistol sounds, and once again Emi flies off the block. A thumping sound draws my attention away from the race. It's Rin's foot. She seems completely absorbed in the race. Emi's mother cheers again, and I assume that the race is over. Sprints don't seem to me like they'd take a long time to complete."
NARRATOR: "Once again the starter's pistol sounds, and once again Emi flies off the block. A thumping sound draws my attention away from the race. It's Rin's foot. She seems completely absorbed in the race. Emi's mother cheers again, and I assume that the race is over. Sprints don't seem to me like they'd take a long time to complete."

[[File: Emi wins the race.png|Center|700px]]
<span style="text-align:center;">[[File: Emi wins the race.png|700px]]</span>

HISAO: "Your foot."
HISAO: "Your foot."
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RIN: "Emi's the most Emi when she runs. You don't get to see Emi at her Emiest very often. But here you can, see?"
RIN: "Emi's the most Emi when she runs. You don't get to see Emi at her Emiest very often. But here you can, see?"

[[File: Emi's track meet running.png|Center|700px]]
<span style="text-align:center;">[[File: Emi's track meet running.png|700px]]</span>

NARRATOR: "She directs my attention toward the track again, where the 100m is about to start. I watch Emi closely. As she gets into the starter's blocks, her whole body seems to relax, but it's a false relaxation. I can see that she's actually like a coiled spring. As the starter tells everyone to get set, her head snaps up, and her eyes narrow slightly. Her mouth curls upward in what could be a grin and could be a growl. When the pistol goes off, it's as if she's been unleashed from a cage, like she was always moving at her blinding speed but we couldn't see until the starter's pistol dispelled the illusion of her motionlessness. It's all over in a few seconds, but in those few seconds I feel like I just witnessed something very personal for Emi. As soon as she crossed the finish line, the fierce look was replaced by her normal grin. The conquering general returning to his farm."
NARRATOR: "She directs my attention toward the track again, where the 100m is about to start. I watch Emi closely. As she gets into the starter's blocks, her whole body seems to relax, but it's a false relaxation. I can see that she's actually like a coiled spring. As the starter tells everyone to get set, her head snaps up, and her eyes narrow slightly. Her mouth curls upward in what could be a grin and could be a growl. When the pistol goes off, it's as if she's been unleashed from a cage, like she was always moving at her blinding speed but we couldn't see until the starter's pistol dispelled the illusion of her motionlessness. It's all over in a few seconds, but in those few seconds I feel like I just witnessed something very personal for Emi. As soon as she crossed the finish line, the fierce look was replaced by her normal grin. The conquering general returning to his farm."

[[File: Emi about to cross finish line.png|Center|700px]]
<span style="text-align:center;">[[File: Emi about to cross finish line.png|700px]]</span>

HISAO: "Amazing. She's really amazing. I've never seen someone move that fast."
HISAO: "Amazing. She's really amazing. I've never seen someone move that fast."