Emi Ibarazaki

Emi Ibarazaki
- Birthday: March 14
- Zodiac: Fish
- Blood Type: None below the legs
- Height: 151 cm
- Weight: 41 kg
- Bust/Waist/Hips: 70/51/74
- Hair: Fucking Pink
- Eyes: Poplar Green
- Theme: Standing Tall [without any fucking legs 0.0]
Despite being left with no legs below the knee, she still decided "Fuck the police". She became a track star. She often talked about sex with the gay track captain, which later influenced her to have homosexual encounters with Rin. She is the only character that frequently asked for anal sex. You can get the bad ending by fucking her mother's as, as she is also known to be quite jealous when you fuck the sandwich bitch that owns her. She was brutally fucked by the nurse aswell, giving them a close relationship throughout the story. Hisao- if he chooses to be a pussy whipped bitch- can get the good ending and massage her floppy stumps.
Emi is very stubborn, and is known to push herself too hard when inserting items into her ass.
Other info
After the initial release of the "Act One" demo, Emi was the only major character to undergo a redesign before the game's release.