Mad Hatter/Transcript

Revision as of 22:54, 14 February 2017 by imported>TheWallflower00

label en_H7: MAD HATTER

scene bg school_girlsdormhall with locationskip

play sound sfx_doorknock2

NARRATOR: "I nervously rap on the door marked 225, checking my watch once again."

LILLY: "Is that you, Hisao? The door is open, you can come in."

NARRATOR: "Lilly's voice lilts through the door and soothes my nerves."

NARRATOR: "This is the first time I've been invited to a girl's room after dark."

NARRATOR: "Even though I know there is no ulterior motive behind this invitation, it doesn't stop my mind running wild with possibilities."

NARRATOR: "One guy. Two girls. In a dorm room. With a tea set."

NARRATOR: "When I put it like that, it sounds a little dodgy."

NARRATOR: "Giving a small sigh to steady myself, I gingerly put my hand on the handle and open the door, craning my head to see inside."

play sound sfx_dooropen

window hide

scene white with dissolve

with Pause(0.1)

play music music_one fadein 10.0

scene ev lilly_bedroom:

   zoom 1.1 subpixel True
   ease 15.0 zoom 1.0

with Dissolve(4.0)

window show

NARRATOR: "The door opens completely and I catch my first glimpse of Lilly's room."

NARRATOR: "Her furniture looks almost antique, but the bare walls and flat surfaces are barely decorated at all. In the center of the room sits a low table, where I see a small tea set at rest."

NARRATOR: "It seems that everything in this room has its place, possibly excepting the several piles of books stacked up against the wall."

NARRATOR: "My sense of vision isn't the only one to be stimulated; the faint smell of something can be picked up on the air. Nail polish, perfume, makeup... it's hard to describe in any way other than “girly”."

NARRATOR: "My eyes finish their quick sweep of the room, before returning their position onto the girls."

scene ev lilly_bedroom_large:

   xpos -130 ypos -400 subpixel True
   acdc_warp 4.0 ypos -600

with flash

NARRATOR: "Lilly sits next to the small table, wearing very dark blue pajamas. Dark blue pajamas with shorts that show off plenty of her alluring pale legs."

show ev lilly_bedroom_large:

   ease 1.0 ypos -300 xpos -830
   acdc_warp 12.0 ypos 0 xpos -830

with None

NARRATOR: "Opposite her, Hanako sits adorned in a conservative light pink gown."

NARRATOR: "Her hands are firmly fixed between her legs, her shoulders forward, and her head down, as if trying to hide herself in it."

NARRATOR: "It would be easy for her to do; it looks about two sizes too big for her."

NARRATOR: "Waves of flannel flow from her frame, making her look like a child playing dress-up in her parents' clothes."

NARRATOR: "She looks up to confirm my identity, and the beginnings of a thin smile creep across her face, before vanishing so fast that I can't be sure they ever were there."

show ev lilly_bedroom_large:

   ease 1.0 xpos -130 ypos -400

with None

LILLY: "There's no point in you standing in the doorway, Hisao."

scene bg school_dormlilly show lilly basic_smile_paj:

   ypos 1.2

show hanagown distant:

   ypos 1.17

with locationchange

play sound sfx_doorclose stop music fadeout 10.0

NARRATOR: "I take a step into the room, closing the door behind me."

show lilly basic_weaksmile_paj with charachange

LILLY: "My my, I'm afraid this really is a small room for the three of us. Would you like to take a seat?"

NARRATOR: "I slowly walk to the table and sit down, trying my hardest not to disturb anything along the way."

NARRATOR: "I also can't help but steal a quick glance into Lilly's top as I sit."

NARRATOR: "To be robbed of sight would be a most terrible fate."

show lilly basic_smileclosed_paj with charachange

LILLY: "Well now, how about some tea. Hanako, could you please pour?"

show hanagown normal_blush with charachange

HANAKO: "S... sure. Hi... sao... would..."

show hanagown distant_blush with charachange

HANAKO: "...would you..."

show hanagown worry_blush with charachange

HANAKO: "...would you like..."

HISAO: "I would love some tea. Do you need a hand?"

show hanagown normal_blush with charachange

HANAKO: "N... no, I'm fine..."

show hanagown smile with charachange

HANAKO: "Thank you..."

play music music_dreamy fadein 2.0

show lilly basic_giggle_paj with charachange

NARRATOR: "Lilly finds it difficult to resist a smile at her companion's nervousness, something I can't really blame her for."

show hanagown distant with charachange

HISAO: "Been a tiring day?"

show hanagown smile with charachange

HANAKO: "Y... yeah."

show lilly basic_smileclosed_paj with charachange

NARRATOR: "I relax at my place, opposite of the cabinet."

NARRATOR: "To my left is the blue-clad Lilly and to my right sits the pink Hanako."

show teaset:

    xalign 0.5 yanchor 0.5 ypos 0.6 alpha 1.0
    easein 0.5 ypos 0.5

with charaenter

NARRATOR: "The tea set on the table looks cute as well as practical; painted red with a floral motif."

NARRATOR: "It looks odd when contrasted with Lilly's plain but generally sophisticated-looking furniture, which leads me to think that Hanako might have picked it out."

NARRATOR: "There is a slight “ting” when Hanako accidentally clips the teapot on a cup as she is pouring."

show hanagown worry show lilly basic_displeased_paj with None

show teaset:

   easeout 0.5 alpha 0.0 ypos 0.6

with Pause(0.5)

hide teaset with None

NARRATOR: "She breathes in sharply; she must be really nervous, as it's not the kind of thing anyone would worry about."

show hanagown worry_blush with charachange

NARRATOR: "Hanako quivers at her mistake."

show lilly basic_weaksmile_paj with charachange

LILLY: "It's okay, Hanako. There's no need to be nervous."

show hanagown normal with charachange

NARRATOR: "Hanako seems to find some confidence in Lilly's reassuringly soft-spoken words and deftly pours the next two cups."

show hanagown normal_blush with charachange

HANAKO: "Here you are, Hisao... Lilly."

NARRATOR: "Hanako carefully places a cup and saucer in front of Lilly and myself. I could get used to service like this."

show lilly basic_smile_paj with charachange

LILLY: "Thank you, Hanako."

HISAO: "Yeah, thanks."

show hanagown smile with charachange

HANAKO: "Y-you're welcome."

show lilly basic_smileclosed_paj with charachange

NARRATOR: "Lilly searches for her cup, and upon finding it, sips delicately."

NARRATOR: "I do the same. This tea tastes somewhat better than the tea we usually have at school."

HISAO: "This is nice, it's so different from any tea I had before..."

show lilly basic_ara_paj show hanagown normal_blush with charachange

LILLY: "Looks like you picked the right one, Hanako."

show lilly basic_smileclosed_paj with charachange

LILLY: "You've done well, even if it was a bold move."

show hanagown smile with charachange

NARRATOR: "Hanako's smile returns, redoubled."

NARRATOR: "Even with her blighted face, her shy smile couldn't be called anything but “cute”."

show hanagown distant_blush with charachange

HANAKO: "I'm glad you like it..."

NARRATOR: "Hanako, finally beginning to relax, sips from her cup."

  1. --------------------

label en_H7a:

$, 1.0, channel="music") window hide nvl clear nvl show dissolve

n "I think back to my chat with Misha the other day."

n "Is Hanako's behavior something to be concerned about, or is she just shy?"

n "And then there was Lilly earlier this morning."

n "The concern from both of them seemed to be genuine, and they know the situation better than I."

n "But, really, how could I possibly help?"

n "I'm no plastic surgeon, so I can't really help her appearance. Nor am I a psychologist that can make her more sociable."

n "So what the hell do Lilly and Misha want me to do?"

n "It's frustrating. Hanako and I are quickly becoming friends on our own accord, and because of that, it's like everyone wants me to solve all her problems."

n "And I have no idea how to do that."

n "No one can cure my heart, nor Lilly's eyes, nor anyone who is here, in this school."

n "However, I see no harm in becoming better friends with Hanako. Now that she's warming up to me I kind of enjoy hanging out with her."

$, 1.0, channel="music") nvl clear nvl hide dissolve window show

  1. ------------------------

label en_H7b:

$, 1.0, channel="music") window hide nvl clear nvl show dissolve

n "\n\n\n\nSomething about this makes me think about Lilly's question at breakfast."

n "Why am I friends with Hanako?"

n "Lilly seems genuinely concerned for Hanako's well being, but it's not like I can do anything to help her."

n "As far as I can tell, her scars don't hold her back physically, and everyone I've met seems to have overcome their disabilities to some extent."

n "I don't have any ulterior motives to hang out with Hanako, we just share similar interests."

n "\nIsn't that enough?"

$, 1.0, channel="music") nvl clear nvl hide dissolve window show

  1. -----------------

label en_H7c:

show lilly basic_smile_paj with charachange

LILLY: "So, Hisao, are you enjoying yourself?"

NARRATOR: "Lilly's words break me out of my reverie, and I take a second to reconsider where I am."

NARRATOR: "I'm in a room with two girls in their bedclothes. This is something to be enjoyed."

HISAO: "Yeah, it's relaxing. Almost like I'm not in the school any more. Do you do this often?"

show lilly basic_weaksmile_paj with charachange

LILLY: "Quite often, but not as often as we take tea in the school building."

NARRATOR: "Considering they do that nearly every day, that's not a big surprise."

NARRATOR: "As I move to take another sip from my teacup, I find it sadly empty."

HISAO: "That was delicious. Thank you Hanako, Lilly."

show hanagown smile with charachange

HANAKO: "You're welcome."

LILLY: "Yes, you're most welcome Hisao. It's nice to have a third person here."

HISAO: "Well, any time you need someone to fill that position, I'm always available. Always."

NARRATOR: "One must be sure to get one's point across in these circumstances. Lilly lets loose a yawn, which she unsuccessfully hides with her hand."

LILLY: "Pardon me, I think I'm a little tired."

HANAKO: "I think we're all a little tired..."

LILLY: "My my, how astute we are tonight, Hanako. We really should head to bed; we all have class tomorrow."

HISAO: "Yeah... I should go."

LILLY: "Thank you for your presence, Hisao."

HANAKO: "Th... thanks. You'll come again?"

HISAO: "Not even a whole army could stop me."

LILLY: "I'm impressed by your determination, Hisao."

HISAO: "Either way, you're right. We'd best get going."

NARRATOR: "I stand up, and make for the door. Hanako gingerly stands up behind me. I stop and face her."

HISAO: "Are you coming with me?"

NARRATOR: "Hanako instantly blossoms into full blush."

HANAKO: "No... I... not... this room... isn't..."

HISAO: "It's okay, I was only joking."

HANAKO: "Oh... okay... good night..."

LILLY: "Good night, Hanako. Good night, Hisao."

HISAO: "Night all."

NARRATOR: "And with that, our tea party finishes. I'm still not sure what it is that Lilly wants me to do for Hanako, but I don't want to let her down. I wait until the door has closed behind us before turning to Hanako."

HISAO: "Hey, Hanako, you know, you don't have to be nervous around me or anything."

HISAO: "I mean, we're friends, right?"

HANAKO: "R-right. We're... friends."

HISAO: "If you ever want to hang out or anything, just let me know. We still need to have that chess rematch, remember?"

HANAKO: "S-sure... B-but I don't think you'll win..."

HISAO: "It wouldn't be any fun if it was easy."

NARRATOR: "Hanako seems to give a muted laugh, but she could have just as easily been exhaling."

HANAKO: "G-good night Hisao..."

NARRATOR: "With that, Hanako quickly retreats into her room, located next to Lilly's. I start to walk back to my dorm, but the simple act of walking seems to drain me of my energy. I barely make it to my room before I am hit by a wave of exhaustion. I kick off my shoes, fall into bed and fall asleep by the time my head hits the pillow."

Next Scene: Small Change