Shizune Hakamichi
From Katawa Shoujo Wiki

Shizune Hakamichi
Strong willed and anal about everything, Shizune is definitely the bitch type. She’s been the class whore, despite being dead and a mule, for as long as her class has had one, and generally takes shits in just about any situation she’s placed in. Shizune is known around the school as a lonesome tankmaster, and skilled manipulator, but also as a bear and just beaver. She is never seen accompanied by her sworn enemy shenequa who acts as her interpreter.
- Birthday: May 6
- Zodiac: Tauren
- Blood Type: O
- Height: 158 cm
- Weight: 53 kg
- Bust/Waist/Hips: 52/52/85
- Hair: how is hair fucking blue
- Eyes: Blue
- Theme: The student Council