Talk:Emi Ibarazaki/@comment-

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Revision as of 20:23, 26 July 2013 by (talk) (Created page with "So I played through being as honest to myself as I could, and ended up with Emi's good ending. I absolutely fell in love with her. (Insert long sappy story involving feels her...")
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So I played through being as honest to myself as I could, and ended up with Emi's good ending. I absolutely fell in love with her. (Insert long sappy story involving feels here). So long story short, I go to play through again, and decide to just try out everyone else's arc. Second time through, I'm really interested in Hanako's, but I run into a problem. Every single time Emi appears, I feel as if I'm cheating, and instantly feel really bad and am tempted to go through her arc again. Emi, why are you so amazing that I can't even go through someone else's arc without thinking about you?