Talk:Lilly's route/@comment-24984114-20140525190220/@comment-24055175-20140528043358
From Katawa Shoujo Wiki
I think Lilly's 'neutral' ending can be interpreted that way, because, compared to the other routes, Lilly has the most subdued personality by far. By contrast, in Rin's 'bad' and 'neutral' (more like 'depressing') endings, Rin and Hisao run into some emotional roller coaster (more like pent-up frustration), even though Rin is nowhere as articulate as Lilly. This makes it easier to gauge how well things are progressing between Rin and Hisao. Hanako's endings are dosed with some drama. Shizune ... well, she is an outspoken type, so there is not much room for second guessing. Ditto for Emi -- she usually speaks up her mind.