Talk:Lilly's route/@comment-

From Katawa Shoujo Wiki

Lilly moving away seemed to be sounding just as permanent as Akira's, though I suppose I can't find any quotes that directly support that. I just assumed since her decision for leaving was based on Akira leaving as well, she would have deemed there little point to staying.

Lilly was looking at giving everything up. Her family is what she would have gained, yes, but she'd lose her friends, her dreams (being a japanese english teacher in Scotland isn't as likely as being a japense english teacher in Japan), and the person she absolutely loved. It's subtly mentioned that Lilly spends so much time concerning over others, she mever really does what she WANTS to do, so much as what she feels she MUST do. Her staying was the sign that she wanted to hold onto what she had found. That speaks miles of itself, at least, in my eyes. It's my second favorite ending, after Emi's, though the margin is hard to determine. I'd still vote for this to be the 'canon' ending if it ever warranted one.