Talk:Rin Tezuka/@comment-27779669-20160211222334/@comment-

From Katawa Shoujo Wiki

Hi there,

I too have come to this game only recently but I am grateful that it crossed my path due to its depth and feeling, it echoed some experiences from my own life and multiple playthroughs only reinforced how important the interactions we have with others are to shaping the world around us.  When it comes to Rin's route you're not wrong to say there is little relief or no truly satisfying conclusion and in part I would say this is because the plot does little to solidify Hisao's life as he does not seem to figure out much direction other than a general refusal to let his condition get the better of him.  Instead it focuses almost entirely on Rin and the player's reaction to her journey which is by no means an easy one, however, I don't agree that it it merely a matter of making up for your own mistakes which defines the plot.  Rin may not be unhappy with herself at the beginning of the story but she is certainly stuck in a rut and aimless as the mural she paints is lackluster and unfinished in her eyes, if Hisao doesn't come into her sphere it does not seem likely that she will change her outlook and may in time decline into a depression.  Although pushing her to participate in the exhibition puts her on a destructive course that has more to do with her own perspective and the pressures put upon her by her teacher and Sae than the player's influence.  In the end you can help her to focus on herself as a talented and worthwhile individual rather than the mean to an end and through the crucible of her intense expereince she is able to find her limit and see that it is not necessarily that specific direction she should be persuing.  I think the most important take away from her story is that you cannot directly force someone to change but you can support them while they discover that process for themself, in the end Rin and Hisao are both richer people for the experience and in life that is all we can take away much of the time.