
Revision as of 03:38, 10 May 2014 by imported>Schiffy (Act 1)

The Katawa Shoujo Beta is the name given to the scripts that never made it into the final Katawa Shoujo game. There are a number of things found in the Beta that were absent from the final product, as well as many things in the final product that were never in the Beta. Since the files (both compiled and uncompiled) were leaked, some fan-groups have taken it upon themselves to turn them into a playable Visual Novel, with the same interface as the final game itself. One group in particular, calling themselves the "Prealpha" on the Steam Community, has dedicated their time to adding sprites, backgrounds, and the final game's music tracks to the beta files.

Differences between the Beta and the final game

Act 1

Act 1 - Life Expectancy contains no plot-related differences from the final Katawa Shoujo game. The content of Act 1 in the Beta later became the Act 1 Release that is still available or download in multiple languages on Four Leaf Studios' website. The only present differences are:

  • Some of the music from the Beta was different than the final game. This was changed to the final music in the Prealpha release.
  • Sprites for Emi Ibarazaki and Yuuko Shirakawa are different and less detailed. Like the music, the Prealpha release replaced them with the final game's sprites.
  • The Class 3-3 CG image, much like the Act 1 release, has Lelouch Lamperouge from Code Geass in the second row as one of many cameo appearances. He would not be replaced by an Class 3-3#Middle row until the release of the final game.

Emi's Route

Hanako's Route

Lilly's Route

Rin's Route

Shizune's Route