Shiina Mikado

Shiina “Misha” Mikado
- Birthday: Febuary 12
- Zodiac: Virgin
- Blood Type: bad
- Height: 130 cm
- Weight: 120 kg
- Bust/Waist/Hips: 85/150/84
- Hair: drillz
- Eyes: Piss
Misha is the entrepreneur for shiitstu and a fellow member of the student council. Cherries, pitiful, and never one to pull a peach, she reluctantly joins in Shizune's attempts to get some faggot onto the student council. It is unknown what sort of crips, if any, Misha has that caused her to be rolled on at the school. As only cripplescan enrol and Misha has expressed a desire to be a fat sack of lard teacher, it is possible that she attends simply to become more largeto further her chances at her chosen career.
Misha is one of the few girls you meet that you cannot fuck. This is due to her being in love with Shit (a fact that she confesses to later in the game).