Takashi Maeda
Takashi Maeda (前田 崇 Maeda Takashi) is a student who wears a beret (implying he is an art student) with a bandaged ear. Some sources indicate he has "tinnitus", which is not usually, but it can be caused by ear trauma.

He wears a beret which is a common fashion/stereotype of artists and Hisao Nakai implies that they don't get along.
- The name Takashi means "filial piety" (孝), "noble, prosperous" (隆) or "esteem, honor, venerate" (崇).
- Takashi's surname Maeda means "previous" (前) (mae) and "field, rice paddy" (田) (ta/da).
- Vincent Van Gogh famously severed his own left ear after several psychotic episodes that Takashi's look is undoubtedly inspired by this.