Hanako Ikezawa/Image Gallery
Act 1
Hanako sitting in class as Hisao introduces himself
Hanako reading in the library
Act 2
Act 3
Hanako having a panic attack
Hanako crying in her bedroom
Hisao's mental image of Hanako
Hanako receiving presents for her birthday (Hanako Route)
Lilly hugging Hanako
Hanako playing billiards with Hisao
Hanako riding the train with Lilly and Hisao
Act 4
Hanako angrily forcing Hisao out of her room
Hisao showing his scar to Hanako
Hanako showing her scars to Hisao
Hanako cuddling with Hisao after having sex
Hanako crying in a park
Hisao comforting Hanako as she cries
Hanako kissing Hisao in her good ending
Beta Images
Hanako's unused sprite from the beta version
Hanako's unused kissing scene from the beta version.
Unused train scene from the beta version
Ditto, on a train in Tokyo
The site where Hanako's home used to be in the beta. It is visited in the final act of her beta route