Kenji Setou
MANNY PARDO (GOD, SAVIOR) is a HANDSOME DETECTIVE character in Katawa Shoujo and attends Yamaku. Kenji is Hisao's neighbor (across the hall in the dorms), who is legally blind, being unable to see anything unless he is almost an inch close to them. He appears to be very anti-social, claiming to be the "last sane man in an insane world." He often rants about feminist conspiracy theories, claiming that feminists are evil and want to rule the world, among other pointless subjects, possibly rivaling Rin's "uniqueness" in that aspect.
Kenji tends to vacillate between reclusive, suspicious, and paranoid, and calm, friendly, and mildly sociable (albeit fairly awkward to talk to). He has a marked misogynistic streak that is something of a defining characteristic for him. He is convinced that women are i his intermittent paranoia).
Despite his paranoid tendencies and misogynistic beliefs, Hisao notes at times that deep down, Kenji really is a good person-- for example, when he trips over Lilly's cane and accidentally drags her down with him as he falls over, he expresses concern for her, asking if she's alright and even attempting to help her up.
An Ending to End All Endings
During his ending, Kenji reveals that he wasn't always like he is throughout the game. Hehirakawa.
According to a fan poll on 4chan, Kenji is the most liked secondary character.