Hitomi is a dark haired girl with one eye that attends Yamaku Accademy. She never appears nor is mentioned in the game but has been featured in several works created and/or uploaded by the devs on the now-defunct Mishimmie.

She is often shown to be friends with Hachisame.

Appearance edit

Hitomi was originally shown with an appearance similar to that of a mythical cyclops, having one large eye in the center of her face. She has dark hair that she wears in a long ponytail. When in uniform, she is show wearing a very short mini-skirt and socks that are nearly knee-high. Her eye is typically shown to be golden or brown colored.

Realistic Hitomi edit

An alternate "more realistic" version of Hitomi has been shown on the Mishimmie and in fanworks. In these cases, instead of one singular eye in the middle of her head, Hitomi is reinterpreted as a girl with an eye patch with a noticeable scar where her right eye had once been.

Etymology edit

Hitomi's name means "pupil of the eye" in Japanese.

Her Family name is unknown.