Misaki Kawana
Misaki Kawana is a Yamaku student who sits in front of Natsume Ooe and behind Haruhiko Suzumiya. Her sole appearance is in Act 1's Class 3-3 CG. She is among the many cameos 4LS has inserted into the CG as members of Hisao's class. Her original source is an adult visual novel, One: Kagayaku Kisetsu E, from which she was transplanted into Katawa Shoujo.

Misaki has not been given a sprite nor any lines in the game.
Trivia edit
- On the official Class 3-3 Character chart published by 4LS, Misaki has a type of scoliosis as her reason of admission to Yamaku Academy. She is also affiliated with the photography club, of which she is the only officially confirmed member.