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The Shanghai

The Shanghai is a small café/tea shop located in the small town that Yamaku Academy belongs to. It's interior is that of a traditional Japanese tea house. It doesn't seem to get many customers, but still attracts enough people to stay in business, with it's relative proximity to Yamaku being an undoubtedly critical reason as to why it is still open. Quite a few Yamaku students visit the Shanghai, especially the girls and Hisao. Yuuko the librarian works as a waitress here when she's not at work in the Yamaku library or studying.


  • No matter what route is taken, The Shanghai is always visited at least once. 
  • Towards the end of Hanako's route, Hisao visits The Shanghai to study
  • the shanghai shares a name with the capital city of china, shanghai. 
  • the shanghai's exterior is real, it is located in sendai city, japan. 
  • the shanghai is the only place outside of yamaku academy that is regurarly visited. 
  • the shanghai does not have chairs, but instead knee pillows that traditional japanese tea houses use. 

Known customers

Hisao Nakai

Shizune Hakamichi

Shiina Mikado

Lilly Satou

Akira Satou

Rin Tezuka

Emi Ibarazaki

Class 3-3

Class 3-2

Known employees


the shanghai's manager.