Talk:Lilly's route/@comment-

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Revision as of 14:46, 1 November 2014 by (talk) (Created page with "Does anyone else think that it was completely uncharacteristic of Lilly to engage in a relationship with Hisao even after being summoned to Scotland? I mean, I know there'd be...")
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Does anyone else think that it was completely uncharacteristic of Lilly to engage in a relationship with Hisao even after being summoned to Scotland? I mean, I know there'd be some turmoil there, but she probably knew that she would end up leaving, and I think it's weird that she chose to lead Hisao on like that, even after she had definitely decided to leave. The writing for all of the rest of Lilly's path was just so amazingly put together, I can't imagine that they would have Lilly make such a drastically uncharacteristic decision like this, being that she was usually very caring about people's feelings. It just kind of killed the story for me, unfortunately.