Talk:Rin Tezuka/@comment-
I feel you man, while at times Hisao was a bit out of it, he was still way more ok than in other routes in my opinion.I kinda shared his frustration with him, as she was very frustrating, with him not knowing how she really is and all that. I was honestly kinda mad at her for being so obsessed with the exhibition as well, until her reasoning was revealed, at that point and even before that, i just really disliked her teacher.
All in all, while i personally like Hanako more, Rin has the best, most emotional and deep route, its very harsh and made me seriously go "oh man this is just not good, not cool" or something like that, several times. And because i am usually a huge sucker for happy endings, this one kinda didnt satisfy me. Its not that it was bad, with her being free and happy, all the implications about both of them changing, a little while being ok with who they are now, all of those things were great. I totally agree that Hisao just should have said that he loves her, i was expecting him to say it untill the last sentense, what a prick, he basically loved her from midway in the story. And of course he could have said so many things better and make it way more romantic and easy on her, but honestly when was Hisao ever a smooth talker (except maybe in Emis route). What made me more anxious for it to continue was the fact that with all the let go of past and future and cocentrate on right now, it really felt like they didnt actually start a relationship, or if they did, it would be only a short one. I was hoping for some at least semi clean cut start of a semi healthy relationship they were both into, with both of them saying they love each other and kiss and stuff, i dont know, it just felt like there was so little space for the actual relationship at the end, because of all the admitedly awesome development.
Most of all i just want to see them happy, Rin getting over her fuzzy headedness, Hisako becoming a bit more resolute and better with recognizing her feelings and stuff, basically what i want for all the routes, a act 5 which would just be a happy ending act at university or something, explaining how their relationships are now :D i am a sucker i know :D