Board Thread:Fun and Games/@comment-9654068-20130823030444/@comment-

Revision as of 18:08, 12 November 2013 by (talk) (Created page with "I kinda felt bad when i played Lily's route because i played hanako's route first. Even though she acts less shy and reserved around hisao in Lily's path, i cant help to think...")
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I kinda felt bad when i played Lily's route because i played hanako's route first. Even though she acts less shy and reserved around hisao in Lily's path, i cant help to think that a love in her life is really what she needed to overcome her fears and anxieties. To have someone that does not see her as a person that needs protecting, but someone that sees her for what she is, a beatiful girl in her own right and loves her for being just like that....   i find it so hard not to take her route. Lily's arc is beatiful but hanako's have a special place in my heart xD