Board Thread:General Discussion/@comment-

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Revision as of 14:36, 5 December 2013 by (talk) (Created page with "To be honest, when I played through the game, I figured Misha had a very heightened form of Dyslexia.  It would explain the dizziness, and not being able to use a clock.  It...")
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To be honest, when I played through the game, I figured Misha had a very heightened form of Dyslexia.  It would explain the dizziness, and not being able to use a clock.  It could also explain why Misha is so interested in sign language, since dyslexic minds are geared toward 'reading' pictures better than text.  I wasn't sure if a major case of dyslexia normally makes a person tired... but if I had dyslexia, and it was that bad, I'm sure it would tucker me out, too.

I got nothing for the 'being loud' thing, though.  Nor can I account for her hyperactive personality.  But I'm not sure if that's neccessary.  Not everything needs to be explained through disability.  She could just be loud and rambunctious, neh?<ac_metadata title="Misha's 'Disability'" related_topics="Misha"> </ac_metadata>