Shizune Hakamichi

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Shizune Hakamichi


Strong willed and forceful, Shizune is definitely the leader type. She’s been the class rep, despite being deaf and mute, for as long as her class has had one, and generally takes charge in just about any situation she’s placed in. Shizune is known around the school as a fearsome taskmaster, and skilled manipulator, but also as a fair and just leader. She is nearly always seen accompanied by her best friend Misha who acts as her interpreter.


  • Birthday: May 6
  • Zodiac: Taurus
  • Blood Type: O
  • Height: 158 cm
  • Weight: 53 kg
  • Bust/Waist/Hips: 88/52/85
  • Hair: Dark Blue
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Theme: The student Council

Life Expectancy

Hisao meets Shizune on his first day at Yamaku and she and Misha answer several of HIsaos questions about the school over lunch. Hisao immediately notices Shizune's competetive streak in her deisre to finish their schoolwork first, before they show him to the nurses office. Upon learning that Hisao has no interest in joining any particular groups the following day, Shizuna and Misha make the first of several attempts to get Hisao to join the student council, once in the cafeteria, and another attempt in the student council office over a game of Risk. The following day, Shizune and Misha drag Hisao off to the Shanghai for an extended lunch, with Hisao having to endure more of the pairs relentless teasing and recruitment attempts. Later in the week Hisao witnesses an argument between Shizune and Lilly over turning in papers for the festival. Due a poor choice of words on Hisaos part Shizune and Misha successfully coerce him into helping them build several of the festival stalls. After a time, Hisao, finally, reluctantly, gives in and joins the student council, much to the girls delight. On the day before the festival to pair wake Hisao and discover his medicenes. However Hisao manages to avoid telling them about his arrythmia. Misha explains that the two will be patient and wait until "Hicchan" trusts them enough to tell them. On the day of the festival Hisao spends to day with the two girls and wins a stuffed cat doll for Shizune. However Hisao's day is spoiled by a reminder of his week heart, and his fragile mortality. Later on the school rooftop the trio eat dinner and watch the stars, (although Misha falls asleep). Despite being mute, Shizune shows Hisao the stars and the view of the town and the festival in an attempt to raise his low spirits. As they watch the fireworks together Hisao thinks that he might be growing attracted to Shizune.

Learning to Read

Sleight of Hand

To My Other Self