In the Nursery/Transcript
Pardo drove through the Miami sunset, with thick palm leaves waving in the same city he sometimes hated. Pardo then parked his car in front of a peculiar run-down house, in hopes of finding clues of the vicious Miami Mutilator.
Detective Manny Pardo then knocked on the door, a dryed out feminine voice then spoke "Hang on, I am putting some clothes on". Pardo wasn't going to take this bullshit, for as far as he knew, this could be a ploy of the Miami Mutilator. Using his incredibly competent hands, Pardo lockpicked the door with the thick skill he was born with. Pardo then sat in the kitchen, eager to question this girl on the whereabouts of her older brother.
She walked in some trashy clothes she just threw on. Her dirty blonde hair covered her eyes completely, making Pardo suspicous as the only life form capable of seeing through objects was the Miami Mutilator. Pardo could notice the smell of meth wafting from her and several semen stains on her top.
"How'd you get in here?!?" she blared
Pardo was capitvated by her good genes she was born with. Pardo, as the smoothest detective in all of Miami, kept his cool. He was here for business, not numbers.
Pardo queried the woman of the whereabouts of her brother, Pardo suspected she was that Jacket Jack-off bitch with the chainsaw. Using his incredible intellect, Pardo devised a series of elaborate questions.
Pardo in a bold heroic voice announced to her what her favorite movie was
"Midnight animal" she replied in a groggy voice
"Midnight Animal!?!?!" Pardo replied in shock, he knew only Jacket Jack-offs watched that movie. "But mam, I must inform you, why would you watch such an insult to serial killing? Do you know nothing of the fearsome Miami Mutilator? The fearsome shadow killer that has already outdone Jacket?"
She then queried, "Miami Mutilator?"
Pardo was shocked by her ignorance, she no doubt was Alex, the chainsaw wielding psychopath obsessed with gore and fucking her older brother.
Pardo, like the gentleman he is, complimented Alex on her good genes.
"You got the good genes I see, mam. You are very pretty"
Alex was swooned by this compliment, and at once was in Pardo's hands. She was griefstricken that she didn't knew of the mysterious Miami Mutilator that the incredibly handsome and competent detective Manny Pardo was trying to stop.
"Oh...Manny" she said in a broken teary voice.
"Miss" replied Pardo in a cool manner, "I'd prefer it if you just called me Pardo"
"Oh..okay" she replied, "It is just that Corey gets to grip Jacket-senpai's throbbing rooster and my brother always rapes me. Not to mention how sad I am that Midnight Animal's sequel was getting cancelled because the main actor for it had died. I don't know what to do, everyone calls me Ash when I am Alex, it's so....frustrating. The worst part is, I was unaware of your handsome thick skinned efforts to stop the Miami Mutilator."
Pardo then held her with both of his thick skinned hands and offered her the chance of her lifetime, "Don't feel bad, mam. You may grip my thick foreskin if you'd like."
Alex then replied "I have a girlfriend..."
Pardo revealed his throbbing 6 shot shotgun anyways and blew a huge load all over her.
She died on spot.
The civilian Pardo had tied in the car to prevent from being killed by the Miami Mutilator was mumbling confused signs. Pardo then replied to him:
"She was coming at me"