Jigoro Hakamichi
Jigoro Hakamichi (羽加道 地五郎 Hakamichi Jigorō) is the father of Shizune Hakamichi and Hideaki Hakamichi. He acts very antagonistic, insulting Hisao while boasting about his own superiority in a smug and mocking fashion.
Jigoro is a muscular middle aged man who has dark blue hair that ends at his shoulders, dark-blue eyes and thick facial hair. Though his hair is long, his ears still stick out and the top of his hair sticks out wildly. He wears a blue Hawaiian shirt with white flower patterns (that Hisao describes as "tacky"), black trousers and has a large silver watch on his left wrist in addition to an unsheathed katana on the left side of his waist that he's always seen carrying
Jigoro is the type who seems nice only to quickly reveal that he's a very blunt, insensitive and rude guy when speaking who has an overall disdain for the younger generation and is quick to insult Hisao at every turn, such as insulting his sweater-vest or insinuating that he sniffs glue. He doesn't take to well to anything he interprets as a challenge to his authority such as Misha's loudness, causing a shouting match between the two. Throughout Shizune's childhood, Jigoro was very stubborn and would refuse to learn sign language in order to communicate with his daughter, instead hiring interpreters and making her communicate in writing due to his entitled belief that she should conform to his standards of "normal" instead of adapting to having a disabled daughter.
He also mocks her accomplishments as School Council President behind her back and acts like her pride is wasted on things that don't matter. In spite of this, he often boasts about his in-progress autobiography, and constantly complains about his biographer, Jigoro's attitude comes off as being harsh and insensitive to his family and others, and there are ample hints that he is emotionally, physically, and possibly sexually abusive of both his children.
He has no qualms about using threats of physical violence, at one-point threatening to punch Hisao in the forehead with brass knuckles. It's possible that he carries a sword so that he can intimidate people, though it's unknown if his sword is real or just a replica. He has possibly killed a bear and eaten its liver or so he claims. At best, he can be considered an older, somewhat saner Kenji without the misogynistic conspiracy theories or his redeeming traits. Any moment of his where he does seem decent is often undercut by his smug, mocking demeanour. Hisao even tells him that he knows someone he'd get along with, implying that on some level, he must've realized the similarities between Jigoro and Hisao's crazed schoolmate.
- The name Jigoro means "earth, land" (地) (ji), "five" (五) (go) and "son" (郎) (ro).
- His surname Hakamichi means "feather" (羽) (ha), "add, increase" (加) (ka) and "road" (道) (michi).
- Jigoro's business card lists his e-mail address as jigoro@hakamichi.co.jp but Jigoro states that he never sends or replies to e-mails.
- Hideaki refers to Lilly's father and Jigoro as being brothers-in-law. The devs have stated this is a mistake. Jigoro's wife Mayoi is Hiroyuki's (Lilly's father) sister.
- One of the earliest pieces of Jigoro art shows Mutou as present at his wedding.