Katawa Shoujo Wiki talk:Administrators

From Katawa Shoujo Wiki

Revision as of 05:20, 16 December 2013 by imported>Schiffy (A couple of things: new section)

  • This is the Administrators talk page for discussion among the admins.
  • If you need help from an admin, please use one of their user talk pages.

A couple of things

So, there are a couple of things that have been on my mind concerning the way some pages are laid out. Now that I vowed to start actually using this page, might as well bring them up here:

  1. The first is page names. A while back, while Galrion was still active, he had provided a slight reason to have the character pages named as is. However, I've looked back at this, and I think it might make more sense to use full names as page names (i.e. Hanako being moved to Hanako Ikezawa). Dead links probably won't be a problem since there are redirects all over.
  2. The other issue (mainly because I've started actually playing it) is the Beta. Because there are a number of differences between the beta files and final game, I'm starting to think more should be added concerning it, since it still is a creation of Four Leaf Studios. I was certainly thinking plot-lines, sprites, other images, and whatever. I also did make a skeleton of a page, though it has nothing really on it at the moment.

Regardless of my opinions, I want to get some others on these issues before I jump the gun and do anything. So please, feel free to call me an idiot and say that these are terrible ideas, or just put in your two cents. SchiffyTalk to meView my work05:20,12/16/2013 UTC