Saki Enomoto (榎本 咲 Enomoto Saki) is a character that appeared on the Katawa Shoujo blog as an April Fool's joke, along with Rika Katayama. The blog post she debuted in treated her as an additional girl that Hisao Nakai can pursue in an "expansion story."

Characteristics edit

Saki's spinocerebellar ataxia deteriorates her muscle control. Due to this, she uses a cane to walk and often is clumsy. The disease will eventually kill her, but this has not stopped her from living life to the fullest. She is outgoing and fashionable, and challenges herself by taking art, which requires fine motor control.

Personality edit

Saki has an optimistic and mature personality despite her lethal disability.

Etymology edit

  • The name Saki means "blossom" (咲).
  • Her surname Enomoto means "lotus tree, nettle tree, hackberry" (榎) (eno) and "base, root, origin" (本) (moto).

Trivia edit

  • Although no name is given, a member of the Art club resembling her can be seen in the panoramic image during Rin Tezuka's route.
    • According to the character information from the blog post, Hisao Nakai first meets Saki there.
  • At one point during development, Saki was in the game as a minor character, but her scenes and role were cut.