Note: The option "Wait for Shizune and Misha to come to a decision." can only be selected if the player has shown two or more instances of interest in Shizune.
NARRATOR: "Misha and Shizune are still arguing about their choice for lunch place, incomprehensible for a pair of high school students who have to take a taxi at least to make it to downtown and back in time."
HISAO: "Haven't you finished, already?"
MISHA: "Oh, sorry Hicchan! Were you waiting for us?"
SHIZUNE: "..."
MISHA: "You don't have any plans?"
HISAO: "Plans?"
MISHA: "For lunch?"
HISAO: "Well, I don't, so I thought I could hang with you guys."
NARRATOR: "Misha smiles victoriously at my lack of plans, and excitedly translates my response to Shizune."
SHIZUNE: "..."
MISHA: "If you don't have anything specific planned out, do you want to eat lunch with me and Shicchan? Ah, we're going to go to town for lunch, though... Don't worry, Hicchan, it's not that far."
HISAO: "Sure, I'll come with you."
NARRATOR: "And with that, we leave the classroom."
Next Scene: Short Sharp Shock
Note: This option only can be selected if the player has shown two or more instances of interest in Hanako.
NARRATOR: "I still feel bad for making her run away yesterday, so I'd better say something."
HISAO: "Um, hey there, Hanako."
HANAKO: "H... Hisao?"
NARRATOR: "Well, at least she remembers my name."
HISAO: "Hey... I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. I didn't mean to startle you or anything. I'm just new here and thought I should get to know my classmates."
NARRATOR: "As Hanako looks up at me, I notice her scarring once more. It's a little bewildering that you can barely notice it from across the room, but it's so noticeable from close up."
HANAKO: "T... that's okay. It... it was my fault."
HISAO: "Nah, that wasn't anyone's 'fault', it just kind of happened. So, are you waiting for someone? I saw you looking at the door before..."
HANAKO: "Y-yes... Lilly."
HISAO: "Oh, you mean Lilly the blind girl?"
NARRATOR: "Hanako only nods in response, and I can't help but wonder if defining people through their disabilities is a faux pas of the worst kind or just normal here. I guess that explains why Lilly took off after her yesterday."
HISAO: "She seems like a nice girl. Are you two friends?"
HANAKO: "Y-yes."
NARRATOR: "As if hoping for Lilly to appear, she checks over her shoulder again. I think I'm making her nervous again."
HISAO: "I hope I'm not disturbing you right now..."
HANAKO: "N-no, that's not it. It's just easier if Lilly doesn't come here..."
HISAO: "Oh, because it's hard to get around the classroom?"
HANAKO: "Not... really."
NARRATOR: "Hanako's gaze drifts past my shoulder and towards Shizune."
HISAO: "Shizune?"
NARRATOR: "Hanako nods again."
HISAO: "What about her? Don't they get along?"
NARRATOR: "Hanako shakes her head. Clearly this is something she doesn't want to talk about. It does make a strange sort of sense, Shizune and Lilly not getting along so well. Communication between the two would be all but impossible. It's hard enough talking to Shizune through Misha, even when you can see whose hands are 'talking'. Hanako is so focused on Shizune that I am the first to notice Lilly at the door."
HISAO: "Oh, she's here now."
NARRATOR: "Hanako spins around to confirm this. Upon seeing Lilly, she moves quickly to the door."
HANAKO: "Lilly..."
LILLY: "Ah, Hanako. Good morning. Is the president here?"
HANAKO: "Y-yes."
NARRATOR: "Hanako glances over her shoulder at Shizune again, as if to confirm she can't hear them even though that's impossible."
LILLY: "I suppose we'd best be off, then."
NARRATOR: "Lilly's sigh and tone of what seems like frustration makes me raise an eyebrow. I guess there's some kind of enmity between the two. It's intriguing, but that's not really something I'd ask about. I'm sure if they wanted me to know, then they would tell me. It's only my third day here; I should be trying to make friends, not finding out why people are enemies. Still, it's a little funny to find out that this school has little feuds, just like my old high school. Even if people are more tolerant of others, they're still going to get on each other's nerves."
HISAO: "Hey Lilly. How are things? I'm sorry I made you run off yesterday..."
LILLY: "Oh my, is that Hisao? I didn't realize you were here..."
NARRATOR: "It seems that Lilly is a little embarrassed about being so frank in front of me."
HANAKO: "S-sorry Lilly. I thought you realized..."
LILLY: "No, it's all right, Hanako. Hisao, please don't worry about yesterday. It was just a misunderstanding."
HISAO: "If... you say so. I'm still working this place out."
LILLY: "Well then, I think you'll find most people here a lot more forgiving than elsewhere. If you are feeling a little confused, please don't be afraid to ask questions."
HISAO: "Sure, I'll remember that."
HANAKO: "Um... Lilly..."
NARRATOR: "Lilly gives a small nod of acknowledgment."
LILLY: "I'm sorry Hisao, but we must be off."
NARRATOR: "Hanako really doesn't look all that comfortable here right now, and Lilly still seems a little embarrassed. I wonder if my apologies really made any impact."
HISAO: "Mind if I accompany you two?"
NARRATOR: "I know I'm kinda pushing it, but... Lilly hmms quietly, still smiling."
LILLY: "I'm sure that we could accommodate you, can't we, Hanako?"
NARRATOR: "She looks at Lilly, then at me, and then she freezes, wide-eyed."
HANAKO: "S... sure."
LILLY: "Well then, shall we go?"
NARRATOR: "I'm sure Lilly wouldn't do this so easily if she saw how scared Hanako looks, but it can't be helped now. Declining after the deal is sealed would only cause confusion and problems."
Next Scene: Meet Cute