Board Thread:Fun and Games/@comment-9654068-20130823030444/@comment-24055175-20131023192326
A good question.
I think Hanako's future depends on what kind of people she runs into between the time she is at Yamaku and into the near future. That is, if she is heavily exposed to those who do not respect her, then she may end up coming to the conclusion that it is her vs. the world and/or her existence is useless. Her fear and shyness could then transform into resentment and sociopathic or self-destructive behavior. Because she is very introverted, she is likely to hold back her emotion too much until she bursts like a supernova. After all, why care about other people when they do not give a bloody damn about her? On the other hand, if she is exposed to those who respect her, then she may avoid the temptation to draw a black vs. white conclusion about the world. However, in either case, she is most likely to maintain a very few but close-knit friends with compatible interests (books, chess, billard, cooking, etc.) temperament (Lilly and Hisao, for example)..
Having goals and their obligations might dampen her social anxiety. She seems to be at her best when she has something she can focus on.