Board Thread:General Discussion/@comment-

From Katawa Shoujo Wiki

I'm sorry. I know this thread is old, I just thought maybe I could contribute.

I believe Misha has ADHD, although exactly which subtype isn't clear.

From the beginning, it's easy to tell that Misha has some components of hyperactivity loudness, and talkative. I personally have ADHD-PI (non-hyperactive and more blunted/lethargic type)

When Misha says, "Please comfort me, Hicchan. Just for today." I believe this is highly, highly characteristic of the compulsiveness/desire for acceptance that one gets with ADHD, and an intense desire for physical contact is common of both ADHD some of its co-morbidities (possibly Asperger's).

When Misha cuts her hair and seems "sadder" as the story goes on, that could be attributed to a result of long-term ADHD medication such as Adderall.

Just my take on things. I just started replaying the game again since it's been a while so I can add things as time goes on if necessary.