Board Thread:General Discussion/@comment-

From Katawa Shoujo Wiki

I'm really sad that she doesn't have her own path. I do think that she's a real danger to herself (suicide risk) because she keeps all of her sad feelings to herself in order to put on this bubbly happy mask to the outside world. I really wish there was some resolution to her problem... Perhaps she and Shizune does get together in the future? I mean, during Shizune's path, she does realize that Misha is more than she gave her credit for, and maybe she turned her down due to her taking her for granted, which she vows to stop doing after that. So perhaps that would actually open her up to a relationship with Misha? It sure seemed that her relationship with Hisao wasn't anything long-term. Her ending was kind of bad for me because it really just made it seem like it was a high-school fling, so there really was no real resolution. My optimistic side tells me to interpret this to the possibility of Misha and Shizune getting together after high-school.

Regarding her disability, I kind of agree with the inner-ear thing. It pretty much explains everything. I don't think she has ADHD or anything like that, I believe her personality is more to do with her hiding her depression. Just like we learned from Robin Williams now, a lot of people who turn to comedy and putting on a "funny" exterior, actually does it to hide depression. Her loudness and her sometimes clumsy ways could definitely be explained by an inner ear problem.