Board Thread:Questions and Answers/@comment-
I did lilly's path first and loved it!!!! But i didnt like the ending. she feels like the character that you are most involved in but the ending just throws it all away. I hope im not the only one who fells like this. This ending i think should go with Shizune and not Lilly. I dont know why but i really dont like Shizune. I feel like an ending like Hanako's ending woul fit better. It would keep that connected felling.
If you guys at 4leaf studios have a plan for the second katawa shoujo (if you guys make a 2nd one) that you can fly to lilly and still be her girlfriend. that would be great. if not to bad. Keep up the good work!!!!!<ac_metadata title="Different ending for lilly don't read if not done with lilly's path!!!!!" related_topics="Lilly"> </ac_metadata>