
Well, if she really were still in love with Hisao to the point where she would mind if he got another girlfriend, then she wouldn't stop coming to his hospital room after 1,5 months. Even though Hisao spends a whole four months in his hospital bed, she leaves after visiting one last time. It is mentioned (at least in the Hanako playthrough) that during her last visit she said nothing but "Goodbye". If anyone Hisao is the crushed one, as he can't exactly go after her or cater to her feelings if they don't talk. It is even mentioned that he needed the closure he later received in the form of a letter from Iwanako stating that they shouldn't see eachother anymore, saying it probably helped him to get over the emotional pain. For her to leave him after just one and a half months makes it seem like she isn't really in love with him, besides she wouldn't know he hooked up with someone else.

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